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Old 12-30-2010, 11:21 PM   #1
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Default Ok I am venting a little

I am not drama nor do I like it but there have been things that have raised some concern with me as far as guys pushing the envelope with providers. I am not naming names I am not here for that but I will get some things off of my chest. Between haggling prices and doing some very risky activities to stealing panties. I am not understanding why guys are doing this? It seems that some of you are making girls feel like if they dont part take in certain things then they are not desirable or they will not have any business. Can someone please explain why?? This is not how things are supose to work. You will eventually run the hobby in the ground and all you will have left in Austin are girls from back page that rip you off and take you for everything you are worth. You would want a woman to do it to you so why do it to us?
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Old 12-30-2010, 11:36 PM   #2
Sexy Roxanne
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Not all ladies on BP are as you describe there are plenty of us on here that post on there. Even some of the "popular well established" ladies. They just use different names sometimes. But I being one of the ladies that uses BP, I do not scam or steal or do bait in switches. OK now I feel better lol.

BTW, I know you do not mean ALL ladies babe.
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Old 12-31-2010, 12:16 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Sexy Roxanne View Post
Not all ladies on BP are as you describe there are plenty of us on here that post on there. Even some of the "popular well established" ladies. They just use different names sometimes. But I being one of the ladies that uses BP, I do not scam or steal or do bait in switches. OK now I feel better lol.

BTW, I know you do not mean ALL ladies babe.
Ok thank you for pointing this out. I meant to say that this behavior will eventually run off those good one that post through BP and leave the ones that are no good, causing everyone to migrate to SA, Dallas, or Houston to hobby. I hope I did not offend you that is not what I was trying to get at.
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Old 12-31-2010, 01:52 AM   #4
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Sorry you need to vent Maci. Us guys are sometimes like kids. You have to set limits and tell us where those limits are. We will probably always test those limits, but we just need to learn to take no for an answer gracefully. You just need to be able to say no without getting upset, which does you no good. If you are refusing dangerous activities, then I would expect saying no is not going to hurt you, since chances are, the person asking is not going have any better success anywhere else.

Well, it's easy to give advice...
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Old 12-31-2010, 03:14 AM   #5
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I guess I just want everything to go back to how it use to be when the hobby was what it was and guys not making up new things on the menu that seem like a requirement for the girls...that is all. I think it is the girl's choice to offer what she wants (besides that is what variety means) You honestly dont want every girl doing what the next is doing becuase that takes the excitement out of this. I am done saying what I have to say. Ok I am ready to start practicing my new super power.
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Old 12-31-2010, 04:09 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Maci Lynn View Post
I guess I just want everything to go back to how it use to be when the hobby was what it was and guys not making up new things on the menu that seem like a requirement for the girls...that is all. I think it is the girl's choice to offer what she wants (besides that is what variety means) You honestly dont want every girl doing what the next is doing becuase that takes the excitement out of this. I am done saying what I have to say. Ok I am ready to start practicing my new super power.
What sort of 'requirements' are you talking about? IMHO, some expectations are reasonable and some are not. What a guy considers to be 'reasonable' will be different among all of us. For example, some guys will insist on BBBJ and don't care much about DFK, and some of us are the opposite.

But, guys want what we want and if you don't provide what we want, we'll find somebody who does. Bitching about that is about as productive is guys bitching about the girls who charge $300+ an hour.

If you don't provide what a guy wants, then simply say no or 'I don't do that'. If he turns into an asshole or gets belligerent about it, then put out an alert on him. And do it in co-ed so things get really interesting
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Old 12-31-2010, 04:20 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Sexy Roxanne View Post
Not all ladies on BP are as you describe there are plenty of us on here that post on there. Even some of the "popular well established" ladies. They just use different names sometimes. But I being one of the ladies that uses BP, I do not scam or steal or do bait in switches. OK now I feel better lol.

BTW, I know you do not mean ALL ladies babe.
I agee with Roxy. If someone is on BP who catches my eye, I would see that she has a more "trustworthy" presence on a board like this or another reputable place. That has led to some very good BCD times.

PS -- love those superpowers!
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Old 12-31-2010, 06:10 AM   #8
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I suppose I have always taken the approach that each hobbyist has the right to set their own individual limits. For example, if a provider openly claims that BBBJ is not on her menu, why would a hobbyist book a session with her expecting that particular service to be performed. It seems to me that it is a fairly simple process. If the menu expectations are not to your liking, move on to the next flavor. It is not much different than visitng a restaurant. You sure as hell would not go to Stubbs BBQ expecting to be served the best Wonton Soup in town. I know I would not!
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Old 12-31-2010, 06:55 AM   #9
Don T. Lukbak
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ML, is the initial price haggling any sort of reliable indicator of transgressive BCD behavior later on? Do you think the haggling and attempting to enter forbidden zones might be less about money and pussy than it is about getting over on a girl?

IF price haggling has predictive value about clients who are and always will be pains inna ass, then that should be an easy problem to shut right down from the get go. "Politeness" seems to come natural for you, and it may seem impolite to tell some price-haggler to "take a hike, asshole" (as my old buddy used to holler at the hare krishna schmendricks annoying him)...but if you try it you might like it....
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Old 12-31-2010, 07:42 AM   #10
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ML, Not sure that all of what you are talking about is that dramatic, I took LL's panty thread as a kind of fun post, is it a little out of the norm, sure, was it real, I'll bet it was, was it threatening, ehh. Women sometimes make us do stupid things. After a friendly and enjoyable encounter, we don't have to much blood rushing to the brain.

As far a what happened to our little Queen Bee, I happen to find that way too close for comfort, and if the shoe was on the other foot, would have been very shook up myself. But, as the universe has a way of taking care of these type of things, I'm sure the friendy ghost will not be having the opportunity of writing too many more reviews, as he is undoubtedly on everyone's no effin way list.

The bottom line is that you do what is comfortable for you, and if there are those that choose not to see you and vise versa because of it, so be it, there is plenty of variety here for everyone's taste and comfort level.

Have a Happy New Year, and hobby safe.
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Old 12-31-2010, 07:51 AM   #11
Rand Al'Thor
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Maci, I think this is some what of an unfair post about guys here in general. I would say that what you are seeing is an open environment that has brought some people to air out things that would otherwise be kept in back-channels. This makes it seem like it is happening much more frequently than it really is. This is also like watching the news - Austin had under 40 murders for the year, but if you watch the news regularly, it seems like there have been many more because they talk about each one numerous times.

Think about how many men there are in the hobby, and now try to come up with a realistic number that haggle, steal panties, or try to talk another into unsafe practices. This is something I have had to remind customer service agents over and over as they have a way of remembering and dwelling on the one bad customer out of the 10 or 20 or 30 they saw that day. It takes an effort to keep this in mind, it is human nature to remember the bad exceptions and try to funnel undue amount of effort into keeping that one out of 100 or 1000 from happening (it may well be worth the effort in the case of safety and security).

My guess would be that these things have been happening previously, but they are more visible now. With this new visibility, we may tend to dwell on them and think it may be occurring much more frequently than it really is. After all, how many threads discuss good or unremarkable sessions?

There is not a group of men on a committee who decided that this is acceptable behavior, who in turn, will reverse the decision because it will run the hobby in town to the ground and chase providers to other cities. Couple of things about that statement - I would be very surprised if behavior of hobbyists (mostly good, a few acting out of line) differed drastically from city to city, only thing different is how we deal with such incidents when they occur. I am in favor of such things being posted in co-ed, where we can discuss the events or people and spread the word.

All of the above does not justify the behavior. Those that engage in such behavior will find this environment not-so-friendly as before - as you can see from the haggling discussion.
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Old 12-31-2010, 08:47 AM   #12
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You are not going to like my response but.......

You are not describing any activity that has not been a part of the hobby through all the years that I've been around which is probably too long.

ASPD Austin was one hell of pathetic marketplace and the ladies in Austin were extremely sheltered from what was really happening. Nothing you are describing hasn't been going on for years....

With Craigslist gone as a medium, more and more guys have found their way to ECCIE as have more and more girls. This board is a lot more free for information and girls should really stop and reconsider the light they place themselves in at times.... There are a lot of guys using this site now that never knew about ASPD or ECCIE until Craigslist got out of the market.

There are ripoffs here just as there are on BackPage. A few ladies like to try to make like BAckPage is a problem but guys look out for each other and share information on those ladies just the same. You diss a lot of your sisters with that kind of comment.

Can you handle some tough love?

You market the hell out of yourself.... Ads in your signature line larger than your posts.... Constant presence in "Look at me" threads..... Noone cares for that.... And you DRAW attention to yourself from a medium that includes the guys you might not want to see.

you're partying a lot..... drinking a lot..... you have a penchant for hanging out with and before the end of the evening hitting guys up to have sessions..... It's OK to hang out with a group... lots of ladies do but none of them push guys to see them the way you do..... Don't expect a guy out for beers that just dropped a couple of hundred bucks partying to be responsive to your normal rate card when he wasn't even thinking about a session.... IF you bring it up in that environment be prepared for a counteroffer.

And what kind of guys really dig the drunk partying wild chicks? Even guys not hanging out where you hang out read it in your posts.... you draw that attention to yourself as well.... I can't stand those guys that chase the drunk chicks... Those are real opportunists... Even worse when they need to get them drunk to get them at all....

When your clothes are coming off you constantly for a few shots of crown why pay full price to have come off you later?

Personally.... I really don't care for that behavior from women out with me when I am out. Not that you and I have been out..... But I prefer the strippers to do the stripping and ladies with me or my group to behave in public.... Cabanas have curtains for a reason.... That last party at Perfect 10 had me apologizing and tipping night management as a result of some of what was going on towards the end of the day.

In other words Maci..... Your looking at the problem from the wrong angle....

You've marketed yourself into a bracket you might not want to be in.
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Old 12-31-2010, 08:49 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor View Post
Maci, I think this is some what of an unfair post about guys here in general.
Naw! It was about assholes, and their dysfunctional behavior.
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Old 12-31-2010, 08:56 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak View Post
Naw! It was about assholes, and their dysfunctional behavior.
Never well perceived when the the complainer is exhibiting "dysfunctional behavior" of her own....
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Old 12-31-2010, 09:24 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
Never well perceived when the the complainer is exhibiting "dysfunctional behavior" of her own....
Are you saying expectation of decent behavior by johns is conditional?
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