Date: 4/25/14
Provider: "Celebrity" pseudopimp Scrunchy
Phone: ???
Email Address: ???
URL / Website:
City: Syracuse
State: New York
Address: Fictitious place of employment
Appointment Type: Other
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: Chatting, waiting for a loser to show up, reading eccie posts in real time from a lying POS while waiting for his lame ass to show up, taking pics that prove he's a pussy with no credibility, having lunch with stuckinsyracuse.
Session Length: 30 minutes
Fee: 30 bucks for lunch
Hair Length and Color: receding, but just a guess
Age: immature
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Yella
Physical Description: Rumor has it that he looks kind of like a large naked molerat, except uglier. I can't confirm or deny since he pussied out. I can tell you that if you do meet him, you will need to walk around behind him to hear what he has to say since he will be talking out of his ass.
The Rest of the Story: So my job was to referee this big showdown between Ozone and Scrunch. I volunteered as the event was occurring 5 minutes from where I was working and at lunch hour so no major ordeal for me. I thought I would put up this review of the event since I was supposed to announce a winner. I put it up here in Indy reviews for better exposure and I assume that both contestants are Indy. Scrunch may be an Agency, but since his girls were not involved, I went Indy.
I was given the info from Ozone , and it was confirmed by Scrunch as to where the showdown was to occur. I also contacted Stuckinsyracuse and asked him to stop by if he was free as he is a neutral Board member who is respected and free of controversy. He was to be an impartial witness that the refereeing was fair and neither contestant knew I asked him and thus they could not try to influence him. After all, world domination , or something similar, was on the line.
I arrived at 1210 for the 1215 event. Ozone was already present. I checked his credentials including 2 forms of ID and W-2. It all added up. We had small talk as we waited. Then we waited..... and waited some more. I decided a 20 minute window was fair, especially since we were supposedly at his place of work, so he couldn't blame traffic as he only had to walk out the front door. At that point, I took a photo of my watch and the place of employment. I also took the photo of Ozone in front of the location that he is now sporting as his avatar.
Stuckinsyracuse and I were shown the proof by Ozone that the meeting site as given by Scrunch was accurate and that Ozone met the terms of the deal. We also logged on to Eccie and noted Scrunch was talking shit at that very moment. Subsequent Scrunch posts make claims that he was out front in his lab coat. Clearly that is another lie as I was out front and there was nobody out there waiting for us. Time stamped pics of the entrance show that.
After declaring Ozone the winner of this somewhat dubious competition, there was a bit more small talk until about 1250 at which time Ozone went to Buffalo and Stuck and I went to lunch. The haddock was good.
So what does all this prove? It proves that Ozone was a man of his word and won the competition. It proves that Scrunch is a liar and a conman with no integrity , but with some hot "friends" who hang with him for god knows what reason. It also proves that while there is no glory in being the referee, it can still be rewarding, as Stuck is a good lunch companion.
The result is supposed to be that the loser pays the winner $1000 and leaves the Board forever. That is what a man would do. That is not what Scrunch will do. Since the days when he yapped on about his tremendous IQ , he has made numerous posts gloating about how nobody would dare to take him up on one of his challenges and how his word was good as gold. Someone called his bluff and he wilted as is often the case with a blowhard. No doubt there will be more lies and another circus side show coming soon.
Recommendation: No