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View Poll Results: Does a discount offered by a provider influence your decision to see her?
Definitely, Puts her on top of my list, 14 16.28%
Probably, Likely will move her up my list 57 66.28%
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Old 02-07-2010, 03:40 PM   #16
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+ 1 for what jacksparrow said;
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Old 02-07-2010, 06:02 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by enderwiggin View Post
Depends on the discount and the provider. There are some providers who could offer $300 discounts on $200 sessions, and I still couldn't be bothered.

For the most part though, 20 bucks or so doesn't mean a whole helluva lot to me. Its not like if I'm on the fence about a provider and she announces a 20 off discount, then all of a sudden I'm in. If I'm on the fence, I'm on the fence. If I plan to see her, I plan to see her. But either way, her rate isn't usually a factor.

However, a significant discount (50-100) will push a provider I plan to see to the top of my short list. That's happened once or twice.
I feel the same way. If a lady is on my list and there is a REAL discount, I will go see her. Sometimes I will ask for additional time and pay her the non-discounted rate.

AND I understand a lot of girls are stuck with that discounted price from then on with those guys - but SERIOUSLY Ladies is that a bad thing?

Which would you rather have - a regular who sees you every couple of weeks at $150 or hoping to see a new guy at $200???

Now if you are doing a zillion sessions a week or whatever YOUR Max for the day/week are - then of course you want as much as you can get

But I have yet to see a lady who has soooo much biz that she turns it down.

I have had a number of regular ladies over the years who understand the VALUE of a regular weekly/ or 2-3 times a month client and they have given me a "special" price and sincerely appreciate the regular patronage.

BUT as WayWard alluded....there are VERY few ladies who really understand marketing. Most believe if they need more money they simply INCREASE their rate.....and then wonder why biz is so slow for them.
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Old 02-07-2010, 06:04 PM   #18
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I know this is a poll for the guys...

but just thought I'd mention what I've noticed.

I've experimented a lot with specials in Austin and I've come to the conclusion that they do ME no good. They might work for other providers, but they haven't worked for me. I might get a slightly increased number of bookings, but all with guys who are bargain hunting and just looking for the best buy available that day. They probably will never be back again unless they happen to be hunting at a time that I happen to be offering a special better than the specials other ladies are offering. Furthermore, regulars get scared off when you offer specials to the general public because they assume you are probably going to be high volume. So basically, it's a lot more work and not much more reward.

I think it makes more sense to give the discounts to your regulars.

But Wayward is right. Specials don't always reflect that something is wrong -- just that the provider may need some extra money. Every time I have offered a special, it is always in the hopes of making a pile of money to pay off a big bill -- usually taxes! Thankfully I planned ahead on this year's property taxes, but income taxes? not so much. I'll probably be procrastinating my taxes again this year, so look for a crazy discount around April 1.
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Old 02-07-2010, 06:08 PM   #19
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There are several providers who ADVERTISE one price for new clients and a lower price for established clients. And they all have stuck to their guns on their marketing approach.

I know it is hard for a lady to give money back to a client, but I actually end up seeing a lady much more often when she shows her appreciation for being a regular - usually with extended time than $.
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Old 02-07-2010, 07:55 PM   #20
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i don't do discounts, i have extended my "special" to 90 min so that we both have a better time. Once a provider works hard to establish herself it is very hard to come back from a lower price. i have friends i see at my starting rate, that i have seen since i started, and yes, they too get the 90 min session, at the old introduction rate. Spoiled? Yes, but they deserve it, because it is appreciation. i continue to strive and come up with new ideas to entertain, like swingers bar dates, toys, extended play time, etc etc. im already on to my next plot, i mean plan, lol. i also feel that a special rate may affect the level of service from some providers. Not all, please don't make this a cilla dog pile. So i think this is the best way, extended play. It shows Your clients You enjoy Your time together, and eliminates the "rush" that can sometimes happen right at the end of an hour. Also helping me to provide better, non rushed sessions. i've never been a clock watcher, but if i can't make a happy ending in 90 min (or several), W/we have waaay bigger issues, lol.
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Old 02-08-2010, 01:37 PM   #21
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Girls that offer "disounts" seem desperate to me. No thanks.
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Old 02-08-2010, 01:45 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by CivilBarrister View Post
There are several providers who ADVERTISE one price for new clients and a lower price for established clients. And they all have stuck to their guns on their marketing approach.

I know it is hard for a lady to give money back to a client, but I actually end up seeing a lady much more often when she shows her appreciation for being a regular - usually with extended time than $.

And I always ask if the discount is for ssog, or does it include msog?
I hate 'specials' that turn out to be little more than quickies for me, which is why I rarely go in for a 'special.' I want the full hour or 90 minutes with msog.

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Old 02-08-2010, 02:37 PM   #23
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Ok, so I admit I am on the lower end of the hobby fund spectrum on this page, but for a couple of reasons. First, I am really not a multiples kind of guy unless a lot of time is built into the session, so a higher rate for the hour ends up being more for my 15-30 minutes of pleasure. So with that being said, what i have found is that discounts from a provider I know or is on my radar will definitely catch my attention. It will also mean I will be more likely to try someone new because if it doesn't work out or we don't click, I don't walk away feeling like I way overpaid for the experience. I have discovered that generally you get what you pay for, but there are exceptions....
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Old 02-08-2010, 02:56 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by ferdburf View Post
Just call me stupid, but I always stop at the same gas station for gas, I don't even look at the price. And I guess the analogy works, because once I latch onto an ATF,

oh, that explains the restraining orders......
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Old 02-08-2010, 03:12 PM   #25
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Sometimes a discount will make me try a lady who was on my maybe list or my roundtuit list. Some of these ladies have then gotten on my regular list.

Like any advertising strategy, it may be useful, it may not be. It's not necessarily how much business you get, it can be how many new clients you get.
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Old 02-08-2010, 03:57 PM   #26
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Damn, where is your gas station? I just paid $2.49. You wouldn't hold out on a board brother would ya? You know, like scared your place might get too popular and raise their price or run out of gas?

When I started typing I had a point.
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Old 02-08-2010, 03:59 PM   #27
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Depends on the discount... $20 off... naw... 50% off ... now that's a discount ... like back when they used to have Nickel beer night at ball games... (yea, I'm old)
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Old 02-08-2010, 07:25 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas View Post
Depends on the discount... $20 off... naw... 50% off ... now that's a discount ... like back when they used to have Nickel beer night at ball games... (yea, I'm old)
That's when Buffalo nickels were actually worth something!
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Old 02-08-2010, 10:11 PM   #29
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Default Double Edged Sword

Originally Posted by CivilBarrister View Post
There are several providers who ADVERTISE one price for new clients and a lower price for established clients. And they all have stuck to their guns on their marketing approach.

I know it is hard for a lady to give money back to a client, but I actually end up seeing a lady much more often when she shows her appreciation for being a regular - usually with extended time than $.
Double Edged Sword

Yikes that's a double edged sword. You want to entice new clients with lower rates but you also want to reward regulars....

Someone else mentioned providers being low on cash. Yep, Alex sometimes just has something she HAS TO BUY....Or a real car problem and she just says....drop it like it's hot!
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Old 02-09-2010, 11:37 AM   #30
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I voted #1

... but only if she is "my type" and well reviewed.

I will not see someone solely because they are discounted ... for that matter I would not see someone for free ... unless she is "my type" and well reviewed ... however, my definition of "my type" expands a little in that case.
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