Wow. Two "top" lists in one week - both ends of the spectrum, too.
Pain? I don't see "pain". I see rant. Every rant has a cause - some plausible, some not. What got me on this one was "where did this come from"?
Someone said "chat" was a possibility. From what I've read (never seen it, so I don't know), I'd say "okay" to that.
That's a lot like walking into a room full of strangers and blowing up at everyone because of what happened that morning at home. WTF?
If it had started (as most rants do around here) with "Alright you fucks - In chat X was said by Y, Z, and the cop at the donut shop", I'd have been cool with letting it be (as I do most rants). This one didn't. Apparently we were supposed to just know.
I have my coffee. I have my smokes. I just assumed everyone else did, too. (All I didn't have was popcorn. Stupid me.)