Approaching it from a medical view, there are dangers with all of this, and almost all of us wouldn't even think about going BB, but aren't the risks of getting something permanent from BBBJ's and/or DATY a bit under mentioned, making them seem a bit unlikely...?
I realize there is an increased likelihood of getting something from a $30 crack fiend vs. a $600 provider, but as a rule providers only see men who are the types of men who see providers
And as we all know, there's almost nobody who sees a provider and then never sees a provider again. So who's to say Mr. executive who sees $500 Jane Doe on Tuesday wont/didn't have a $50 "opportunity" on his way back to his hotel room while he was away last weekend?
When someone in porn gets something it's tracked, and even becomes a national story; how often does (or would) someone who gets something from a provider report or publicize it, so that we could even roughly gauge the chances and dangers...?
I don't want to put providers or hobbyists in any bad light, (hey, I'm here too) I'm just wondering if it's crossed anyone else's mind and what the real risks are, and how real or unlikely they are.