Providers may take a check -- well,the worst thing that can happen to them is the check bounces and they dont get any money for their service. Yes,it's bad but not disastrous.
But , what about the client? The freaking check has his name,address, phone # in some cases, the bank acct #, the routing # ... Sheesh !! Running out of words here. How dumb should a client be to write a check to a provider?? Possible road to financial and personal ruin. And what if it's a joint acct with his wife's name on it too??
No paper trail I thought,never in fact. Cant believe the absurdity or ridiculousness of a client writing a check to a provider. You dont want any dramas,drained blank acct,your real identity exposed or any blackmail threats.
Pay [with cash] , Fuck, Leave. So simple. Why do you want to make it so complicated??