Originally Posted by Yabadabbado
I’m new here and really don’t want to cause any waves, but I’ve been seeing a lot of nazi and hitler references in Coed discussions. I’m curious as to when did the holocaust become funny. Am I missing something? There is no inside joke about the holocaust. My ex wife is Jewish and just sitting around with her grandparents talking about that genocide is mind boggling. I only put this here because it seems like a running joke that isn’t funny in Coed. If it’s in the wrong area mods please redirect
1. Ex-wife, and this is a whoreboard you participate in and are helping to support while turning a blind eye to the sex slave, abuse and trafficing of this world (yes most providers here are of free will but are all?).... My point -the rock you're standing on is looking a little unstable pastor.
2. Yes the genocide was some evil shit
3. Dorian's shit used to be actually harsh. This is tame. The nazi / image topic on this thread is a decade old and those responses you are seeing are not a glorification of the holocaust. Coed is a piranha film swamp. Swim at your own risk. One of SC's favorite politicians makes lite of 9/11 as "some people did something" - thick skin is needed to survive this planet.
4. Mel Brooks
5. ScarJo in uniform (I should have led with this point)
Your question was valid. You have an answer. Be well.
Originally Posted by boardman
... I'm not really a cat...