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Old 01-18-2011, 11:43 AM   #1
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Thumbs down Whatever happened to basic respect?

I normally don't post anything that is negative but i am one upset Vixen. I understand part of the buisness on both ends is cancelling due to a variety of reason but have respect and even after emailing to confirm and talking to me on the phone send me an email to cancel. Why book for 2 hours and than be a NCNS? I am probably one of the most understanding if an appt has to be cancelled. Case in point when I was in Rochester due to a bad storm coming I send out emails the night before asking what my gentlemen thought about cancelling due to the fact i don't want someone risking their's or someone else safety to come see me i than sent a follow up email so they knew that again due to the storm coming I thought in in everyone's interest to just wait until me next trip up...than I realized you upstate new yorkers will drive through anything..lol...i even had a gentlemen here in syracuse that i emailed and replied last week confirming but said he was feeling sick like the flu..we emailed again on sun and he wasn't feeling great so today since our appt was for 630pm and I know they are projecting sleet that I thought it best for him to stay home instead of being out in the damp weather..It is all about respect and if a provider was a ncns we would get a bad review yet some guys deserve to be put in their place and not to mention what a waste of time and money...while I do have another profession I could return to I enjoy doing this and have been very lucky with the men I have met and see on a regular basis both up here and down south...I don't tolerate anyone disrespecting other or myself in my personal life and surely won't accept it in my working life...OK I am done venting and over my trip has been a good one with the exception of this...so let it let go and move on and enjoy the rest of my trip...I am a firm beleiver in karma....I just wish I could post an alert or warning so other providers don't waste their time and I even verified him...ok i feel better...thank you...
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Old 01-18-2011, 11:57 AM   #2
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IMHO NCNS, unless totally out of someone's control, is not acceptable behaviour for either hobbyist or provider. Is common courtesy to let someone you have an appointment with to let them know ASAP if either has to cancel! Sorry that happened to you!! You ladies have a "girls room" I presume you run things by each other like that to see if there is a pattern of that type of behaviour to tip each other off? Travel Safely!
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Old 01-18-2011, 12:13 PM   #3
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So sorry this happened to you It's horrible when someone pulls a NC/NS without contacting the lady. Or vice versa!

Just yesterday I had to cancel on the guy and I felt bad because it was 10mins before our appointment, but a friend needed a place to stay and a shoulder to cry on! I had to be a friend. I would have loved to give more time to not waste a gents time, but at that situation I didn't have enough time to know I'd need to cancel. He seemed okay with it and I'm hoping to make it up to him soon! But I am glad I called him rather than just not be at our agreed meeting spot. That is unprofessional and uncalled for!
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Old 01-18-2011, 12:14 PM   #4
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Riley, I am really sorry to hear that. I feel bad enough that I had to cancel our appointment due to the weather (and I am grateful for your understanding), but NCNS is unacceptable. As Laker suggested, you should report this person in the Infoshare forum.
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Old 01-18-2011, 12:22 PM   #5
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agreed whole heartedly.. NCNS is an affront to the respect that you are entitled to be treated with. I am very sorry this has happened to you and hope it does not reflect unfavorably with the vast majority of guys in this area....
i would post his name in infoshare and let all the ladies know about this jerk...
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Old 01-19-2011, 10:33 AM   #6
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sorry to hear this happened to you......I too have had this happen and it is a very unpleasent feeling..........:/.......keep your head up their are nice gents
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Old 01-19-2011, 01:43 PM   #7
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If a gent makes an Appt Keep it.
It requires real extenuating circumstances to cancel.
But Never a NC/NS that is just plain wrong.

I'm sure that bugger is now black-listed.
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Old 01-19-2011, 02:24 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Irish Vixen View Post
It is all about respect and if a provider was a ncns we would get a bad review
I do agree that cancellations just plain "Suck", but things do happen in general and we all understand when a cancellation happens and is legitimate.
You are not the only one that this has happened to, it has also happened to me!! On more than one occasion!!!
Do not be so sure to state that “if a provider was a ncns we would get a bad review"
Anyway, I hope that you feel better now that you vented!!!
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