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Old 06-28-2015, 06:46 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by H.Hardhat View Post
A similar Republic 2000 years ago also allowed homosexual promiscuity, the decline of the Roman Empire was precluded by it's moral degradation.

Well....they got what they asked for.

But the government should not prevent us from sinning .....especially sins against ourselves. Protecting us from others, yes. Protecting us from ourselves, no.

Purity cannot be legislated. It is not even forced in Christianity. If God insisted on us being pure, it would be so.

He gives each person an individual choice.

When one meets his maker, he will be judged as an individual; not as a nation.

Having said that, God once blessed this country for many reasons. But, ..... he's running out of reasons.
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Old 06-28-2015, 02:21 PM   #32
Don T. Lukbak
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Originally Posted by drakhar View Post
"Fifty-seven percent of Americans support legalizing same-sex marriage. Majorities of Democrats (69 percent) and independents (59 percent) support it, while 55 percent of Republicans do not."

Bless your heart, you actually believe polls conducted by government controlled media are intended to assess opinion accurately...rather than to mold it and report the results as if it were "news"?

The polls that matter are the ones involving ballots; numerous states have held referendums on same sex marriage, most notably California with Prop 8, and all but one (Maine) have come down solidly on the side of traditional marriage. Of course the ruling class, specifically the judiciary, bowed to the expressed will of the people only in Maine...but spat on the will of the people in all the other states.

If the same-sex marriage touts really believed their cause would carry through the democratic processes....you know, debates and elections, then they wouldn't have needed 5 unaccountable judges to decide the issue. Had the democratic processes been allowed to play out, then the outcome would have been more acceptable to both sides....this travesty, however, is likely to be contentious for the foreseeable future just like Rowe v. Wade, another instance of democracy circumvented, has been.

And speaking of 5 UNACCOUNTABLE judges...Imagine the chagrin of agenda homos everywhere had just one of those shitbirds come down on the other side! Shut down right there! Schtumm! No recourse. Of course this decision affirming same sex marriage won't even come close to making the agenda homos happy...it's just the next rung on the ladder of a hierarchy of privilege and special protections....which the current clientelist government will gladly provide them in exchange for campaign contributions, which - after all - is how all this got started. You know, when mega-wealthy homos hit Barky in the hand with millions to bring about his miraculous "evolution".

Regarding the implied connection between same-sex marriage bans and inter-racial marriage bans...there's no similarity. The ban on inter-racial marriage was discriminatory...discriminatio n actually means disparate treatment of two similar things...so to treat marriage between a man of one hue with a woman of another differently from one between a man and a woman of the same hue is to discriminate between them. However, a marriage between a man and a man is dissimilar to one between a man and a woman. Therefore, not discriminatory to ban it.

But not all is lost...maybe SCOTUS has given us a way to fuck the IRS by avoiding the Death Tax: imagine wealthy old widow, Great-Aunt Maude, on her death bed marrying her beloved grand-niece Suzie....and Voila! Fuck You, IRS. Suzie won't be forced to sell the ranch just to pay the fucking tax!
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Old 06-28-2015, 06:42 PM   #33
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Y'all can deal...or not...I suspect not...
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Old 06-28-2015, 08:58 PM   #34
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They won't......
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Old 06-28-2015, 09:48 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by oilfieldscum View Post
Riddle me this...if a male child is raised by a gay couple does he have a propensity to be gay when grows up?
I'd say no. But this does not take into account if the (if we're talking about 2 gay guys) "parents" make attempts to subvert the child's nature. If its a couple of flaming psychopaths who have gay raves every weekend and make the kid tend bar or play the piano or something, he'll probably grow up very confused.

I jealously guarded my girly mags when I was coming into it. Didn't give a shit what my (hetero) parents were up to.
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Old 06-28-2015, 10:30 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak View Post
Bless your heart, you actually believe polls conducted by government controlled media are intended to assess opinion accurately...rather than to mold it and report the results as if it were "news"?

The polls that matter are the ones involving ballots; numerous states have held referendums on same sex marriage, most notably California with Prop 8, and all but one (Maine) have come down solidly on the side of traditional marriage. Of course the ruling class, specifically the judiciary, bowed to the expressed will of the people only in Maine...but spat on the will of the people in all the other states.

If the same-sex marriage touts really believed their cause would carry through the democratic processes....you know, debates and elections, then they wouldn't have needed 5 unaccountable judges to decide the issue. Had the democratic processes been allowed to play out, then the outcome would have been more acceptable to both sides....this travesty, however, is likely to be contentious for the foreseeable future just like Rowe v. Wade, another instance of democracy circumvented, has been.

And speaking of 5 UNACCOUNTABLE judges...Imagine the chagrin of agenda homos everywhere had just one of those shitbirds come down on the other side! Shut down right there! Schtumm! No recourse. Of course this decision affirming same sex marriage won't even come close to making the agenda homos happy...it's just the next rung on the ladder of a hierarchy of privilege and special protections....which the current clientelist government will gladly provide them in exchange for campaign contributions, which - after all - is how all this got started. You know, when mega-wealthy homos hit Barky in the hand with millions to bring about his miraculous "evolution".

Regarding the implied connection between same-sex marriage bans and inter-racial marriage bans...there's no similarity. The ban on inter-racial marriage was discriminatory...discriminatio n actually means disparate treatment of two similar things...so to treat marriage between a man of one hue with a woman of another differently from one between a man and a woman of the same hue is to discriminate between them. However, a marriage between a man and a man is dissimilar to one between a man and a woman. Therefore, not discriminatory to ban it.

But not all is lost...maybe SCOTUS has given us a way to fuck the IRS by avoiding the Death Tax: imagine wealthy old widow, Great-Aunt Maude, on her death bed marrying her beloved grand-niece Suzie....and Voila! Fuck You, IRS. Suzie won't be forced to sell the ranch just to pay the fucking tax!

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Old 06-29-2015, 08:36 AM   #37
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Fuck the gays
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Old 07-03-2015, 03:22 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by dearhunter View Post
Fuck the gays
Why DH, what a kind offer!

All you gay guys who want to celebrate, line up HERE.

He has a great poll.
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