Originally Posted by Kit-4-Kat
Hmmm maybe that's it! If you reach a certain quota of views, you get no points!
Anyone else wanna test this theory... But with POSITIVE energy? If you get pointed for being nice, I'll give you something to make it all better.

Not actually Kat... You don't get points when you stay within the guidelines of the board and within the rules.....
for example...... Attacking a subject will fly whereas attacking a person puts you in an area where points "could" come into play.....
Feel free to try whatever you want......
Drama seems to draw much more attention then fun.....
Especially when your choices for "fun" come from the Old and Round....
I say that because I am "old and Round" and don't do fun threads very well....
people want to flirt with the young and pretty..... I'm neither.....
So I stick to more controversial and less fun areas...
Then again.... I'm here for the camaraderie of like minded individuals and the information.....
We may have lost some ladies posting but we have plenty of ladies advertising.....
The problem a lot of folks around here still have is they lack a basic understanding of where the board is and where it is going and they refuse to adapt.....