So I've got this friend,a provider from another state who has changed her life,works as a CNA here in Houston. Basically she is rebuilding. Got away from her brutal pimp and she's doing rather well still a few mistakes as far as financing but shes young and learning.
Well I decided to take her to dinner last night,and because she's hurting for money I chose a buffet. She shows up with her roomate? and her one year old son?? OK, no big deal every body can eat.... This turned out to be so embarassing. The little one,a baby so I expected noise from him,but not give him a jalapeno pepper to shut him up..Of course the child srceamed bloody murder.( I gave him milk). There were several other incedences that made me regret the gesture of friendship. The treatment of the child had to be the worst. There was also a family that came in,and she(my friend) looked the mother of the children in the face and says bitch you know thats too much make-up on that child.....

I told her to act like she wasn't on the street,and she just stared at the woman,who thank goodness ignored her.
Damn it man..It's the last time.