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View Poll Results: Why Do Chinese People Bow So Much?
Because they are polite 6 54.55%
Because their back hurt. 1 9.09%
They are aligning their chi 1 9.09%
Write in your own idea 3 27.27%
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Old 02-04-2010, 08:44 PM   #1
Fast Gunn
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Question Chinese People

I have a question, I'd like 2 throw out 2 the group.

Why do Chinese people bow so much?

I mean, I always assumed it was because of politeness, but is that a known fact or possibly an incorrect assumption?

I think it is because they're old and their back hurt and that is how they align their chi.

Everybody here know about chi?

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Old 02-04-2010, 09:00 PM   #2
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Having lived in SE Asia, the bow is equivilant to the wester hand shake. It is simply a greeting. The person lower is status bowes the lowest.
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Old 02-04-2010, 10:38 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Bull149 View Post
Having lived in SE Asia, the bow is equivilant to the wester hand shake. It is simply a greeting. The person lower is status bowes the lowest.
That's what I was gonna say....
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Old 02-04-2010, 11:00 PM   #4
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Really are we going to allow this kind of racial ignorance on here?!?!

If you took the time and googled it you would find Bull's answer to be correct. Especially with the Japanease rooting back to the Samurai and their warrior code.

Lets assume Fast Gunn is incapable of doing simple internet search. His lack of tact is tasteless and poor judgement. However we all know people who are descent but are tactless. Then Fast Gunn gives his personal thought....

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn View Post

I think it is because they're old and their back hurt and that is how they align their chi.

Everybody here know about chi?

Really Fast Gunn?!?! Is that funny to you, do you think it's funny to others? Change your handle to "Fast Gunned Down for Being a Ignorant Pig".......now thats funny. So are you saying all chinese are old? I have only read one post of yours and your old crusty butt can retire early to that flaming lava in the netherworld.
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Old 02-04-2010, 11:10 PM   #5
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Exclamation Sanctimonious

Originally Posted by xperiment View Post
Really are we going to allow this kind of racial ignorance on here?!?!

If you took the time and googled it you would find Bull's answer to be correct. Especially with the Japanease rooting back to the Samurai and their warrior code.

Lets assume Fast Gunn is incapable of doing simple internet search. His lack of tact is tasteless and poor judgement. However we all know people who are descent but are tactless. Then Fast Gunn gives his personal thought....

Really Fast Gunn?!?! Is that funny to you, do you think it's funny to others? Change your handle to "Fast Gunned Down for Being a Ignorant Pig".......now thats funny. So are you saying all chinease are old? I have only read one post of yours and your old crusty butt can retire early to that flaming lava in the netherworld.

I knew there would be at least one of these sanctimonious attacks on me tonight.

I knew someone would take a punch at me instead of addressing the question especially if they had no answer and a barbaric punch was all they had.

Yes, dummy, of course, I can Google the question, but then I'd get their answer that Google crawled from a broad cross section of demography.

If I ask the question here on the board, I can get a response from a particular segment.

Now, finally, let me say that if you don't have anything more productive to say, I would recommend that you hold your council.

You have nothing we need to hear and you have nothing to say.

Now, if you could only stop making incoherent noises, it would be appreciated.

You demean yourself with this foolish attacks of yours.

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Old 02-04-2010, 11:16 PM   #6
Fast Gunn
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Exclamation Anytime


I knew there would be at least one of these sanctimonious attacks on me tonight.

I knew someone would take a punch at me instead of addressing the question especially if they had no answer and a barbaric punch was all they had.

Yes, dummy, of course, I can Google the question, but then I'd get their answer that Google crawled from a broad cross section of demography.

If I ask the question here on the board, I can get a response from a particular segment.

Now, finally, let me say that if you don't have anything more productive to say, I would recommend that you hold your council.

You have nothing we need to hear and you have nothing to say.

Now, if you could only stop making incoherent noises, it would be appreciated.

You demean yourself with this foolish attacks of yours.

As for the butt kicking, I am ready anytime you feel lucky, punk!

Well, do, you punk? (said through clenched teeth & close up)

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Old 02-04-2010, 11:41 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Fast Gunn View Post

I knew there would be at least one of these sanctimonious attacks on me tonight.

I knew someone would take a punch at me instead of addressing the question especially if they had no answer and a barbaric punch was all they had.

Yes, dummy, of course, I can Google the question, but then I'd get their answer that Google crawled from a broad cross section of demography.

If I ask the question here on the board, I can get a response from a particular segment.

Now, finally, let me say that if you don't have anything more productive to say, I would recommend that you hold your council.

You have nothing we need to hear and you have nothing to say.

Now, if you could only stop making incoherent noises, it would be appreciated.

You demean yourself with this foolish attacks of yours.

I rarely flame or attack anyone. My attacks are well founded by your post. I read and reread your post several times to make sure your question was purely genuine curiosity with no malintent.

I suggest you reread my first response. I gave excuses that it was ignorant lack of knowledge and ability to do research. Also excused the poor taste, execution, and lack of tact the question was inquired.

Your personal reason of why was just a bad punchline. It has no merit as an answer from a thoughtful reasonable person. Because they are old and have bad backs? Please explain that thought process. So are you saying only old people bow or all old chinese have bad backs? What about the younger and middle aged chinease, why do they bow, or they just don't exist.

If you admit that you truely thought that was the reason why AND HAD NO MALINTENT OR CHEAP HUMOR, I will post my apology and withdraw my harmful statements toward you and chalk it up as someone who lacks tact, good judgement at times (we all make mistakes here and there), and thoughtful reasoning.
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Old 02-05-2010, 02:32 AM   #8
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Nobody's fooled, dude. This wasn't a question based in curiousity. This was pretty much a cheap attempt at humor at the expense of Chinese people. And you get bent out of shape when someone is offended? Somehow I think offense and discourse was pretty much what you were going for here. There's a word for that...


But not to worry. The mods around here are usually on the ball and shut down ignorant posters pretty quickly. Anyhow, I'd suggest not feeding the troll. No need trying to have a battle of wits with an unarmed assailant.

So in the meantime....


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Old 02-05-2010, 10:13 AM   #9
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This is counterproductive and not going anywhere. It's done
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