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Old 07-19-2009, 01:24 PM   #16
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So you are suggesting that if I put a RFP out with the following:

"GFE experience wanted for one hour. Must be able to provide DFK, BBBJ, DATY, CFS. Will pay between $100 and $200 depending on Rule of 100 compliance, looks, performance, and attitude. Pics a must."

I should get a PM bid on what and who will do what for that price? It would certainly help fill in slow weeks. A hundred dollar session with a regular ATF client is better than $0 and Oprah.

Kind of like Progressive Insurance where you name your price and the girl gives you a plan for that price.
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Old 07-19-2009, 02:11 PM   #17
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Or don't even state what you will pay and wait for the bid..

"Looking for someone to come over and be my girlfriend for the night next Friday. We will be cooking dinner, watching a movie, and making love. Would prefer if you could stay for breakfast. One or two bells is all I expect. GFE and rule of 100 preferred. massage skills a plus! If interested, please submit a bid and screening requirements, qualifications, and any other specifications to hobbyist@hobbyaddress.com."

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Old 07-19-2009, 02:18 PM   #18
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CPI and Introuble, I agree with you, sounds like a great idea.

But if I have observed correctly, the guys have largely endorsed the idea, while the few ladies that have commented have been largely skeptical. I suspect that it comes down to this; the idea of a bunch of hot women bidding against each other to spend time with me, well, it's just too good to be true.
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Old 07-19-2009, 02:42 PM   #19
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Interesting idea for sure and good one to present to the community but I believe you have taken what works in the real world and applied it to the wrong business model that this realm serves.

Being the realist I am, what I believe your idea does not recognize is the human factor that goes into the escort’s physique. Currently, most providers think they rule the game, not the guy, which is not the case and never has been. Both sides bring their own parts to complete the deal but to get past the idea that the girls rule would mean they would have to admit to themselves that they are in competition with each other while at present that is not the case. In addition, they would have to get over their own ego’s that allows them to equate themselves with professionals like attorneys, doctors and the like due to the case that some make an equivalent hourly rate when they are engaged in a session.

In an RFP/RFQ scenario the providers would have to "bid" on the business rather than doing what they currently do where they can pick and chose who they want to see, i.e. they maintain the veil of control, since presently the business comes to them. A lot of providers’ think they have the control while in reality they don’t and because of that I don't see this working. Forget about the legal aspects of this bid proposal as that can’t be bypassed.

Overall, I think it is a novel idea and I applaud you elpocitopolloloco for coming up with it but this is definitely the wrong business to apply that model in my opinion as I have handled many RFP/RFQ’s for the High Tech industry and this realm is not suited for that model to work due to the human factors I identified of this business.
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Old 07-19-2009, 02:53 PM   #20
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I suspect some providers will understand the bidding concept. The problem with this is that it openly encourages a more aggressive pricing policy which when translated is less money per hour.

The truly wise provider understands the frequent, preferred client and charging a smaller amount will generate far more goodwill and future cash flows from that client.

I have never understood why providers do not charge $50 more advertised and then after screening and the initial BCD session, she then decides whether she wants to see him regular or not. If so, her repeat customers get the $50 future sessions. Tell them you would like to see them and they get a $50 discount next time. PC has built an empire around that "feel good" concept. Staying busy consistently is better than busy some days and not the other days. I would think you could build a pretty good following with the discount to repeats.
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Old 07-19-2009, 03:02 PM   #21
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I agree with you Introuble that some will understand the concept of a bid but I maintain that most will not be able to get past the human factors that I listed previously. Like I alluded to, and you were explicit in detailing, the more aggressive pricing is what most will not want to do for a variety of "personal" reasons.
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Old 07-19-2009, 06:10 PM   #22
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I think this would be a very interesting idea. Seems to me that it could especially benefit the ladies during slow times, they could pick up a bit of business, if needed, without publicly lowering their rates. Even if it turns out to be nothing but a fishing expedition for the guys, it seems to me no one could lose.
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Old 07-19-2009, 07:26 PM   #23
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Thumbs down Lonesome Dove I am in agreement with you.

I think that it really not a good concept for the women. As for giving a fifty dollar discount for regulars that is almost automatic, it is just not advertised. I do applaud the concept idea, but I agree it doesn't fit this business model. The women can do it now if they want. I get PMs all of the time about bargins even from women I have never seen. It ain't because I am good looking and have a body to die for. We ll maybe my body will kill me so WTF!
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Old 07-19-2009, 11:40 PM   #24
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I think it's a GREAT idea. I can't think of a single negative aspect. But don't put a price with it - that sounds too much like solicitation and crosses some grey areas. If you just say "looking for a girl that.....etc" - it gives the option to the girl to respond. If one girl that you really like responds with an offer for $300 and another girl that you like equally as well responds with an offer of $100 then the girl with the better rate probably will get the business. I would stipulate that if a girl does respond, don't respond with a recap of your last ad with rates are the same. I and the other guys here can read. If we read your ad and wanted to see you at the rates posted, then we would call you and not bother posting this type of RFP message.

As far as fitting the business model - I think it fits perfectly. The business model is that girls want to make money, plain and simple. But the other part of this public posting business model that works against the girls is that the girls don't want to seem "cheap". There are many girls that WOULD accept less for their services, but for the sake of their own ego and the competition with the other girls for perceived "status" some girls will starve and go without work rather than lower their rate. This gives these girls a chance to respond privately and accept work without publicly posting an ad at a rate that would seem "beneath" them. While I respect everyone's opinion I have to disagree with CF and others that have said that this is not a good idea for the women. If even ONE girl gets work through this method then it is GOOD for the women.

No, it is not ideal for EVERY girl, but so what? If some girls don't want to respond to this type of posting they won't. This is a definite win-win for both parties. It leaves the choice up to the girls - they can respond if they choose and never even look at these RPFs if they don't. They can respond to guys that WANT to get offers rather than the girls having to spam, which is not very professional to send PMs with unsolicited offers to someone that might not even be interestsed in you.
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Old 07-20-2009, 08:50 AM   #25
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I agree with TM on that point. I will point out further that in order for the RFP to work I would think that the final negotiated price is confidential. If some providers are truly worried about pier image, then her final negotiated price should be private.

Saying that, how do you post the price in a review? She was normally $300 but for me she ran a red light special for $100? I know the guys are wanting to brag about the $100, but the providers will not.

Another thought for the women. You have many days that are slow, ie every monday, holidays etc. Those would be days you should be glad to get a $100 session rather than nothing at all. Many of you have not figured out that in order to maximize your profits, you must fill in the holes in your schedule. Wouldn't an extra $100 everyday make a difference? What about $300-$400 on days you normally get nothing?

Just a thought.
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Old 07-20-2009, 09:00 AM   #26
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So how would you frame the RFP? Donkey Dong needs some strange pussy or some throat to pound into submission! Only rule of 100 girls should reply and I will select the winning whore based upon best looks at lowest price per jism explosion.
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Old 07-20-2009, 09:20 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by SP Hunter View Post
So how would you frame the RFP? Donkey Dong needs some strange pussy or some throat to pound into submission! Only rule of 100 girls should reply and I will select the winning whore based upon best looks at lowest price per jism explosion.

I think it would be more like: Old, overweight guy with small package wanting you to pretend he is a stud. Please do not respond if your last appointment was with Donkey Dong.
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Old 07-20-2009, 09:31 AM   #28
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Old 07-20-2009, 09:43 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Introuble View Post
Many of you have not figured out that in order to maximize your profits, you must fill in the holes in your schedule.
Or maybe they have, but have also figured out the potential secondary (negative) effects. It's not as simplistic an analysis as is sometimes portrayed.

Well, put some RFP's out there and see what kind of response you get.
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Old 07-20-2009, 10:12 AM   #30
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If anyone is familiar with the trucking industry frequently truckers have one-way loads and after they make their delivery they hate to "dead head" back to their home or point of origin. They have online access to potential runs that might allow them to make some money while at the same time getting closer to a destination where more business is available. It costs a fortune in diesel to run a truck empty and doesn't cost a whole lot more to run loaded.

I can see it now sitting home bored on a Friday night, post on the board for a girl who meets my qualifications, 30 minutes later on my way to a hot date. Yes I like this idea and it would be perfect for the ladies. If they've had a slow week or a bill is due or they need some extra money to buy a birthday or wedding present, just get on the board and hook up!!
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