Oh bite me Sofaking!
And all of you that take pride in picking on me..
You dont know what its like to be a woman that loves PRADA..
I loooove PRADA and have the REAL Prada so when this guy called and said he wanted to make my week and asked what bags I liked I told him
So I was on fire getting excited to meet him, I mean I wanted to meet him to play too but the new Prada treat was making me have warm fuzzy feelings in my stomach all day.
I am used to when gentlemen say "DONE" its "DONE"..
AND I HAVE GOTTEN ALOT OF DONES..So naturally I thought it was DONE.
So we had a great session he brought me the gift I was so very eager to open it!

Not kewl!
He should not have made such a big deal out of it, its like being a kid and a grown up walking over with your favorite balloon then as soon as you get it he lets it fly away!
He bursted my bubble and I was insulted that he did not think I would know real from fake!
I can smell real from fake a mile away.
I did not cry infront of him, I waited until he left then complained on aspd only to be ridiculed...nor did I post his handle.
He knows who he is...
It bothers me that he had the odasity to asked me if he could bring me jewelry for a session the next time..ya right lol no thanks.
I cant possibly sport fake, I will feel like a wanna be..and im no wanna be!
Wow that was a long time ago, thanks for remembering!
It reminds me I will be checking the bills infront of the light soon to make sure I see 2 faces.
Very nice pix subcilla you look very sexy!
What bothers me the most is that he questioned my intelligence...no I know real from fake in an instant.
I am not fake I am as real as they come otherwise I would not be so brutally honest.