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Old 08-07-2019, 05:21 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by R.M. View Post
You bring it upon yourself.
How? By minding my own business. or starting threads people dont like? Or having a different opinion on things? Things like that dont warrant harassment do they?. Hey look I just want everyone to play by the same rules..which means if SC cant insult you then you cant insult SC isnt that reasonable?
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Old 08-07-2019, 05:47 AM   #32
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I am posting a link to this here:


In the past, there may have been some things that were allowed to slide and some things may have been overlooked.

But, going forward from this point on, if there is any Rudeness, Hostility, Disrespect or insults of any kind. You will be pointed, added to a supreme directive or even banned if there are multiple instances of this.

It is important that all the rules are followed all the time. So, before anyone fix their lips to say "I didn't know". I am telling you now; you all need to read and get familiar with the rules you all agreed to when you joined this board.

  • #1 - Avoid cases of unprovoked rudeness to others. No place for it here. Yes, with the dynamic nature of the threads and topics, tempers will flare and things will become heated from time to time. You may often encounter individuals who become passionate or emotional when expressing one's opinion or point of view. That's all understood and perfectly acceptable within reason…….but, start slamming or bashing another member and be met with consequences.
  • #2 - Derogatory racial remarks are simply unacceptable, period. Disrespect another's ethnic background and you will most certainly regret it.
  • #3 - Disrespect to others, IN GENERAL, will be considered an item of low tolerance, especially when posting in our coed forums. Follow the Golden Rule and treat others as you wish to be treated yourself. This applies to fellow members as well as staff. We do not require that you have respect for us, but we do require that you treat us respectfully in the public forums. If you feel the need to vent, gripe, or blow off some steam regarding a staff member's action or decision, we ask that you keep it private. Email, RTM, or the PM system would be the appropriate avenue to take in such cases. In cases where you would like to request additional clarity about a staff decision, you are free to pursue an answer in either a public forum or private means of communication. If handled publicly, post your inquiry in a respectful manner.
  • #4 - Blatant insults or hostility toward another member will be met with staff intervention. This applies to using our coed forums for name calling, personal attacks, or vulgar slang terms to describe fellow members. If you have legitimate concerns about another member here, share them tactfully in the appropriate private forums or with staff.
I will point anything that I consider a derogatory "nickname". I cannot believe that adults have the time to login and find ways to insult and rebut each other day after day after day. I thought that this area was for fun and non hobby related subject matter.

The crying will really start once people start to get pointed and BANNED. It was difficult to get this board back online and to change all of the rules for posting and pictures. You "ADULTS" have to stop this. I would rather stop any discussion in this area than continue to be a referee and try to determine what you all mean by your derogatory words.
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Old 08-07-2019, 06:19 AM   #33
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Thanks DM. That's fair and I agree. I typically never get offended at insults and slights at all...i personally find them comical but since I have to follow the rules everyone else should too..that's really all I was saying. I appreciate the feedback.
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Old 08-07-2019, 06:49 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
Time to report you to site admins for harassment and slanderous. Your charades has gone on long enough but it appears for some odd reason in YOUR BRAIN you've purposefully latched onto some odd ball libel attempt...and I will have the admins or mods set you straight. Not only have we never met we've never communicated to each other outside of these threads. I've never even showed you the slightest interest what so ever and I doubt that I've ever even looked at your profile...and yet you persist with such insanely unfounded allegations. You have issues and I will ask the Admins and or Mods to discipline you as appropriate since you clearly cant get yourself together and leave SC alone. I ask the mods again what type of person makes the ridiculous claim that someone she doesnt know and have never met was somehow sending her threatening texts and then turns around and constantly harasses the same person she accused of scaring and harassing her. It makes no sense and flys in the face of decency and common sense. Reasonable people should be able to see through her charades...that's probably the nicest way I can put it without being insulting. So will leave it at that.

But yeah expect for the Mods to have a chat with you.

"yall should be praying for Katie as that bad Karma can be a muthafucker."


Why should people be praying for Katie, Sistine?

Why do you dish threats and then cry for mods to back you up?

I am posting the facts. And you still have not answered the question I have asked repeatedly here in public, why should people be praying for Katie?
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Old 08-07-2019, 06:55 AM   #35
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Like I said before Sistine, you better pray nothing ever happens to me. You better be the one praying I am never hurt, raped, or murdered because after your threats and texts you will be the first suspect the police will look at. I will make sure everyone knows you are the first to look at.

No one else has threatened me but you.

When someone threatens you, what they expect is to intimidate you. They expect to silence you. They expect you to cower and disappear.

I am NOT intimidated and will not be intimidated. I will not cower and disappear. The world needs to know what you said and what kind of person you are. Your hate and jealousy consumes you and your instability makes you a real danger.

It is imperative that women are able to operate in the hobby community SAFELY.
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Old 08-07-2019, 07:17 AM   #36
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Katie....you are correct in your assessment of sc.
Even if you try to be nice to him he will turn things around and twist them.
He is not only a threat to you but he's not healthy for this board.
He has threatened me with legal action. It's in my signature line.
Even knowing he can't carry out the threat......a threat is still a threat.
I don't recall anyone here ever threatening him but he doles out his share of threats to others.

We all have to remember that this is just a game. It really means nothing.

The only time it's real is when people threaten others. Then it could possibly be real.

Threats don't bother me but I can easily see how they could bother the ladies here.
Sc seems to be a tad unbalanced in his thinking.
Keep your threats in a safe place Katie.
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Old 08-07-2019, 07:22 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by tbone2u View Post
Katie....you are correct in your assessment of sc.
Even if you try to be nice to him he will turn things around and twist them.
He is not only a threat to you but he's not healthy for this board.
He has threatened me with legal action. It's in my signature line.
Even knowing he can't carry out the threat......a threat is still a threat.
I don't recall anyone here ever threatening him but he doles out his share of threats to others.

We all have to remember that this is just a game. It really means nothing.

The only time it's real is when people threaten others. Then it could possibly be real.

Threats don't bother me but I can easily see how they could bother the ladies here.
Sc seems to be a tad unbalanced in his thinking.
Keep your threats in a safe place Katie.
Fully agree with you
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Old 08-07-2019, 07:23 AM   #38
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I wish I was ONLY called Sissy Lips!


this thread was posted in several areas. obviously one of my big Fans

OP was banned, but.. why was the thread not closed? better yet, why is it not deleted?

DarthMaul, if you have any clout in Dallas, you know what to do!
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Old 08-07-2019, 07:33 AM   #39
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Did anyone else notice this bizarre post SC made to Zantanna?

"As I told you before I would suggest you own and learn from your mistake dont double down on it that's just not smart...lastly as others have seen threatening SC in anyway is not a good idea will only lead to dismay and maybe a bancation... for you... and your friend. People issue threats to SC all the time not realizing just how well connected he is... Should you and "your friend" decide to go down such a weird rabbit hole dont forget the converse. ;-)"

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Old 08-07-2019, 07:41 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by CurvyKatie View Post
"yall should be praying for Katie as that bad Karma can be a muthafucker."


Why should people be praying for Katie, Sistine?

Why do you dish threats and then cry for mods to back you up?

I am posting the facts. And you still have not answered the question I have asked repeatedly here in public, why should people be praying for Katie?
Let me explain something to you...it's clear to me that you've never been in the educational and social circles that I have. Had you been in those educational circles you would have known the universal karmic cliche that is generally applied to everyone. Similar to the old Mosaic law. The karmic law states that if you intentionally do bad to others that at some point in your life Karma (universally speaking) will affect you...it could be in this life or the next. The fact you didnt know this or even understand it i guess isn't surprising.

What i will say is that you're being used by certain guys here who know better. But ask yourself this question. Why would a talented, educated, bright guy like SC need to threaten someone like you? It's a legit question. You're not important to me in any aspect and that is what I find offensive at this notion that me of all people need to threaten someone like you. You're on this site as an escort. An escort trying to make a living and you're no where in my social circle. Perhaps maybe perhaps in all your years of escorting you've had issues with people you've actually had a P4P relationship with. Your last NCNS in COED is a testament to that. The point is dear if anything ever did happen to you as you oddly state the first person anyone will and should question are the shady people you've been sexually involved with via your P4P lifestyle. Its law 101. You can throw any false allegation out there you want with the hope it sticks but the reality is with all due respect you're no one that even comes up on my radar as someone that I would or even need to threaten. Like really what are the benefits to an educated bright guy like myself to even be involved with you. All your doing is showing your true nature and character to potential P4P suitors. And if they were smart they'd read all of this and stay away. As I told the mods in not so subtle terms something just ain't right here. Maybe it's a lack of basic understanding, maybe your being manipulated by older guys here on this thread who knows but there clearly is something wrong with you. Enough hear. I've asked the mods and admins to deal worh you and this erratic unfounded behavior. Dont insult me by thinking you're that important to me. I find that alone to be extremely offensive.

Were done here. The Mods will handle you from here.
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Old 08-07-2019, 07:46 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by tbone2u View Post
Katie....you are correct in your assessment of sc.
Even if you try to be nice to him he will turn things around and twist them.
He is not only a threat to you but he's not healthy for this board.
He has threatened me with legal action. It's in my signature line.
Even knowing he can't carry out the threat......a threat is still a threat.
I don't recall anyone here ever threatening him but he doles out his share of threats to others.

We all have to remember that this is just a game. It really means nothing.

The only time it's real is when people threaten others. Then it could possibly be real.

Threats don't bother me but I can easily see how they could bother the ladies here.
Sc seems to be a tad unbalanced in his thinking.
Keep your threats in a safe place Katie.
It is truly a shame how you're manipulating her. Poor girl has no clue as to your shenanigans
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Old 08-07-2019, 07:56 AM   #42
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At least learn how to multi quote. ^
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Old 08-07-2019, 08:00 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by R.M. View Post
At least learn how to multi quote. ^
Luv you too ;-) my friend
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Old 08-07-2019, 08:01 AM   #44
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sc....if you really believe in Karma you are going to end up in a world of shit.
You have no business preaching to people here on this board. You need to take it somewhere else.
I've seen what Katie has. All I can say is shame on you.
You can hide and twist things around all you want...but shame on you
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Old 08-07-2019, 08:08 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
Let me explain something to you...it's clear to me that you've never been in the educational and social circles that I have. Had you been in those educational circles you would have known the universal karmic cliche that is generally applied to everyone. Similar to the old Mosaic law. The karmic law states that if you intentionally do bad to others that at some point in your life Karma (universally speaking) will affect you...it could be in this life or the next. The fact you didnt know this or even understand it i guess isn't surprising.

What i will say is that you're being used by certain guys here who know better. But ask yourself this question. Why would a talented, educated, bright guy like SC need to threaten someone like you? It's a legit question. You're not important to me in any aspect and that is what I find offensive at this notion that me of all people need to threaten someone like you. You're on this site as an escort. An escort trying to make a living and you're no where in my social circle. Perhaps maybe perhaps in all your years of escorting you've had issues with people you've actually had a P4P relationship with. Your last NCNS in COED is a testament to that. The point is dear if anything ever did happen to you as you oddly state the first person anyone will and should question are the shady people you've been sexually involved with via your P4P lifestyle. Its law 101. You can throw any false allegation out there you want with the hope it sticks but the reality is with all due respect you're no one that even comes up on my radar as someone that I would or even need to threaten. Like really what are the benefits to an educated bright guy like myself to even be involved with you. All your doing is showing your true nature and character to potential P4P suitors. And if they were smart they'd read all of this and stay away. As I told the mods in not so subtle terms something just ain't right here. Maybe it's a lack of basic understanding, maybe your being manipulated by older guys here on this thread who knows but there clearly is something wrong with you. Enough hear. I've asked the mods and admins to deal worh you and this erratic unfounded behavior. Dont insult me by thinking you're that important to me. I find that alone to be extremely offensive.

Were done here. The Mods will handle you from here.
Doesn't sound like you are really all that bright if you must resort to threats and intimidation and leave evidence of it in written communication. And when all else fails you run to the mods. Doesn't really sound like you have had a brilliant plan in place.

Why take it so far to send those texts as well? How much farther are you willing to go? We have seen prime examples here on this board of when you lose it and choose to snap.

Yes SC please answer why do you feel the need to threaten me? Or Tbone? Or your veiled threat to Zantanna?

Why do you feel the need to threaten people on this board?
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