Well, guys, I tried it tonight with my date, without telling her. I popped it in about 15 min before I thought we'd start (at 4:30 PM), but it turned out to be an hour before we started--the recommended time by the pharmecutical company. 50 mg as my doctor suggested.
Within about 20 minutes of ingesting the pill, I felt that I could get pretty excited--little tingle down there--but one doesn't rise until there is reason (just think about sex or get touched, and there it rises!). I tried not to think of anything exciting when still walking around at work, before we left together.
In any case, I was amazed that I was rock solid right with the slightest thought. What a difference from the last few times. I could change positions, wait a while for whatever, talk for a good time, pull out & wait & insert, whatever. It just stayed hard and ready to go.
So, we pounded away for 3 hrs straight. I couldn't cum, but she did about every minute, it seems. She was exhausted. She really wanted me to cum, and I had to really concentrate and have everything perfect (she had to do exactly what turns me on & I had to have all my mental images right & the movement had to be perfect). After about 10 minutes of really trying (this is already after 3 hrs), I sort of came a few times with a little ejaculant each time ... but not quite there. Then, finally, I got the catch of it and finished. What effort! London Rayne was right.
So, we finished somewhere around 9PM and went to dinner. We parted about 11PM, and I'm writing now about 12:14 midnight. It still rises when I think about her. So, the length of effect is longer than 4 hrs implied on the website.
The only side effect seemed to a little feeling like a headache or sinus headache, but just very slight. On the question of going for a second pop, I didn't want to try because I had already been going for 3+ hrs. I suppose I could have stayed hard, if I wanted to. 3 hrs is about my limit.
In any case, she loved it. Wants to get together tomorrow morning for more. I don't know if I can keep it up physically.
I'm not really supposed to pop another pill so soon either, according to the directions. She's definitely figuring out plans for next weekend too.
So, it's a success! Now, just in case, I've gotta get some rest ...