I will need to think about wearing it to bed if I end up fuckin this guy..but like what am I supposed to say 'um excuse me while I freshen up and come back as blonde? Noooo I loove fuckin with civies (no p4p guys) I think I will just get up before he does get sexy and wake up next to him lookin blonde and hide the wig and play stupid make him wonder who he left with..they little joys in my life!
Nice Ginger! I might need to get your #!!

I love wigs.
Lisa Lisa thats what its all about having fun exploring new looks good for u. and I am glad I made u smile!
Trnch..It looks REAL it really does its so much fun wearing it incognito when I am singing Its like an escape...I do not think I could sing without it..I tried once at this hotel lobby in L.A. after I checked in I went to the bar to grab a drink while I was waiting for the luggage and after the bartender started pouring he said "you look like you could use some Brittney Spears and handed me the ya...The entire hotel heard me It was so much fun that all the ladies in the bar joined in and we ended up singing for hours ya but the next morning I was soooo embarrased the hotel staff was like "oh hi ms.cant sing for shit" I decided after all the looks If I want to play Rockstar I am wearing the wig! Here is a pic fromt that..
Where is the wig shots and video LRR...I missed it!
AND Gator...El CAPITAN extension is purrfect, i know I shared it with 2 other mouths!
Okay, I will play a video of me singing so you know see what I mean..

...or NOT!
Maybe a NOT a good idea here...I promise the only sounds you will hear are HARDER FASTER DAMMIT!
Besides, it only sounds good with the wig on at the pub with others DRINKING
and me shakin it.
Any other ladies besides Ginger here wanna show off their wigs?
I will not lie I was just stooopid I spent 800 on long blond hair extensions once, I wanted the long hair that hit my ass look. Those hurt at night when you would lay your head down.. I had them on for 5 days then had them removed.
They looked great but OMG the little knots on your head, ouch!
Not a good idea ladies they really hurt and then maintenance is a bitch its no fun if you like guys pulling your hair during sex either because you are worried about your investment.
I think the best part about having them put on was the sexy hair dresser that spent 4 hours talking to me about her sexual interests..yum yum yum..
Too bad she was as straight as a board, I did end up setting her up with SOMEONE...
She was a naughty girl he took her out to a strip club to get get "warmed up" and all she did was mingle hand out business cards to the dancers.
No happy ending AT ALL.
Some of these civie girls are such bitches!