Bear in mind I have kept my comments to myself through the majority of the thread regarding BM, while he has failed to control his constant yammering cause his sense of self importance has kept him near and dear to the keyboard continually pumping out his pompous arrogance, despite reading that others are DONE.
He has kept this going and going even as OP has left and long after I said I was done...
Originally Posted by TexasJess
As CK has bit her tongue keeping co-ed peace there is no need to keep going after the OP repeatedly with negative remarks towards her thread.

Originally Posted by CurvyKatie
So much I want to say. But I'm done  
Set to ignore.
But now that HE, himself, has dragged this out to the point that he got his ass handed to him due to his own lack of self control, and now that he is whining about it, we are supposed to get off his dick?
Especially when he relentlessly has done this to each lady here at one point or another?
Why didn't he stopped after OP left or after I said I am done, etc?
He sure can dish it but he can't take it?
What if we have more points to make just like he did?
What if we want to continue to beat the subject into the ground just to make our own self important, pompous points be the center of the thread just like he does, ALL THE TIME, cause he cannot drop it?
Cause I do have the ability to hold my tongue and like I said, I have done so for the majority of this thread.
Now can he????
Is he finally DONE?