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Old 01-31-2011, 08:27 PM   #46
Jackie S
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Angel, you seem like a real nice Lady, one who is in charge of Her own Life.

But, thank goodness you did not use that 40 caliber, or even threaten someone with it. If you had used it, your life would have changed forever, and not in a good way.

In no sane society is shooting, or threatening deadly force against an individule, considered lawful conduct over an arguement about payment for any service, whether it be a stolen case of beer at a store, or stolen service from a Provider.

That being said, I believe that any piece of sh-t that would treat a Lady is being described here is just that, a piece of Sh-t.
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Old 01-31-2011, 08:33 PM   #47
London Rayne
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Originally Posted by allofamber View Post
Couldn't agree more with you Mo.....and karma is a mo-fo...

I once had a guy short me $160...didnt know it till it was to late...but I knew karma would pay him back and it did...

3 months after he ripped me off I walked into the Capital Bar and Grill with my 3 Columbian male cousins and wouldn't you know it that douchebag was sitting there with his business associates ...I walked over and said "you owe me some money" (VERY LOUD..all the while my cousins surrounded him).... he quickly got up and paid me $200 cash.... I smiled, took the money, and went to be seated at my table.....he left the restaurant shortly after. He then emailed me the next day apologizing...as if I give a shit.....

I bet he never rip off another escort, after me...
That is CLASSIC!
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Old 02-01-2011, 07:43 AM   #48
Maggie McNeill
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
Angel, you seem like a real nice Lady, one who is in charge of Her own Life.

But, thank goodness you did not use that 40 caliber, or even threaten someone with it. If you had used it, your life would have changed forever, and not in a good way.

In no sane society is shooting, or threatening deadly force against an individule, considered lawful conduct over an arguement about payment for any service, whether it be a stolen case of beer at a store, or stolen service from a Provider.

That being said, I believe that any piece of sh-t that would treat a Lady is being described here is just that, a piece of Sh-t.
Believe me, if I had to threaten him with it my life wouldn't have changed one iota. Sleazy punks who would steal from escorts have no balls; he would've backed down immediately and that would've been that. And what would he tell the cops afterward if he had been stupid enough to go to them? "I tried to rob a hooker and she pulled a gun on me and told me to leave?" He was in MY domicile; in Louisiana I could even have shot him without anyone questioning.
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Old 02-01-2011, 07:47 AM   #49
London Rayne
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Yep we don't play in Louisiana lmao, and even if they did find him it would still take 5 years to figure out who did it.
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Old 02-01-2011, 08:31 AM   #50
Abe Normal
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Sometimes you have to be careful in your interpretation of being ripped off.

Two years ago a then well known provider from Nashville drove clear across the state and confronted an also well known hobbiest at his work place in Knoxville and extorted $1200 from him. Apparently he had contacted several guests she had invited to a Christmas social and informed them that LE was going to be monitoring the activities and the comings and goings at the party.

In the lady's mind he prevented many from attending and cost her oodles of cash in food and preperation, not to mention the "business" he prevented her female guest from getting, even though in her own words it was not meant to be a "business" event.

In the end, she was banned from a popular site, he was banned also, and it started a very long thread and controversy among members choosing sides. Even though he was a scumbag and had been actively stalking another lady, most felt the lady took it too far in extorting money from him at a price SHE set in her mind. And to be clear, she did not give any of that extorted money to any of the ladies she felt lost business....she kept it all for herself.

I do not condone shorting a lady required donations. In fact I despise anyone who does so. But I also do not condone approching a client in public, at his place of work, or at his home to "collect."
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Old 02-01-2011, 08:57 AM   #51
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I just recently watched the show "Craigslist Killer" and the first woman that he robbed called the police. The police realized that she was putting herself in danger and instead of hassling her, they worked with her to catch the guy. This was before he killed the next one he robbed.

I was really impressed with the police on this. I am glad they didn't throw her in jail.
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Old 02-01-2011, 05:18 PM   #52
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so sad & yet so true
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Old 02-01-2011, 06:41 PM   #53
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I always bring a birthday card with moolah for the birthday girl
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Old 02-02-2011, 08:32 AM   #54
London Rayne
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Originally Posted by Abe Normal View Post
Sometimes you have to be careful in your interpretation of being ripped off.

Two years ago a then well known provider from Nashville drove clear across the state and confronted an also well known hobbiest at his work place in Knoxville and extorted $1200 from him. Apparently he had contacted several guests she had invited to a Christmas social and informed them that LE was going to be monitoring the activities and the comings and goings at the party.

In the lady's mind he prevented many from attending and cost her oodles of cash in food and preperation, not to mention the "business" he prevented her female guest from getting, even though in her own words it was not meant to be a "business" event.

In the end, she was banned from a popular site, he was banned also, and it started a very long thread and controversy among members choosing sides. Even though he was a scumbag and had been actively stalking another lady, most felt the lady took it too far in extorting money from him at a price SHE set in her mind. And to be clear, she did not give any of that extorted money to any of the ladies she felt lost business....she kept it all for herself.

I do not condone shorting a lady required donations. In fact I despise anyone who does so. But I also do not condone approching a client in public, at his place of work, or at his home to "collect."
Ha I know exactly who you are talking about! She deserves whatever she gets!
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