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Old 02-02-2010, 08:08 PM   #1
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Default The "Good Ole Dallas"..remember???

From reading posts I see many of you are like me.......an original Dallasite who was here before Dallas grew up and lost its character,,,,,,
You guys remember;

1. the smell of Mrs Bairds bread baking along Central
2. Jamies Hamburgers
3. Frank X Tolberts on Cedar Springs
4. Adairs when it was on Cedar Springs
5. The Railhead
6. KBOX country radio
7. The Rubiyat
8. The one and only Chili's
9. and Brinkers on Gaston (the original Brinker restaurant)
10. Dixie House
11. Caligula (before the fire)
12. Don's Showtime
13. Monopoly's
14. The various Tub Clubs
15. Dallas Cowboys practice field on Forest (and George Allen spying from the motel next door)
16. The Dallas BlackHawks
17. Mr. Peppermint

I would love to hear about any memories and stories of you real Dallasites who miss the real Big "D"
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Old 02-02-2010, 08:47 PM   #2
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Rick's Casablanca
Nick's Uptown
The Tango Frogs
The Bijou
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Old 02-02-2010, 09:19 PM   #3
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I'm younger than you, but I did grow up here:

The Original Restaurant Row ( Remember BEFORE they turned into titty bars and used car lots? Don't laugh, I was young...but I used to really dig that Steak and Ale)

Baby Doe's ( again, don't laugh. As a kid I loved the giant billboard over the waterfall...I think it Coors Light?? The winding uphill road to the restaurant, the donkey...was it a donkey? And as I got older I loved the downstairs bar on a cold night, they had a great fireplace.)

The West End ( don't really miss it so much, but sad that it's gone)

+1 For Mrs. Baird's ( The smell of all that baked goodness. Took a tour with my 2nd grade class, and they let us pick out a freshly baked snack)

+1 For Mr. Peppermint!!!!! ( watched him regularly with my morning bowl of cereal)

Prestonwood Mall ( where I learned to Ice Skate)

Gosh, I'm getting all sentimental now.
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Old 02-02-2010, 09:48 PM   #4
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Yeah. The Stampede across from European Crossroads. Good HonkyTonk. And Gino's (strip club). Those were my first 2 clubs when I turned 18.
How about Slam Bang Theater with Icky Twerp or going to the drive-in theater at Texas Stadium.
I remember as a kid in the 60s, one of those Giant slides and burger joints at 35 and Valwood. They would give you a potato sack and you would spend all day going up those stairs and down that slide.
Life was a lot more simple then.
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Old 02-02-2010, 10:26 PM   #5
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I was born in Dallas and grew up in Irving. When I was young, I stayed with my Grandmother during the summers. She didn't drive and didn't have a lot of money. She worked as a cook at one of the local diners.
On one special occasion in the middle fifties, she took me and my aunt to either the Village or the Majestic theatre. We took a couple of buses most notably one of the electric trolley buses you see in old photos. It was such a simple outing and I was very young, but I still remember it today. She would have had to cook a lot of hambugers to pay for that day.

As a kid my Dad and I would go to the Cotton Bowl to watch the Dallas Cowboys play. I can only imagine how cheap the tickets were.

Back in the day, the number one radio station in Dallas was KLIF 1190. It was located on Commerce downtown at a triangular location with glass windows so you could see the disc jockeys working. We would hang out there on Texas/OU weekends.

Hanging out at Kip's Big Boy restaurant on Northwest Highway.

In college I would go to the Rubaiyat on McKinney Ave. There I saw several progressive country acts including a young Michael Martin Murphy who would later become famous for Geronimo's Cadillac and Wildfire.

In the late sixties we would go to the Dallas Sportatorium on Industrial and watch wrestling... primarily Fritz Von Erich. Years later I would see a young Jimmy Buffet performing and drink a whole lot of beer out of red plastic pitchers. The pitchers would be stacked inside each other very high on very sticky tables.

How about Slam Bang Theatre, Icky Twerp, and the stooges!
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Old 02-03-2010, 12:36 AM   #6
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Most of it was pre "DALLAS" the TV show, before every yankee and his uncle moved to Texas.

I'm with ya on Ms Baird's, Kips BigBoy, Baby Doe's, Mr Peppermint, KBOX, as well as, the ZEW... KZEW,
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Old 02-03-2010, 06:31 AM   #7
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Default Harry Hines

The sights and sounds of Harry Hines Blvd. Kellers Hamburgers and tittie bars.
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Old 02-03-2010, 07:31 AM   #8
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Oh yeah, Monday night dollar night at the Drive-in on Forest and Central. That was an insane party.
Cruising forest lane, hot cars and hot women.
Then, of course, there was the porn drive in over in east Dallas, that was interesting to say the least.
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Old 02-03-2010, 07:40 AM   #9
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Default Porn

How about the porn theater in Highland Park. Was that not cool.
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Old 02-03-2010, 11:48 AM   #10
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Default Don't forget

1. Dallas-Ft Worth turnpike
2. Customer draft checks
3. skating rink on Greenville Ave.
4. Mr. Chicken (r.i.p.)
5. Vegetable market-Preston and hwy 121
6. The Frito Kid
7. Ron Chapman-The Weird Beard
8. Manor Bakers dellivery to your home
9. Five cent soft drinks
10. Kid shows on Saturday for ten cents
11. Midway Rd. was one lane each way with ditches on each side
12. No LBJ fwy
13. Hubcap junk yard on Central Exy
14. Traffic Circle at Harry Hines and Loop 12
15. Drive-in restaurants with carhops on skates
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Old 02-03-2010, 12:53 PM   #11
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Default Remember...

Smoking anywhere you damn well pleased?
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Old 02-03-2010, 01:16 PM   #12
Juan Pablo de Marco
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i lived in plano back around 85 or so. only thing at the intersection of park & preston was Bob Willy's BBQ. and absolutely nothing north from there to the produce stand at 121 & preston except the Doll House. and nothing north of there except another mobile home called April's, and the one stop light in the little ol' town of frisco. drove past both the Doll House and April's many times but i wasn't into the hobby at the time.

and 544 between plano and lewisville was a country highway with almost no traffic and maybe one stoplight all the way. and who can forget the tittie bar that was at the intersection of 544 & 121. can't remember the name... maybe Wranglers?... that was the target of at least a 5 year campaign of the city and some church to close it down. finally 'burnt down' under suspicious circumstances after the city of lewisville spent a few million taxpayer dollars trying to close it down.

and i used to eat at a place on restaurant row called Mother's or something like that. no SC's as most were all on NW HWY.

anybody remember weatherman Harold Taft? a true weather god... and he didn't wear a fucking bow tie. that man knew his weather.

Dixie House rocked. i remember they were just like the Black-Eyed Pea, except you got 3 side dishes instead of 2. i was crushed when they closed because i lost a side dish. sad day all-around.

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Old 02-03-2010, 01:20 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by supersarge View Post
How about the porn theater in Highland Park. Was that not cool.
Before I got to your post, that is just what I was thinking about! My girlfriend and I used to sneak in and watch those films. I believe it was called The Fine Art Theater. It was on Hillcrest.

I actually remember a line from one of the films, "The King's Ball was being held in the Queen's box". Rip-off X-film from Alice in Wonderland. That's when they used to have X-rated films. lol.

Sambo's, also on Northwest Highway.

Driving around White Rock lake with your date at night. Parking. Sneaking into the old cemetery at White Rock and getting scared with your friends in tow. The police didn't bother you there in those times.

There was only one Target. And that was on Northwest Highway.

The discos in the European Crossroads was the place to be and easy to sneak into when you were underage.

Strictly Tabo on Lomo Alto. Great live jazz.

Popsicle Toes on Greenville.

Goldfinger was a great place to go on a date. Seeing the belly dancers were considered very ahhh...I don't know because I was pretty young at the time.

The Egyptian Restaurant on Mockingbird was a good date restaurant as well. Probably still is but I haven't been there in decades.

The Starck Club.

The gay bars on Pearl Street.

KNON was a great radio station with the Lone Star Dead show. So was The Zoo, which I believe was mentioned above as well. Still like Bo and Jim in the mornings.

Going to Brownie's after going to the Music Hall in Fair Park or the symphony.

Bowley and Wilson's on Greenville Avenue. How can one forget the memorable songs like "Baby Shit" and "Lucy had a pussy like a ...delete wording but those who know will know it..."

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Old 02-03-2010, 01:47 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Juan Pablo de Marco View Post

and i used to eat at a place on restaurant row called Mother's or something like that. no SC's as most were all on NW HWY.


Mother's Daughter's Diner? They had the best Turkey and Dressing
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Old 02-03-2010, 01:49 PM   #15
Juan Pablo de Marco
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Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers View Post
KNON was a great radio station with the Lone Star Dead show. Elisabeth
and it is still going on. supposedly the longest running dead show ever. i have hours and hours of great dead shows from the show, and a few Lone Star Dead shirts from contributions during their annual fund drives. friday nights at 8 are my dedicated 'get my dead on' time.

and don't forget the other great shows on KNON:


be sure and attend the KNON Mardi Gras Gumbo Cookoff on Sat Feb 13th at Poor David's Pub @ 1313 S Lamar. Great Gumbo, and great Cajun/Zydeco music... featuring Jay-B and the Zydeco Posse! be there or be square.

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