Oh Gawd.... head pets and advil are needed STAT. No mimosa's for me today ugh. I can't complain too much as I had a kick ass time though. Whispers, I even thought of you last night as I was at a party with quite a few grade a strippers. I was too tipsy to recruit

Somehow I ended up with sister in law's face in my boobs??? And I danced all night with a flaming gay guy that sported a purple mohak. He was the best dance partner I've ever had!! Shrugs ??? All of that is just wrong on so many levels. I ended my evening listening to some great music with some eccie friends. but not before drunk dialing Sixx to see what he was doing. He mumbled something about dancing in a cage. I thought maybe he wanted to come over and play in my dungeon. I dunno? ? He never showed, so I thought I would bug the people of eccie, and see what y'all were up to last night. Sounds like you guys were pulling some great shenanigins too!