Originally Posted by dearhunter
Damn, you missed by one vote.......I blame Wakeup.
Despite the levity I bring to the board it would be a mistake for WU or anyone else to discount the impartiality and seriousness I would bring to the Mod position. Most mods give up their impartiality the minute they are selected because of chasing free pussy.
Mods across the US on different type of sites also feel a new sense of empowerment especially if its their first leadership role.

with SC you wont have that problem as I've held many leadership roles and an excellent and capable Public speaker. I get G'd up when I'm speaking Geo-politics in front large crowds. studied in depth the account of Wise King Solomon and that's how I'd govern cases brought before me.
I would be lax of rules in terms of insults. I think that's very cathartic and I have no issues with someone calling me a racial slur. It's just how I'm wired I find it funny in a sense. Now touch me and watch Kong go ape nuts on you. Lol
Good movie by the way. Go check it out.