I found a article I would like to share and this article has some truth to it. Any thoughts or opinions?
Escorts, hookers, “masseuses” and so forth are like the fast food of sex. If you eat in MacDonald’s everyday it can certainly be tasty and convenient, but there are certain draw backs. First, let’s take a look at the upside:
1. You are guaranteed to get laid
Sure there are times you want to eat at the four seasons or hit the local supermarket and fry your own steaks at home, even hunt them yourself in the forest, but sometimes it’s 1am and a one off greasy burger hits the spot. Nothing wrong with that in and of itself. You get what you pay for, “Wham bam, Thank you Mam”.
2. Privacy and confidentiality
Charlie Sheen is infamous for using escorts after he was busted in the Heidi Fleiss case. He was quoted in court as saying, “I don’t pay them for sex, I pay them to leave.” By my own experiences, I’d agree and say that unless you’re mounting a crack whore, she enjoys her work to some extent; at least as much as a therapist, or a non-sexual masseuse and certainly while you do in a sense pay her to leave afterwards, I’d say you pay to establish precise relationship boundaries. You pay her not to gossip, not to know your name, and not to speak about you AT ALL. A lot of men use escorts for this reason alone. Not just to cheat on wifey, but not to have that pesky girlfriend wanting to come on business trips and not having to justify a relationship or introduce the girlfriend to friends and family. Social dynamics get trickier as you get older.
3. Quality / hassle free
Professional girls know what men want. They know how to please. While the industry does still lack some quality control, if you are discerning, pay for high class girls or simply do some leg work and be prepared to decline even after paying and better still if you find a regular girl – you really can do quite nicely for yourself. I practically had a relationship with one pro. Zero games, great sex, drop around to her place with a ½ hour’s notice. Leave when I’m done. No gossip, family, girl friends or bitching to put up with. Never had to buy her so much as a soda. No favors, no bad attitude if I blew out a date. She supplied all the condoms and premises etc… SIMPLE.
Her skills in the bedroom sat alongside any of the most well known pornstars. As James Gandolfini said in
Killing Them Softly: “ Honey, learn to roll the condom on with your mouth and stop acting like your asshole is a national treasure.”
The younger guys will probably laugh and certainly the escort industry makes a large portion of its money from older married guys paying to experiment and paying for privacy and discretion, but none the less there is a lot to be said for the pure and perfect relaxation of having a girl there to serve you, never say a word and never judge you.
4. Getting nasty
One reason that guys in long term relationships go to pros is so they can do things they wouldn’t normally do with their SO. Perhaps you want to be restrained and teased. Perhaps you want to piss on her, or have her lick your ass, but doing that with a decent ‘nice’ girlfriend will damage how she thinks of you. Perhaps you want to try two girls at once, or tag teaming a girl with a buddy. Need a date for an eyes wide shut? There are places you don’t want to take your lovely girlfriend or wife to, but nothing wrong with going there yourself. A lot of guys bemoan ever trying to get fancy with their wife or girlfriend. Swingers, threesomes, couple swapping and so forth have killed many a marriage. If there are kids involved you don’t want to take that risk. Release yourself from the confines of marriage and go have a bit of real nasty fun a few times a year. Good wives are faithful, good men are loyal. There is a huge difference.
Okay, so we’ve heard all the advantages. Here are the reasons I would generally avoid pros.
1. Laziness
If you know you can get fed at Macdonald’s 24/7, and you’re lovin’ it, why bother loading the fridge or cooking for yourself? Lazy is bad. It reduces incentive and you slowly get sloppy and reliant upon what is still in many states considered a vice. They are called hookers for a reason.
2. Expense
The odd couple of hundred here and there to experiment is fine, but if you are a guy like me that basically wants sex a couple of times a day, and has lived like that for years on end with a girlfriend. Trying to replicate that with a pro is going to run into thousands per month. It might be cheaper than a divorce, but still the financial commitment is going to mount up, just as it would with a drug or gambling habit.
3. Self-Respect
The feeling of conquest that is missing. Zoo keepers have discovered that big game animals, even monkeys – have a much better psychology when made to catch their food, even though they are living in a park. You might be the kind of guy that considers yourself a pretty parrot in a cage, but I think most guys want to think of themselves as lions or tigers on the prowl. Hard to do that when Mr. Zoo Keeper throws a fresh carcass straight over the fence at 2pm each day.
4. Disease
Whilst good pros are probably more conscious of their sexual health than your average ONS or cheating girlfriend, and they use condoms strictly and make visits to the doctor and tests regularly, you can never be 100% sure. You have no way of knowing how many clients she’s getting through per week, or how clean she really is. She might already have HIV and know it, and need the money. How can you ever be 100% sure? Certainly you are better off with a pro than a disco skank that likes to get gang banged on the weekends – but in the long run the odds with a pro are not on your side, especially if you get the habit for different flavors and frequent visits. And god help husbands if your wife catches something.
5. Sexual skills
You’ll never be quite sure if she’s really enjoying it or not. Sure I’ve had plenty of evenings with my regular, which ran way over time, where she was clearly enjoying herself and I could feel her cuming, lube wasn’t needed, and we were all over each other, but there is still that taboo where it’s just a job for her. The ‘employment’ vibe is in the air unless you can game her into a freebie.
6. Convenience
It requires more work to find a good regular stable independent pro that has her own place and that you have a bit of chemistry with than to just find an honest girlfriend. You might not want to bring pros to your place unless you live alone. That means going out for an in call, and then stumbling home. Not always what I want of an evening. Sometimes I just want a quick BJ in front of the TV.
7. Social skills
You will not learn much about how to connect emotionally with women. You are the bitch in a sense. She controls the interaction, she’s in charge. You can charm your way and create sexual tension as much as possible, but still you won’t learn all that much – if anything at all socially. It’s just a transaction. This is probably the worst side of visiting a pro. You are taking a path that leads to less and less social interaction, whereas what you probably need if you are visiting a pro purely for reasons of lack of sex – is more social interaction, not less.
I would recommend a few visits to a pro for very inexperienced single guys that are not good around women and want to experiment. It’s very relaxing to have a girl do all the hard work and seduction. It sets your expectations very high and makes you demand more from girlfriends. I would also recommend a pro for married guys, but again, not as a habit, simply as a way to inject some strange into your vibe. Women, especially wives tend to get wild in bed when they sense competition – and trust me wifey will sense it. Women have antennas. NEVER RAT YOURSELF OUT – NEVER. Eat your own guilt and be a man.
I’d also recommend it if you are stressed and need to just get laid quickly. The main thing is that you maintain your self-respect and that it doesn’t become a habit. Think of it like alcohol or fast food. A few drinks or a few burgers is fine, but you don’t wanna be hitting the bottle at 10am on a Tuesday.
Final notes
If you don’t find a quality product, don’t pay for it. Have the balls to leave. Pay her cab or just walk away. One of the reasons that guys end up feeling dirty and shamed from sleeping with pros is because they get a girl they don’t really like, aren’t attracted to, don’t have chemistry with, or who is just plain amateurish, clearly out for the money, or too fucking lazy to do a professional job. Already insecure around women, they don’t have the guts to say no thanks. That used “hooker face” from the low to mid end girls, can be a real boner killer. So kill the transaction.
Don’t ever let tramps suck you in. They are called hookers for more reasons than one. If you must nibble on the hook, carefully enjoy the bait, without biting in deep.