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Old 01-11-2011, 10:29 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by fritz3552 View Post
LOL - then why were you the one to bring up the divisiveness?
Thank you sir, I did not want to say anything because I did not want to be seen as picking on him.
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Old 01-11-2011, 07:30 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by fritz3552 View Post
LOL - then why were you the one to bring up the divisiveness?
How am I bringing up division? you act as if I said we need to go out and shoot a GOP congresswoman to be even? I only stated that politicians need to stop using hateful speech or signs that could incite violence Yes it happens across both lines, but we are seeing more of it nowadays because there's a DEM in office. Do you realize how many death threats were made to politicians who voted for Health Care? I still stand firm that Palin should have used a better example to get her point across. I think when Rush said he hopes Obama fails is not a good thing to say. I still say a lot of GOP fueled the TEA Party with all their hate speech and innuendos about death panels, Health care, socialism, etc. Heck Didn't Palin accuse Obama of being pals with Terrorist? What about the Birthers??? I can go n and on. We are better than this- and as many of you pointed it- from 2004 to 2008 it was just as bad with the Dems spreading their vile against Bush. Both sides need to learn how to agree to disagree and stop with all the bullshit rhetoric.
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Old 01-11-2011, 07:57 PM   #63
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"Both sides need to learn how to agree to disagree and stop with all the bullshit rhetoric."

Its amazing that you cant see that everything you just typed is rhetoric. But hey who cares, politics is boring, Jersey Shore is coming on.
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Old 01-11-2011, 09:37 PM   #64
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I think every just needs a drink & some head to cool off just because someone says something that is dumb you have to be a real limp dick to act on it. lets keep our tax dollars for a lawyer & fry his ass.
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Old 01-11-2011, 11:12 PM   #65
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So what about when Bush was in office and he was being hung in effigy?

As for Rush saying he hoped Obama would fail, that's a Page 1 talking point from Moveon.org. The transcript can be found on his website but I'll include a portion of it here.

Look, what he's talking about is the absorption of as much of the private sector by the US government as possible, from the banking business, to the mortgage industry, the automobile business, to health care. I do not want the government in charge of all of these things. I don't want this to work. So I'm thinking of replying to the guy, "Okay, I'll send you a response, but I don't need 400 words, I need four: I hope he fails.
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Old 01-12-2011, 03:37 AM   #66
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FYI, the birther movement began with democratic Hillary supporters. Soooo....

If you have any doubt I suggest Michelle Malkins website. She has collected a multitude of dems behaving badly.

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Old 01-12-2011, 05:48 AM   #67
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Originally Posted by john_galt View Post
Pay particular attention to his favorite books.
Are you talking about the Ayn Rand one? I see you 'forgot' to mention it. Maybe you just don't know who the author is...

...or you were trying to bullshit these guys with the implication that Laughner was really a lefty. Because (in your mind) a left winger shooting a left winger makes more sense than a far right wingnut doing it. Yeah...riiiight.

The most likely thing is that Laughner's crazy ass likes to read. He'd naturally attempt to "know his enemy" by reading the Communist Manifesto. Who knows how his mind processed what it read. He might even be one of those crazy nuts that thinks Nazis were leftys.

This thread roughly parallels what has been said on cable TV and talk radio over the past few days. You guys are nothing if not predictable.

A few things:

1. The shooter is alive and in custody. It won't be a permanent mystery as to what his motivation was.

*Right wingers have cranked up the noise machine...while calling on others to tone it down.
*Right wingers have complained that liberals have made this "political"...when a politician was shot in the head in a political assassination attempt.
*Right wingers claim that Laughner is a bi-partisan assassin...while pointing out the Communist Manifesto (and omitting anything else).
*Right wingers claim that it was just the act of a crazy man...but that he's sane enough for the death penalty.
*Right wingers are trying to spin the whole thing to make THEMSELVES be the victims...instead of the actual victims.
*Right wingers aren't taking any responsibility for inciting violence or their irresponsible rhetoric...but are claiming that what Democrats have said could KILL YOUR CHILDREN!!! (okay, not quite that far...yet)

3. Sarah Palin sure has shut the fuck up in the last few days hasn't she?
"Hows that hatey, killy, reloady, crosshairsy thing working out for ya?"
Her proxy warriors are playing the victim card for her BIGTIME. Have you heard the bullshit about the targets being survey markers? How the fuck do you reload a survey marker, Sarah?

4. Nobody has posted the Jon Stewart comment on the Tucson shooting yet.

5. Nobody has posted the "Gilford previously targeted" MSNBC interview from March 2010. This is a must see. It's spooky.

6. Nobody has mentioned her husband being a frickin' NASA space shuttle commander or his twin brother astronaut.

7. Nobody has mentioned the little girl's birthday.

8. Nobody has mentioned the other Democrat on Sarah's target map.

9. Nobody has mentioned how much of a badass Obama is for going to Arizona. If you were a black president...would you go to Arizona right now? Awww hell naw!

10. Unless I missed it, Dirty Dog didn't say a peep on the 33 round clips that the assassin had. Why so quiet puppy dog?
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Old 01-12-2011, 09:10 AM   #68
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Because if you could read you would know I have been asking people to refrain until the facts come out. I was not the one who began this thread railing against the right wing, I have made no comment for or against because like I have said previously I am waiting for the facts to come out. As for 33 round clips, didnt know about them, because I have not been spending my waking days studying this issue, I have commented on why no one knew he had a mental health issue, because the information is not available to the FBI by law. now your brother Wellendowed has done his best to draw me into the debate over palin and all that other crap but I have remained out of the argument because I DONT KNOW THE FACTS AND NEITHER DO YOU. SO I WILL WAIT UNTIL SUCH TIME AS HIS MOTIVATION AND THE FACTS ARE MADE KNOW TO US BY LE. Apparently you simply cant read or your bored and want to drag me into this argument, but I will let you in on something, maybe you have not noticed, I have stayed out of most political discussions for a while now because they are a waste of time. As for all of this, here is another little secret for you, I am sorry anyone was hurt or killed but other than that I could really careless. Whats going to happen is going to happen and nothing I do or say is going to change that, so why waste my time. I have a lot of other stuff going on that takes up my time. But monger it's been a hoot chatting with you and I am going to sit back and see what happens.
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Old 01-12-2011, 10:01 AM   #69
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What do we know for sure?

1. The guy is still in custody and has not talked about his motives.

2. The guy has a history with the congresswoman - in 2007 he attended an event; and, her office sent him a form letter thank you note. The police have found this form letter with 'Die Bitch' and 'Die Cops' written on it, in his parent's home.

3. He called police to his house in 2006, because he thought somebody stole his Myspace password. The police have made more than one visit to his house, but it can't be confirmed what the other visits were for.

4. He wrote on gamer chatrooms about being unemployed for 6 months, getting no response after submitting 65 job applications, having trouble getting a date. He joked on chat rooms about hitting a handicapped child and cannibilism. He declared that rape victims enjoyed it. He wrote in chat rooms that he had been fired from 5 jobs, and listed them....and put special emphasis on a firing/mental breakdown at Red Robin.

5. He was arrested in 2007 - case was dismissed

6. He was arrested in 2008 for graffiti on a street sign - he paid restitution and got a diversion.

7. He was suspended from community college for in class outbursts.

8. He was turned down by the US Army.

9. He legally posessed his pistol. 33 Round magazines (not 'clip') are legal in Arizona, and there is no longer a federal ban on them. You don't need a permit for concealed carry in Arizona.

10. Dupnik told reporters that Loughner had made threats against somebody in the past...but later that day retracted that statement.

11. Dupnik stated he had photos proving the shooter did not act alone - the next day he retracted that statement.

12. Dupnik has blamed the attack on 'prejudice', 'bigotry', 'vitriolic rhetoric', and personally named Sarah Palin and Sharon Angle. He has not retracted those statements.
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Old 01-12-2011, 11:40 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by lacrew_2000 View Post
What do we know for sure?

1. The guy is still in custody and has not talked about his motives.

2. The guy has a history with the congresswoman - in 2007 he attended an event; and, her office sent him a form letter thank you note. The police have found this form letter with 'Die Bitch' and 'Die Cops' written on it, in his parent's home.

3. He called police to his house in 2006, because he thought somebody stole his Myspace password. The police have made more than one visit to his house, but it can't be confirmed what the other visits were for.

4. He wrote on gamer chatrooms about being unemployed for 6 months, getting no response after submitting 65 job applications, having trouble getting a date. He joked on chat rooms about hitting a handicapped child and cannibilism. He declared that rape victims enjoyed it. He wrote in chat rooms that he had been fired from 5 jobs, and listed them....and put special emphasis on a firing/mental breakdown at Red Robin.

5. He was arrested in 2007 - case was dismissed

6. He was arrested in 2008 for graffiti on a street sign - he paid restitution and got a diversion.

7. He was suspended from community college for in class outbursts.

8. He was turned down by the US Army.

9. He legally posessed his pistol. 33 Round magazines (not 'clip') are legal in Arizona, and there is no longer a federal ban on them. You don't need a permit for concealed carry in Arizona.

Holy fuck, Monger did it Sorry man it just made me laugh so I had to post it.
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Old 01-12-2011, 12:36 PM   #71
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Left or right, both sides see this tragedy as an opportunity to promote their own self interest. I’ve heard comments from saying it was her fault she was shot because if she was packing, the gunman wouldn’t have tried to kill her. Another comment was that it was Obama’s fault because he pushed thru the health care agenda and that’s why this guy did what he did. A friend (we disagree politically) of mine told me that it’s too bad he didn’t go after some democrat senators in states with republican governors, so they could appoint republican replacements and control the senate.

The most despicable thing I’ve heard so far was that those Westbourgh nutjobs were going to protest at the 9 year olds funeral.

The most laughable thing I’ve heard so far was that Palin’s graphic was using surveying sites, not gun sites. Don’t think anyone made that comment until this tragedy happened.
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Old 01-13-2011, 10:35 AM   #72
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Originally Posted by KCJoe View Post
Left or right, both sides see this tragedy as an opportunity to promote their own self interest. I’ve heard comments from saying it was her fault she was shot because if she was packing, the gunman wouldn’t have tried to kill her. Another comment was that it was Obama’s fault because he pushed thru the health care agenda and that’s why this guy did what he did. A friend (we disagree politically) of mine told me that it’s too bad he didn’t go after some democrat senators in states with republican governors, so they could appoint republican replacements and control the senate.

The most despicable thing I’ve heard so far was that those Westbourgh nutjobs were going to protest at the 9 year olds funeral.

The most laughable thing I’ve heard so far was that Palin’s graphic was using surveying sites, not gun sites. Don’t think anyone made that comment until this tragedy happened.
Yes very true- big props out to Obama who delievered an excellent speech in Tucson where he mentioned that this is not a time to use this for political gain or to point fingers. I was very disgusted and disappointed with Sarah Palin's self centered media bashing speech she gave which only seemed like she was just concerned with clearing her name- not one mention of Giffords name or any of the victims or victims family- her speech made Palin look even worst in the public eye. Who the hell writes her speeches? The term "Blood Libel" has deep rooted meaning- wrong choice of words.
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Old 01-13-2011, 12:46 PM   #73
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I didn't know what the fuss about "Blood Libel" was so I looked it up on Wikipedia. How could SP use such a reference to herself? The speachwriter who included that in her speach needs to be fired. I doubt she understood the meaning of the phrase.
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Old 01-13-2011, 02:43 PM   #74
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Alan Dershowitz (who is Jewish) doesn't see a problem with Palin using that particular phrase:


"There is nothing improper and certainly nothing anti-Semitic in Sarah Palin using the term to characterize what she reasonably believes are false accusations that her words or images may have caused a mentally disturbed individual to kill and maim."
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Old 01-13-2011, 06:40 PM   #75
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You forgot to mention that no one mentioned the Congresswoman was Jewish...no, wait, I mentioned she was Jewish. So it comes down to minutia on whether or not your are engaged??? Hang it up, you sound like a creep.
We know about the little girl's birthday (though it took the media over 24 hours to find out her name and longer for the other victims).
We waited on the magazine because there were conflicting reports and 33 round magazines are rare things. The press is always messing up technical specifics on weapons.
The POTUS going to a state in the union under lock down... yes, that is ballsy???

Jeezus!!! These are stupid comments and I expected better from some of you. People are dead! Old people and a little girl but still all people that didn't deserve to be executed by a mental case who should have locked up years ago if the Sheriff had down his job. Get back on topic for the love of God.
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