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Old 01-26-2011, 01:16 PM   #61
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I was also surprised considering that many of those that comment here are obviously minorities or immigrants themselves. "What part of illegal don't you understand!" bullshit is nothing more than the many republican platitudes fed to the masses and is atypical of anyone whom understands how the 14th amendment and the Constitution is interpreted and applied. Failure, willingly or unwillingly, also to recognize that years and years of court precedence concerning the 14th amendment and the Constitution itself has already occurred and considered resolved is also an amazing and utterly ridiculous result of the conservative movement. Conservatives argue, without any basis whatsoever, that the Constitution is a static document and should be taken literally simply to appease an uncritical and biased view of this country and how it was founded. The founding fathers were aware that this country would go through changes and produced a document that was fluid and left ambiguous for that reason. The Constitution is now often referred to as a "living document" by constitutional scholars in recognition of this fact. I often wonder why I bother debating conservatives because their ideology is driven by other personal agendas and issues they cannot resolve within themselves and thus results in a debate that rarely bears fruit.
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Old 01-26-2011, 07:15 PM   #62
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I am no conservative. Forget the 14th ammendment, because fighting it is a lost cause. And I agree the constitution is a living document. Now that stated:

How can an illegal immigrant, with a child born in the USA, collect welfare or social security? Find any law, or constitiional fact that allows this.

How can the federal government drag it's feet on the overall issue of illegal aliens, such as selective enforcement, or blatantly ignoring laws currently in place?

Now if you are an "unregistered" pharmacist selling meth you would be arrested ASAP.

But being an "illegal" or "unregistered citizen" means you can collect welfare, get free college, free health care, and more.

As an "unregistered pharmacist" you can only get those freebies once you are behind bars.

The real issue is what are our elected officials going to do about 10+ million illegal aliens in this country.
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Old 01-27-2011, 12:46 AM   #63
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Raedy an undocumented person CANNOT collect welfare or social security. That's what undocumented means for crying out loud! They have no documents! No social security number, no driver's license, no papers whatsoever. Even a legal permanent resident cannot collect welfare until they have been in this country a certain amount of time.

Now granted that if they have a child that is a US citizen then the child can collect services such as food stamps, Medicare/ aid, or WIC. Why? Because the CHILD is an American citizen. But the undocumented parents get no free college, free health care, and more, as you put it.

Finally, yes the governments is dragging its feet regarding immigration. Where you see selective enforcement, I see finally being smart and fair about deportation policies. Where you see blatantly ignoring laws, I see civil disobedience for the greater good of smart immigration reform.

Sorry about the misspellings. I'm typing this on a frigging iPad.
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Old 01-27-2011, 01:09 AM   #64
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Originally Posted by raedy4funn45 View Post
I am no conservative. Forget the 14th ammendment, because fighting it is a lost cause. And I agree the constitution is a living document. Now that stated:

How can an illegal immigrant, with a child born in the USA, collect welfare or social security? Find any law, or constitiional fact that allows this.

How can the federal government drag it's feet on the overall issue of illegal aliens, such as selective enforcement, or blatantly ignoring laws currently in place?

Now if you are an "unregistered" pharmacist selling meth you would be arrested ASAP.

But being an "illegal" or "unregistered citizen" means you can collect welfare, get free college, free health care, and more.

As an "unregistered pharmacist" you can only get those freebies once you are behind bars.

The real issue is what are our elected officials going to do about 10+ million illegal aliens in this country.
I'll answer each question to the best of my ability point by point. I"ll keep it short as I have overstayed my welcome on this issue I think. Any other questions or clarification feel free to pm me:
1. I think you've answered this question already. Entitlements are collected on behalf of the child and not the parents.
2. There are many answers to this dilemma but I think the outstanding reason would be economic.
3. Hmm...the illegality of meth and "unregistered pharmacist" are not in question so I'm at a loss.
4. Yes an "unregistered pharmacist selling meth" would be arrested.
5. Yes you can make that point however here is a qoute from CIS ( which is a conservative organization by the way) CIS: "Our findings show that many of the preconceived notions about the fiscal impact of illegal households turn out to be inaccurate. In terms of welfare use, receipt of cash assistance programs tends to be very low, while Medicaid use, though significant, is still less than for other households. Only use of food assistance programs is significantly higher than that of the rest of the population. Also, contrary to the perceptions that illegal aliens don’t pay payroll taxes, we estimate that more than half of illegals work “on the books.”
6. I'm not sure what freebies an "unregistered pharmicist" gets in prison.
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Old 01-27-2011, 02:19 AM   #65
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OOPS! I failed to identify what CIS (Center for Immigration Studies) stands for, sorry.
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Old 01-27-2011, 05:13 PM   #66
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yes likkinikki as u know i am us citizen i am also assuming that you are naturalize citizen i am a simple man for me if it looks like apple smells like apple taste like apple its an apple.
immigrants contribute a lot to us society including paying taxes
back in the day they did not have ins or ice if u landed n usa you were citizen that it was that simple
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