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Old 02-04-2011, 11:40 AM   #91
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"Maybe... They just have the ability to think for themselves and and are man enough to get pussy when they wanted without the need to kiss up to it all the time?"

LOL, I admit, I'm new but this statement made me chuckle. Isn't this a P4P site? I'm not sure why someone would need to "kiss up" to get laid here. I mean.....cash should be king here, not whom or what you kiss. I could be wrong of course, I'm new after all
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Old 02-04-2011, 11:40 AM   #92
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That is funny I am a child, but I am not whining like a little brat!

Nuglet "whine,whine,whine, I hate whispers, whine,whine,whine, I like all the hooktards, and I am a WK look at me I am a nice guy!"

Give me a break I bet you were a tattle tail in school and had no friends and now you are an old tattle tail with no friends so you mock others to make yourself feel better.

So blah blah blah who cares and cry me a river!
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Old 02-04-2011, 11:43 AM   #93
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Originally Posted by austinkboy View Post
KLK, Whispers is not racist. He slams everyone equally if he thinks they deserve it.

I'm definitely an equal opportunity monger....

Whispers, I think you wanted to bait a WK and maybe a few "hooktards" and ended up snagging a shark.

naw..... more one of them yapping ankle biter dogs.....

So I think this controversy is somewhat about different camps circling the wagon, but instead people seem to be talking in circles. There is nothing wrong with people enjoying hobbying their own way. Who says you have to choose between the "indie" camp and the "stripper" camp? I look at it from the standpoint of who is the girl I like, and would love to get in the sack with, not whether she is an indie or a stripper.

The great thing is that for each hobbyist, there are likely many providers that play in that space, and for each provider in a particular space, there are likely hobbyists that are looking for just that. Whether it be variety that you are after, or more of a regular favorite girlfriend or boyfriend that you are after, Eccie and other boards provide the space in which to get good information, find the partners that you enjoy, and play safely as your life permits. If you are not finding what you are looking for, then don't ruin it for the rest of us.

So, if you are a WK that feels that the only way to hold on to your girlfriends is by outing other members, or breaking the trust of another, then you need to be dealt with.

Most Definitely.... There seems to be a never ending supply of those lately on both sides of the fence....

If you are a provider whose prime and popularity has past, then please, then figure it out, and do it gracefully, do it with dignity, and I would suspect that you will have some loyal fans that will not let you down, but that depends on how you may have treated others...just like anything else in life.

VERY WELL SAID!....We shouldn't have to shove them off the plank kicking and screaming......

We need to find some common ground here, and go on our merry way, help each other where we can to make this a safer, enjoyable and more profitable environment for everyone. (fade music...join hands and sing Kumbaya).

ehhh.... They threw me out of the last Karaoke place I was in...

But, lets not stab each other in the back and try to run each others lives, or make our own feel more worthwhile my cutting up others, or insisting that they live and hobby the way we each think it should be. If someone has figured it out and has a magical answer, I would surely like to know.

At the risk of upsetting my current favorite girl(s) to whom I have uttered words of undying adorement and devotion, I will use a former ATF as a shining example of why I don't think it's about what "camp" you are in, just who you like...

Tiffani, now retired I presume (she broke my heart!) started in the Hobby while in enrolled in a major university pursuing a very respectable professional career in the medical field. She started dancing at Sugars (yes she was a stripper...gasp!) to earn money. Eventually, she became one of the top providers in Austin. She "retired" after graduating college, her degree achieved and moved out of state. She came back to Austin (after a year or so?) and ALL her former loyal boyfriends lined up. I have never heard anyone ever say anything bad about her, and I have never heard her say anything bad about anyone, yet she was able to maintain a fairly selective client list. Her name ALWAYS came up in any ISO of best Asian, best spinner, best anything in Austin. I hope she has now moved on to greener, more fulfilling part of her life.

That is all I am saying...
I know more than a few young ladies enrolled in graduate and undergraduate studies that strip or hobby their way through school.....

Hopefully... When they finish school...... They move on to a career they prepared themselves for..... The ones that don't.... That stay in the biz.... Well... MOST, obviously did not learn much in school I guess....

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Old 02-04-2011, 11:48 AM   #94
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Originally Posted by DTorchia View Post
"Maybe... They just have the ability to think for themselves and and are man enough to get pussy when they wanted without the need to kiss up to it all the time?"

LOL, I admit, I'm new but this statement made me chuckle. Isn't this a P4P site? I'm not sure why someone would need to "kiss up" to get laid here. I mean.....cash should be king here, not whom or what you kiss. I could be wrong of course, I'm new after all

Cash is King around here..... If you have a couple of Benjies in your wallet there is no problem getting laid....

But... As you said... You are new around here.....

Some guys..... don't have the scratch to play and post and hang out to flirt with the girls..... It's the only attention they get.....

Some.... get a little attention from a provider and it's the only attention they get from a lady and they go looking for a girlfriend in the mix.....

SOme can't come to grips that they paid for it..... so they glamorize it and try to make it something it isn't....

You'll see as you are around for a while.... You can select a couple out of this thread and read their prior posts to see examples of the ass kissing referred to....
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Old 02-04-2011, 11:55 AM   #95
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
Cash is King around here..... If you have a couple of Benjies in your wallet there is no problem getting laid....

But... As you said... You are new around here.....

Some guys..... don't have the scratch to play and post and hang out to flirt with the girls..... It's the only attention they get.....

Some.... get a little attention from a provider and it's the only attention they get from a lady and they go looking for a girlfriend in the mix.....

SOme can't come to grips that they paid for it..... so they glamorize it and try to make it something it isn't....

You'll see as you are around for a while.... You can select a couple out of this thread and read their prior posts to see examples of the ass kissing referred to....
Thanks for clearing that up. I'm overseas so up until now I have only been able to be on "lurker" status....I come home in a couple of weeks for some leave and hope to be able to enjoy some of the very nice ladies that I've seen around this site.

Life is good
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Old 02-04-2011, 12:06 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by Wyldeman30 View Post
That is funny I am a child, but I am not whining like a little brat!
Uh, yeah you are@!

Nuglet "whine,whine,whine, I hate whispers, whine,whine,whine, I like all the hooktards, and I am a WK look at me I am a nice guy!"
Correction buddy, I never said I hate whispers, I said I don't like his attitude, and while we aren't friends at all, I never used the word "hate".
If you can't read, go get mommy or daddy to help you.

Give me a break I bet you were a tattle tail in school and had no friends and now you are an old tattle tail with no friends so you mock others to make yourself feel better.
Seems you have a severe case of "Optirectus" ... got your head up your ass and can't see ..as for mocking... well you make it so easy, it's hard to resist. Yep, I DO feel better, thanks sweetie.
So blah blah blah who cares and cry me a river!
Who cares? you're right... Not I.
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Old 02-04-2011, 12:09 PM   #97
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Originally Posted by nuglet View Post
Up Where? Up someone's ass, either yours or Whispers, or both! I'm surprised you needed that spelled out!
It's funny that I make a comment about your stated review process, and you think that is coming to Whispers' defense. Insecure much? If you cannot see the difference, then I don't have much hope for you. That said, I will ask, show me where I have come to Whispers' defense in this thread.
Says the guy with 4 reviews. I write when I want, and at my discretion. How about you?
You really don't see the irony in this, do you? Guy with 4 reviews talking about the lack of reviews of one with 2 reviews. OK, I write when I want, and at my discretion. However, you have stated in your own words that you do not write when you want and not at your discretion - "If and WHEN I post a review, it'll be at the ladies request." Your words, Einstein. The two quoted statements from you are exclusive of each other. So quit talking out both ends of your torso.
Actually what I think is that it's one of your business! I think you just like brown nosing ( do you know what that is or do I need to explain that too!) someone that you think will help you. Spineless comes to mind! No free will comes to mind. Otherwise why would you step in to defend ..uh WHO!
Oh, I think it’s everyone’s business to be aware of others’ review process and methods. Notice that I never told you how or when to review, just thanked you for letting me know. So I have not overstepped my bounds in terms of your freedom to review when and how you (the provider) review. However, it’s every member’s business to understand and put in context the reviewer and the review. As for brown-nosing, are you really that dimwitted to think that commenting on one your statements, if it happens to disagree with you, is in defense of whoever you were arguing with? Then you have the gall to call me spineless? Try taking it like a man. You made a comment while arguing with Whispers that I took exception to. I commented on it. There are now two threads of conversations. Is that too much for you?
I don't ask you who to fuck.. good thing since you don't review either, and I don't need your permission.. So grown up(as you so cleverly put it, Brainiac), try free will thinking for a change instead of being controlled. Really, try it, you'll like it.. It's scary at first, but go ahead, you'll get the hang of it..
If you asked me who to fuck, I wouldn’t tell you. Nor did I, at any point, say you needed my permission to fuck anyone or review anyone. Why is it that you take such offense to me thanking you for stating your review process? Why do you think I’ve said all these things that never crossed my mind? I don’t let people put words in my mouth so try another tactic. Yet you talk about free will. In order to have free will, you must first be willing to think clearly, logically, and reasonably. If you are incapable of that, then you leave the door open for others to control you. Try not to assign words to me that I have not typed. Denying accusations I never made equates to that, in case that escapes you.
Originally Posted by Vyt View Post
Oh come on. I've done the same thing and I've always been open about, in fact the only times I've ever done reviews (1 here, I think maybe 4 or 5 on ASPD) were for new providers who needed the visibility, and I said that straight up *in the review*.

If you don't think a positive review isn't money in the bank for a provider, you're fooling yourself. They live or die based on how often their names appear in the review forum - far more read that then the drama festival here.
If you stated that in your review, then it speaks for itself. I understand that a positive review is of value to a provider. In fact, calling nuglet’s “requested” review an ad is assigning that value (to the provider) to his review. As to the other side of the coin, you understand that it does temper the value of that review to a hobbyist? I thank you for being open about your review policy, and I am glad that nuglet decided to openly state it here as well.
Originally Posted by nuglet View Post
So Brainiac.. which word applies to your master now.. Respectful, or Civil..?
Just curious how you read it.
You are...not bright. Whispers’ WK might have been funny the first couple of times, but really, are you still blowing that horn, lapdog? Reason I said that you misunderstood respect and civility is that I consider him civil (for the most part), but not respectful. Repect is earned, not required, while civility (I think) should be the standard of how one treats others until given reason not to. As for the racist accusation, I don’t agree. Of course, that won’t surprise you, just as it’s not surprising that you jumped on that bandwagon as soon as you got the chance. BTW, nuglet, how many of Whispers’ threads would one have to jump in to whine about being tired of Whispers’ threads before it’s considered stalking? Why are you so choked up on his nuts?
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Old 02-04-2011, 12:19 PM   #98
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Thor, stated by the pussy you are. Did Whispers write that for you, or did you get you pet monkey, and a typewriter? Certainly wanders a lot.. You just don't get it do you?
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Old 02-04-2011, 12:37 PM   #99
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Nuglet I am putting you up for the poster boy for birth control!
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Old 02-04-2011, 12:40 PM   #100
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Originally Posted by Wyldeman30 View Post
Nuglet I am putting you up for the poster boy for birth control!
Why THANK YOU!! We wish your mom had practiced it.. You do explain why some animals eat their young.
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Old 02-04-2011, 12:42 PM   #101
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and now he is back to being juvenile.....

I deal with this with my mom as well.....

I hope you have a "better day" soon so you can slap the dentures in, put on a pair of bell bottoms and a big collared short and venture outside for some sun.....

You sure aren't doing well being cooped up all day every day....
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Old 02-04-2011, 12:45 PM   #102
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Originally Posted by nuglet View Post
Thor, stated by the pussy you are. Did Whispers write that for you, or did you get you pet monkey, and a typewriter? Certainly wanders a lot.. You just don't get it do you?
Stated by the pussy you are? WTF does that even mean? Are you kidding me? You, the self admitted review-by-providers-request guy, are calling me a pussy. You have an incredibly warped view of reality. Do you have trouble keeping up when I reply to more than one post at a time? Should I color code for you, or do I just need to keep them separate posts? Yes, whatever it is you have, I don't have. Go see a doctor. Is this the standard reply when you don't have a reasonable way to excuse yourself from contradicting your own words?
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Old 02-04-2011, 12:45 PM   #103
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Whispy, quite a contribution there. As usual, just GIGO..
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Old 02-04-2011, 12:46 PM   #104
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Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor View Post
Stated by the pussy you are? WTF does that even mean? Are you kidding me? You, the self admitted review-by-providers-request guy, are calling me a pussy. You have an incredibly warped view of reality. Do you have trouble keeping up when I reply to more than one post at a time? Should I color code for you, or do I just need to keep them separate posts? Yes, whatever it is you have, I don't have. Go see a doctor. Is this the standard reply when you don't have a reasonable way to excuse yourself from contradicting your own words?
Aww, what's the matter sweetie? constipated?
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Old 02-04-2011, 12:47 PM   #105
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Alright, time out!

This thread is going on a break. It will return... promise. Everyone, take a breather, the ice is melting, rub one out, see a provider.......

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