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Old 08-02-2019, 07:00 PM   #1
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Default P411: Okay's Given

So, I either never really noticed a couple of items on P411, or they added them while I was away, but I think they're good stuff.

1) Okay's Given
a) Is this a system calculated value or a providers input?
b) Why do some of you have this hidden? Shame? Feel like it paints you as one of those "high volume" whores? (like we give a shit. You can fuck 10 guys a day, just be clean and provide a good time when it's our turn)
c) I did see Amylove at 500+. That's awesome, I like experienced whores.
d) Madison May at only 50+? Doesn't she have over a 1,000 reviews, which would mean like 10,000 appointments?
e) How do I have more Ok's than a bunch of you all have given? Do most guys never ask for these? I'm really glad that I have asked for all of my Oks as they are like a trip down memory lane. Lol, there are even some where where it takes me like 5 minutes to remember when I saw them.

2) Age Verified: I really like this and will use it for excluding providers who won't be truthful.

3) I would love to be able to pull up a providers page and see how many clients have excluded her, and how many have added her to favorites. I think the # excluded could really be telling to a provider about how guys feel about her and/or her rates.
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Old 08-02-2019, 08:04 PM   #2
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I'm guessing I have somewhere around 40 something oks. I stopped asking for them years ago. It just didn't seem important. Every once in a while a lady will give me one without asking and that's fine. I guess it makes me look current.

I have no idea why some ladies hide their oks but like you said... maybe trying to look like they are low volume. Doesn't matter to me.
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Old 08-02-2019, 08:06 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by tbone2u View Post
I'm guessing I have somewhere around 40 something oks. I stopped asking for them years ago. It just didn't seem important. Every once in a while a lady will give me one without asking and that's fine. I guess it makes me look current.

I have no idea why some ladies hide their oks but like you said... trying to look like they are low volume. Doesn't matter to me.
These days its important to keep your okays up to date so that ladies can see that you are active. With so many profiles getting "hacked" these days.
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Old 08-02-2019, 09:21 PM   #4
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So, I either never really noticed a couple of items on P411, or they added them while I was away, but I think they're good stuff. Some of the info has always been there. I think you’ve been hiding behind that apple too long!

1) Okay's Given
a) Is this a system calculated value or a providers input? It’s the amount of okays a provider has given. More relevant for the hobbyists to ensure that they have them and they’re relatively current. It tends to make screening and access to a provider a lot easier.

b) Why do some of you have this hidden? Because we can! Shame? In this profession...how! When you get into this line of work, you pretty much own it. I just don’t feel like it’s anyone’s business or even matters to some gentlemen. How can a man try to cast judgement with their high body count and reviews just to boast and the high volume providers you run through back to back. Half of the hobbyist that some of y’all sit up here praising in these reviews are the same ones reaching out to providers and begging them to write a review and haven’t even seen the provider just to stroke their ego and stay relevant. Feel like it paints you as one of those "high volume" whores? (like we give a shit. You can fuck 10 guys a day, just be clean and provide a good time when it's our turn)Dont judge a book by its cover. I’ve been a P411 Member since 2008 and have 87 hidden okays. I’m selective and picky about who I spend my time with.

c) I did see Amylove at 500+. That's awesome, I like experienced whores.Bored much! How many provider profiles did you click on today to see who had their okays hidden and how many okays who and who had? 🙄 Would it kill you to refer to a provider as a provider or a woman? And to think I thought you were a gentlemen. Time for you to go back behind that damn apple.

d) Madison May at only 50+? Doesn't she have over a 1,000 reviews, which would mean like 10,000 appointments? Why are you even concerned with how many appointments she had? Not your pussy and not your body. Sounds like some stalker type tendencies.

e) How do I have more Ok's than a bunch of you all have given? *cough* Manhoe.

Do most guys never ask for these? Most gentlemen do. They like the ease of P411. Stay current on your okays and it’s easy access to hot women and pussy all day everyday! Those of you gentlemen that like to make those “now” requests. You’re a little more free to make those kind of requests with a P411 membership and recent okays or okays under your belt. Imagine not being cock blocked again by a provider who won’t respond to a reference request. 🤔 You’ll be like you get dick, you get dick! 😁 I can tell you that I bet 99% of providers will answer and respond to a P411 request or notification before they will an Eccie or OH2 Request. I'm really glad that I have asked for all of my Oks as they are like a trip down memory lane. Lol, there are even some where where it takes me like 5 minutes to remember when I saw them. Ah ha! There he his...Citzen44 the gentlemen! You should keep him out always.

2) Age Verified: I really like this and will use it for excluding providers who won't be truthful. This is relatively new. In the past I would never advertise my real age, but as I’ve gotten older and with time and the business you learn what type of clientele you’d like to attract and I get a mix of clients...late 20’s that prefer an older woman, my age range and older gentlemen that want an experienced woman and not an inexperienced, I just hit puberty little girl. I’m 37 and I still look and fuck like I’m in my 20’s and my sex drive just keeps going up! 😊 So I don’t mind

3) I would love to be able to pull up a providers page and see how many clients have excluded her, and how many have added her to favorites. I think the # excluded could really be telling to a provider about how guys feel about her and/or her rates. I would love to pull up a clients page and see how many providers & who have excluded and blocked which clients, and how many she’s added to her favorites. I think the # excluded could really be telling to all providers about which clients are psychos, nasty 🤢 and cheap and who to avoid. 😘
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Old 08-03-2019, 07:18 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Carlisle View Post
1) Okay's Given
a) Is this a system calculated value or a providers input? It’s the amount of okays a provider has given. More relevant for the hobbyists to ensure that they have them and they’re relatively current. It tends to make screening and access to a provider a lot easier.
Right, but you'll see one lady and it says 438 and another that says 50+. Just curious why there is that type of difference which led to the question of whether its calculated by p411 or just a provider input.

Originally Posted by Carlisle View Post
1) Okay's Given
b) Why do some of you have this hidden? I just don’t feel like it’s anyone’s business or even matters to some gentlemen.
No one item matters to all of us, but any data will always matter to some. I truly do like to see a good number of OKs. Shows me that a lot of people thought she was worth seeing and I should be giving her a 2nd look.

Originally Posted by Carlisle View Post
1) Okay's Given
b) Dont judge a book by its cover. I’ve been a P411 Member since 2008 and have 87 hidden okays. I’m selective and picky about who I spend my time with.
Sure, but do you all use it as a method of tracking who you want to see again and who you would want to avoid? Or is it just the case that only some tiny % of clients ask for one? Some of my favorite Dallas traveling ladies that I know are very well liked have 100s, so that would make me think most guys ask for them.

Originally Posted by Carlisle View Post
1) Okay's Given
c) I did see Amylove at 500+. That's awesome, I like experienced whores.Bored much! How many provider profiles did you click on today to see who had their okays hidden and how many okays who and who had? 🙄
It's on the front of every profile. Swipe your thumb on an ipad and you will see 20 in 2 seconds.

Originally Posted by Carlisle View Post
1) Okay's Given
c)Would it kill you to refer to a provider as a provider or a woman? And to think I thought you were a gentlemen.
You are correct mam, my apologies. Turning off the old trolling habits is hard to do.

Originally Posted by Carlisle View Post
1) Okay's Given
d) Madison May at only 50+? Doesn't she have over a 1,000 reviews, which would mean like 10,000 appointments? Why are you even concerned with how many appointments she had? Not your pussy and not your body. Sounds like some stalker type tendencies.

Because I can remember that there was a thread a couple of years ago ranking the ladies with the most reviews and I seem to remember that Madison was in the lead. As she has stayed in my p411 favorites for years, she was easy to look up.

Originally Posted by Carlisle View Post
3) I would love to be able to pull up a providers page and see how many clients have excluded her, and how many have added her to favorites. I think the # excluded could really be telling to a provider about how guys feel about her and/or her rates. I would love to pull up a clients page and see how many providers & who have excluded and blocked which clients, and how many she’s added to her favorites. I think the # excluded could really be telling to all providers about which clients are psychos, nasty 🤢 and cheap and who to avoid. 😘
I'll show you mine if you show me yours
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Old 08-03-2019, 01:33 PM   #6
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Presently on my p411 handle da great has like 32 okays. Da great never gives da greats p411 handle to anyone here on eccie or any girl da great sees who is also on eccie. Da great works hard to keep da greats world's separate.Da great has zero problems seeing any lady on p411. Da great also uses p411 to go see the agency ladies and it makes that go so smooth. But yes the best thing da great could have done was get a p411 membership. Tooodlez....
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Old 08-03-2019, 04:15 PM   #7
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Before P411 put in the Age Hidden thing, I could filter ladies by age and it would filter in ladies who didn't list an age (I assume ladies had to enter in a birth date in their profile, but it was hidden). My favorite filter is 40+ yrs old. Now that the Hidden is an option, those ladies who use it are filtered out instead of being filtered in. So those ladies are being excluded from my to see list.
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Old 08-03-2019, 04:51 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by tbone2u View Post
I'm guessing I have somewhere around 40 something oks. I stopped asking for them years ago. It just didn't seem important. Every once in a while a lady will give me one without asking and that's fine. I guess it makes me look current.

I have no idea why some ladies hide their oks but like you said... maybe trying to look like they are low volume. Doesn't matter to me.
TB2U, I’m not sure I understand this sentence. Every once in a while a lady will give me one without asking and that's fine.

So a lady who you’ve seen, from time to time, will give you an okay without asking you?
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Old 08-03-2019, 09:43 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by shinepro View Post
Presently on my p411 handle da great has like 32 okays. Da great never gives da greats p411 handle to anyone here on eccie or any girl da great sees who is also on eccie. Da great works hard to keep da greats world's separate.Da great has zero problems seeing any lady on p411. Da great also uses p411 to go see the agency ladies and it makes that go so smooth. But yes the best thing da great could have done was get a p411 membership. Tooodlez....
Well there is a huge red flag for any lady using p411 for verification. Wonder if he is going to show up with his pistol.
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Old 08-03-2019, 09:50 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Bankshot View Post
Well there is a huge red flag for any lady using p411 for verification. Wonder if he is going to show up with his pistol.
Well I have Bear Spray.
I wish he would.
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Old 08-03-2019, 10:00 PM   #11
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Yeah, I'm sure no one here would see this dickhead if they knew who he really was.
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Old 08-04-2019, 06:05 AM   #12
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Tbone2u, can’t answer my previous question.
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Old 08-04-2019, 06:12 AM   #13
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I thought you had to request one to get an okay from a lady.
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Old 08-04-2019, 06:26 AM   #14
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Exactly, he’s trying sound cool (the women send them to me, they want to be tied to my great handle)! LOL!
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Old 08-04-2019, 06:37 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Slice_O_Pie View Post
Exactly, he’s trying sound cool (the women send them to me, they want to be tied to my great handle)! LOL!
I don't wanna be tied to his handle, I wanna be tied up to his headboard.

If there is one thing Tbone knows, it's definitely boning.
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