Wow..... SL vs Tracy in a question of Integrity?
He doesn't like me lately because of a Gofather moment a few months ago.....
It was a "Godfather moment" .....
The Godfather: Why did you go to the MODs? Why didn't you come to me first?
Still Looking: What do you want of me? Tell me anything, but do what I beg you to do.
The Godfather: What is that?
[Still Looking whispers his request in the Godfathers's ear... or sends a PM.....] That I cannot do.
Still Looking: I will give you anything you ask.
The Godfather: We've known each other many days, but this is the first time you ever came to me for counsel or for help. I can't remember the last time that you invited me to your house for a cup of coffee, even though my blue haired date is the subject of your dreams. But let's be frank here. You never wanted my friendship. And, uh, you were afraid to be in my debt.
Still Looking: I didn't want to get into trouble.
The Godfather: I understand. You found paradise in walking the sidelines.... being worshiped for your reviews...., you had a good trade, you made a good showing. The fans base protected you and there were courts of justice that the MODs oversaw. You didn't need a friend like me. But, now you come to me, and you say: "Godfather, give me justice for her." But you don't ask with respect. You don't offer friendship. You don't even think to call me Godfather. Instead, you come into my mailbox on the day my sugar baby is to lose her innocence where other ladies is concerned, and you ask me to do niceness for a favor.
Still Looking: I ask for forgiveness for her.
The Godfather: That is not forgiveness. The whore will still charge you after......She appreciates nothing.... expects too much.....
Still Looking: Let them all suffer then, as she suffers. How much shall I pay you?
The Godfather:
[shakes his head ruefully] SL , SL. What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully? If you'd come to me in friendship, then this woman you feel so badly for that you seek clemency for would not be suffering this very day. And if by chance an honest man like yourself should make enemies, then they would become my enemies. And then they would condemn you for having my friendship.
Still Looking: Be my friend. Godfather.
A touching Moment Still Looking..... I know I disappoint you but you are still my friend.... NOt many get to see you for the romantic you are I think.....
Anyway..... back to the rest of you.....
whether I am on his shit list or shit on list or shit with him list..... I always respect this man you know as Still Looking...........
In the midst of a bunch of issues Tracy was having last year I can verify that SL was truthfully on his way to San Antonio with the intent of not just a session...... but with a Mercedes to give to Tracy to solve her problems as well as to put all of San Antonio in it's place demonstrating how real men can step up when they feel the need to.
This is a guy that none of us could remotely come close to in regards to sheer class as well as generosity.... in his real world...our real world....
I had never met him......
A few years ago I was roasting him over rumors of BBing gals.....
There was no remote reason for me to think this guy could support me on anything..... He is friends of many that despise me....
He showed up at a charity fundraiser last year.....Lots of guys showed up.... most took the fast and easy way and brought gift cards....... I was hoping 15-20 guys would show up bringing some games, footballs, basket balls.... I had asked for shoes for the kids.....
SL showed up and took the easy way out..... He handed me Gift cards for 30 pairs of shoes for kids.....
He also took the other approach and we all traipsed out to a huge Mercedes full of footballs, basketballs, games etc..... that had to be transferred to two different vehicles... They did not come from 1 store.... or 2 stores.... He had shopped for hours and brought all this stuff for the kids we were supporting....
That was not enough......
He brought gift bags with expensive perfume... for the ladies that were assisting me by simply being there to encourage guys to show up.....
This is where all those "Blue Hair Girl" references come from.... He tried hard to win her away from me.... She was overwhelmed by him.....
He expressed HIS appreciation to the ladies for supporting what he felt was a worthy cause....
This is a guy I thought could careless for the likes of me.....
OK... It's a good cause that unites a lot of people every year.....
but he also expressed his thanks to me with a nice bottle of cologne and a Special Leather Gift Boxed bottle of Johnny Walker Blue.
I don't drink much.... And I don't drink Scotch often...... The nature of my career leads to my receiving a number of bottles every year during the holidays that I tend to re gift.....
Something like this is wasted on a man like me that enjoys Canadian Club and Black Velvet right?
But not this bottle..... No re gifting here....
Between now and next Christmas I am learning to appreciate scotch whiskey and I sincerely hope when the holidays roll around that we open and share this bottle together one evening with a couple of fine young ladies slightly older than a bottle of Platinum Label!
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What kind of man makes these kind of gestures?
"Giving without expectation of any return brings tremendous rewards"
SL believes and lives that expression....
Someone posted somewhere that SL must own a printing press for printing the money he spends.
I happen to know how hard this man reallyy works..... and he plays just as hard....but many are lucky for the fact that his generosity knows no bounds.....
I'm not proud when I am raising money for the kids.... When we had more ladies than prizes available for a decent return for them I reached out to SL wanting him to fork up even more!...
"Come on man..... Instead of seeing 12 new gals this week just see 11 and buy me a $300 gift card to give as a prize for the ladies"
"Uh.... You ungrateful bastard after all I did for you already? NO!. "
"But I'll pay for a $1000 Shopping spree at Victoria Secret for a lady and take them to an exclusive lunch!"
Was he on his way to San Antonio to hand over the keys to a solid working Mercedes to Tracy that day?
YUP! She fucked up.....
He makes those kind of grand gestures and at the time he and I both had discussed her posts a lot and felt she was a bit of an under estimated board participant deserving of some help. His idea on helping was not remotely as simple as mine.... I felt we should just western union her the money she needed and ask her up to Austin for lunch.....
I was on the phone with him when he was telling the story.... in total disbelief...... of her blowing off the appointment...... he was a lot closer to San Antonio than he was to home...... I know he had Ginger Pussy on the brain.... it colored his language a bit.....
In her defense.... she did not know the gift she was about to receive.....
No folks...... You can say he is ugly, old or fat...... You can discuss the inadequacy of his penis ....... we all know these things about him.....
But personally..... I've never met a more giving man with huge open attitude that has the respect of so many that have met him..... as well as the envy of so many that have not....
No... His pledge to match my biggest Donor in contributions this year and do a little better does NOT influence my opinion of him....