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Old 01-11-2011, 11:58 AM   #1
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Default Brownback Speech

In a sentence he used the phrase...."crassness of modernity."

I am not sure what he meant? Is he longing for the 50's or is our society just over the top?
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Old 01-11-2011, 12:15 PM   #2
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I think what Brownback is talking about are things like young girls running around with "Juicy" on their ass, using the word "fuck" like punctuation, and forgetting simple courtesies like saying please, thank you, and excuse me. How do you feel about the commercials about erectile dysfunction, vaginal infections, and your monthly periods? I am old enough, and I'm sure some others here are as well, to remember when people would never consider going out in public in a t-shirt. Women were always ladies no matter what their profession. Nat King Cole could sing without referring to the thug life. My nephew once come to me about seven years ago and told me that he wanted to be a pimp when he left school because "pimps are kool". I'm not liking all this modernness.
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Old 01-11-2011, 12:26 PM   #3
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I know it is bad form on this forum to agree with Galt (Where is he????) but I do. I would never wear sweatpants outside of my home, certainly not with words printed across my ass. Hell, I don't wear clothing with visible labels (you want me to advertise for you? Pay me). I was raised to have manners, social graces, and a certain amount of modesty. The biggest one that DRIVES ME UP A FUCKING WALL is telephone etiquette. When you call me, especially from a business, the only thing I should be hearing when I say hello is "Hi, my name is ..... and I'm calling from ..... for (my name)" or "May I speak to?" Not "Is this (my name)?" I just hang up the phone. And the proper response to "Who is calling" is NOT TO GO INTO YOUR GODDAMN sales pitch.

Ha ha pet peeve anyone? ;p
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Old 01-11-2011, 09:41 PM   #4
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Yeah silly bad forum to agree with john but I hear your sexy so you get a pass. well I don't understand anything about the 50's but i do open doors for ladies
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Old 01-12-2011, 05:37 AM   #5
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Civility in its simplest form is dead. How often do we go to a store, restaurant and the help often does not acknowledge you. You're lucky if you can get a may I help you or thank you. Being online also allows expression like never before. Common courtesy towards others is lacking as well.
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Old 01-12-2011, 06:07 AM   #6
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The good old days weren't all that good. If they were so perfect, then why has everyone been working their asses off for years trying to make things better? Most of the nostalgia that people have is selective. They just remember the good things. Or they remember phony stuff from movies.

Speaking of movies...what branch of the military was John Wayne in during WW2? What battles did Ronald Reagan fight in?

Wayne 'declined' to serve. Twice. Ronny stayed stateside. They played war heros on the silver screen. I forget which one of them was cheating on their wife with a Mexican girl...
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Old 01-12-2011, 06:57 AM   #7
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Default WWII service

You could look it up but I believe that Reagan fought Bonzo at least to a draw.

I thought John Wayne had an old injury that made him unfit and 4F? What is decline to serve? I would have thought the all time champ would be 5 deferment, shoot em in the face Duck Chaney?

Lots of actor heroes in WWII...Jimmy Stewart, Eddie Albert, Audie Murphy, Charles Durning, and more I can't recall.
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Old 01-12-2011, 08:55 AM   #8
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Ha ha I was about to write AUDIE FUCKING MURPHY is huge font but I see he has already been included.
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Old 01-12-2011, 10:04 AM   #9
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I looked it up one time, and John Wayne was in his thirtys when the war broke out, so he wasn't draft age. Many of the hollywood stars signed up in spite of their age. John Wayne was a rising star and the absense of the other leading men opened up an opportunity for him that may not have been there had he joined the war or if the other leading men didn't sign up. He wasn't well thought of many other hollywood actors who did go fight. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Wayne

Reagan did serve in the military during the war, but only make training films. I read that his nearsightedness limited his assignments. Don't recall seeing him in glasses while he was president. Must have used contacts.
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Old 01-12-2011, 10:12 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by SillyGirl View Post
I know it is bad form on this forum to agree with Galt (Where is he????) but I do. I would never wear sweatpants outside of my home, certainly not with words printed across my ass. Hell, I don't wear clothing with visible labels (you want me to advertise for you? Pay me). I was raised to have manners, social graces, and a certain amount of modesty....
Thank you S. Girl. Well spoken.

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Old 01-12-2011, 01:12 PM   #11
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What the hell does this crap have to do with the topic???

For the record; John Wayne and Ronald Reagan were both too old to be drafted. John Wayne already too many children to be drafted. Reagan joined the reserves in 1937 but could not serve in active duty because of his eyesight.

Once again, what does this have to do with the topic???
By the way, when I talk about "the good old days" (which I did not use that term) I was speaking of the 60s and 70s. Yes, I grew up in the country where manners were still practiced in those decades.

Silly Girl why is it such a problem agreeing with me? If you read what I actually have written and not listen to the made up nonsense that others ascribe to me then I think most people would agree that I make sense.
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Old 01-12-2011, 01:31 PM   #12
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Default A loss

"I think most people would agree that I make sense."

I have been struck dumb by a higher power!
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Old 01-12-2011, 01:37 PM   #13
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Silly Girl why is it such a problem agreeing with me? If you read what I actually have written and not listen to the made up nonsense that others ascribe to me then I think most people would agree that I make sense.

Dude, it was a joke. Good job picking up on the Rand reference as well.
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Old 01-12-2011, 01:56 PM   #14
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Sam Brownback is no friend of the hobbyist nor is he a friend of the provider. Be careful, the hobby has always been one of his pet peeves. Under the table deals, good old boy cronyism, and other everyday Washington style business-as-usual brought back to Topeka (experience in running the government), which is perfectly fine, but don't you dare do anything immoral. (sic). Seriously, Kansans and Missourians who cross over into Kansas, be vigilant, be careful, be safe.

BTW: Clark Gable and Tyrone Power were two Hollywood names who also went to war. Clark Gable was the only captain that I've found who manned a side door gunner's position in a B-17 crew. He flew mission(s) over Germany.
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Old 01-12-2011, 02:41 PM   #15
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Only time will tell whether he's the egalitarian altruist that the rhetoric in his speech would imply (I did listen to his entire speech live), or a bigoted moral control freak who thinks his job is to make sure no one conducts his private life in a way that deviates from what he and his minister decide is moral.

My problem with the Republican party is that a lot of Republicans aren't TRUE Republicans (in the self-sacrificing spirit of Lincoln and the abolitionists, or the democratic egalitarians like Jefferson), but rather, are often selfish, gun-toting, redneck, hate mongers, or country club wannabes. Many use the party as a cover to be bigots, tight-fisted with their money, and to prove how tough they are with guns and military might. Unfortunately, those loud mouth dimwits of the party get all the press because it sells news and their vitriol makes for sensational sound bites.

If the Republican Party still stood for the principles of Jefferson and Lincoln, I'd still be a member, instead of a disappointed ex-member. Instead, it seems to be lead by fame-seeking Hollywood nitwits like Palin and Limbaugh.

Whew, I need a Tylenol.
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