Originally Posted by Yabadabbado
Just because something goes mainstream doesn’t suddenly make it ok in all due respect ma’am. I’m a naturally funny guy, but certain topics are never funny. I don’t follow trends, most people don’t really do anything that makes any sense anyway because most are followers. It’s like the weird kid who doesn’t have any social skills anyway, so they hop on dr Mendele jokes, oven jokes, shower jokes etc because they never personally experienced that horror. We can be funny without making light of real life tragedies that caused actual pain and that’s not preaching but again, hey do you folks.
Guess what? Reading is your friend and you might wanna go back and read my post again. I never said it was right or wrong. I said it was mainstream.

. This is not about right or wrong.
You are a hobbyist on a hobbiest board and you are no better than anyone else here. I suggest you get off your high horse. You already made an ass of yourself with me, and now everyone else here.
How do you come to a board where everyone else has known each other for years and tell everyone how to conduct themselves? You got a lot of nerve. Instead of getting to know the people here, you just show up and preach to everyone and tell everyone to do things your way, and do it now, or you cry about it.
There are things in this world, and on this board I don't like. But I sure don't demand people do everything I want. I know for sure folks on this board will laugh at me and rip me a new one if I expected to be catered to.
You sure do expect everyone to cater to you. You want everything your way.
Are you going to go protest at AMC too?