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Old 12-19-2010, 12:56 AM   #1
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Default Do you think they are listening?

It has become too quiet here and the threads are getting old so let's refresh;

The last election the people spoke with a clear voice; Congress was spending too much on wasteful projects that only served to get them reelected, the social values of the democrat majority was out of sync with the vast majority of the people, and the President's agenda not to the liking of most of us. So what do we get in the lame duck session. Almost all lame duck sessions do very little except absolutely necessary business. We get a tax bill that will cost us more money and I'm not talking about the keeping the tax rates down. We get a repeal of DADT. We got an attempt at amnesty in the DREAM act. We get a president who can't hold a press conference without running away under fire. We even have a population that thinks the GOP lead Congress is doing a bad job before they have even taken office.

Are we as voters that stupid or do our "leaders" take us for fools?
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Old 12-19-2010, 03:13 AM   #2
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We, as voters, are that stupid; and our leaders, because of this knowledge and the fact that memories are short and they don't have to answer for their votes for two years (or, in the case of the House, not at all), take us for fools.
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Old 12-19-2010, 06:26 AM   #3
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The last election the people spoke with a clear voice;

We even have a population that thinks the GOP lead Congress is doing a bad job before they have even taken office.

Are we as voters that stupid or do our "leaders" take us for fools?
Oh yeah, the vast majority of voters in this country are that stupid. Gullible too.

And that pretty much nullifies your claim that the voters spoke with a clear voice about anything.

What the voters did do is strike out blindly at those in power because they weren't happy about the direction they perceived this country to be going in.

Haven't you noticed how elections have been going lately?

In 2008 the Dems won primarily because they weren't Republican. In 2010 the Republicans win primarily because they aren't Dems.

Kinda see a pattern here, right?

IMHO, of course.
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Old 12-19-2010, 09:17 AM   #4
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I could give a shit about DADT, always thought it was a bunch of crap anyway, I could careless if the guy next to me is gay as long as he is willing to kill the enemy. I also have no problem with women in combat. I think the majority of this is the military establishment being 104 years old and homophobic. I think there are far more pressing issues to deal with, I also believe in the military and their ability to adapt and take measures to deal with any negative occasions that may arise. I also dont remember the outcry against aministy when McCain and Bush were trying to get it in 2004. While I personally dont believe it works unless you implement stringent border security, I also dont feel as if its something to get all riled up about. What I dont understand is how anyone can support this SS tax cut when the future for social security is in fact failure for lack of money. It may seem to be simple economics to me, but if your having millions of dollars a year shortfall, how is reducing the amount of money being collected going to help, its a fucking dog chasing his tail.
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Old 12-19-2010, 07:25 PM   #5
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what most of us are you taking about. And the tax deal was something repubs wanted. The dadt was bull shit in the first if you want to take a gun & fight for me then hell be what you want be hell be all you can be but just keep me free. If your mom brought you to the states then when you grow up you should pay or go to the army & fight for all the freedom your mom & dad enjoyed plus the schooling that you got while here.
And last but not least stop the Obama hater shit atleast he has those lazy bastards voting on something.
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Old 12-20-2010, 03:21 PM   #6
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They repealed DATY???? Oh ..... wait...... ok. Phew!!
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Old 12-20-2010, 04:07 PM   #7
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For someone who doesn't care about DADT you made the most of it in your post.
Gay people can kill and fight like any straight person. That is not the debate. The debate is about the tight social conditions faced by any person in the military. Who is to blame when a gay man with military training decides he wants to make advances on a straight man with military training. When the damage and blood is cleaned up, who is to blame? The innocent victim who will be accused of homophobia for defending himself against a predator? Don't laugh, that very case happened in Kansas City about 20 years ago. A straight man had his package grabbed on an elevator by a gay man. The gay man was severely beaten. The gay community wanted the initial victim tried and convicted for a hate crime. Yep, you will be introducing the whole hate crime crap into our military. How many young guys will give in to gay advances because they think it will the best way to get along. My sister joined the Guard several years ago. She was always a bit of a tomboy. Halfway through bootcamp she was approached by a committee of recruits who lead her company. They asked if she was a member of the family. She didn't know what they were talking about and so they explained further. In her company the lesbians pretty much occupied every position of authority which is okay if they earn it. However they threatened my sister with bodily harm if she told anyone about their meeting. The military is not a social organization.
Anything passed by this Congress is tainted due the high turnover the last election. This push for legislation is unprecedented. Yes, the GOP also pushed for the bill but only because they kept looking at the extension of the current tax rates without regard to anything else. The incoming GOP representatives DID NOT support this bill with all of its add ons. Always remember, the new Congress will not be seated until the first Tuesday in January. This Congress is controlled by the democrats and has been since 2007. If their are any lazy bastards then they are in the democratic party.
I can't believe you were not aware of the back lash when Bush proposed amnesty. We were furious and we made ourselves known to our representatives. I would call it the forerunner of the TEA party. Just because the main stream media didn't cover it doesn't mean it didn't happen. Maybe you don't remember the Harriet Miers outrage. There was a major backlash, very major.
START, you forgot to mention this. We and the Russians will reduce the number of war heads to 1500 apiece. The GOP wants more verification but the dems won't allow a vote on that amendment. The preamble of the treaty allows the Russians to leave if they decide that we are working on anti-missile defense systems. Our missile systems are stationary in silos out west and near Warrensburg. Russian missiles are more accurate that they were in the 60s and now they can hit those silos which they couldn't do 50 years ago. The Russian missiles are on trucks that drive around the country. Why d.on't we ask Dan Quayle. He wrote the first START treaty back in the 1980s.
By the way, did anyone see the name of the current president in this post??? Anyone? Bueller?
So I guess Cheaper can take the hater crap and shove it. That name calling is just a cheap tactic to stifle debate. Not very nice or American
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Old 12-20-2010, 04:45 PM   #8
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{and the President's agenda not to the liking of most of us.} { We get a president who can't hold a press conference without running away under fire.} You don't have to say his name.

The arm forces have had homos there since day one you were in in it. They didn't like blacks, indians, and many more but still let them fight & die so just does not make since to have that law. they have been lots of sexaul abused in the arm forces on both sides how many women have been raped but your scared that somebody will touch your little dick.

The tax law what add ons are you talking about the one for the middle class or the one for out of work people who got fired by the ones who got most of the tax breaks.

The start treaty come on it has been shown the people who can hurt us most is not some country but a group of guy & gals who don't care about dying. 2500 or 1500 doesn't change much. And intil its sign there are no inspections at all. plus we need russia for a lot of things right now

the lazy bastard are all of them both sides & the middle.
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Old 12-20-2010, 06:36 PM   #9
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Why bother Cheaper. It's obvious that you are not up on the issues with START or the tax deal. As for the DADT, it is obvious that you never served or you would understand how wrong you are about some of the things you just wrote. Your personal attacks also demonstrate that you have very little to add to the debate.

Please come back when you have something palpable to add.
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Old 12-20-2010, 07:45 PM   #10
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" How many young guys will give in to gay advances because they think it will the best way to get along. "

This one statement, shows just how stupid you are and to have any conversation with you regarding anything is an absolute waste of time. Personally Galt you are a homophob, racist who does not have the balls to come out of the closet, just because you were tempted to let your desires out of the bag or is that fag does not mean everyone would be. Lord have mercy the more I think about just how stupid this comment is just makes me shake may head because I believe you have excelled in your ability to be ignorent. As for not carry about DADT, I dont, but since you lead of your post with it, I thought it was important to you. Personally, I think you were some flunky in the military, the last to be promoted, I bet you were moved around a lot because no one could stand to be around you, in your head you believe that you were some kind of hero and the truth be known as close to combat you got was loading the ammo crates onto the truck. You speak on every subject like you and only you know the answers, yet you cant even finish a college degree you have been working on since 1962. What you need to do is go back down to your bunker, check your supplies and after the end of the world you can be like Denzel Washington in the "book of Eli", but you will probably need to call it the "book of retard"
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Old 12-20-2010, 11:38 PM   #11
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While may not agree on everything DirtyDog I can say on this we share the same opinion...was going to post almost word for word what you said...Galt please go crawl back under your rock!!!!
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Old 12-21-2010, 05:28 AM   #12
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I'm sorry, but its time to out Mr. Galt
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Old 12-21-2010, 08:53 AM   #13
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For you twisted freaks with small minds I think I've already made it known that I had gay guys working for me in the navy and never had any problems. My problem would have been with a guy in another department who was what we would call "flaming". He was aggressive and perverted. He eventually man handled a guy that I knew. By man handled, I mean man handled. This really messed up the straight guy for several weeks until the gay guy was discharged.
Now you can take your ad hominem attacks based on nothing but your imaginary little head voices but I've been there and you can all share a hot tub and bob for balls.
As for that idiot Phelps, you can lick out his crack with your tongue. It will give you both something to brag about.
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Old 12-21-2010, 11:23 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by john_galt View Post
For you twisted freaks with small minds I think I've already made it known that I had gay guys working for me in the navy and never had any problems. My problem would have been with a guy in another department who was what we would call "flaming". He was aggressive and perverted. He eventually man handled a guy that I knew. By man handled, I mean man handled. This really messed up the straight guy for several weeks until the gay guy was discharged.
Now you can take your ad hominem attacks based on nothing but your imaginary little head voices but I've been there and you can all share a hot tub and bob for balls.
As for that idiot Phelps, you can lick out his crack with your tongue. It will give you both something to brag about.
What ever Captain Closet. I dont believe a freaking word of what you speak. No one is going to be "messed" up, what a crock of shit, he may be pissed, scared but messed up dude only in your delusioned outwardley hostile but closeted world. The only "messed" up dude was you when you crapped your pants because someone opened a door and caught you with some clackers bouncing off your chin.
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Old 12-21-2010, 01:12 PM   #15
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This thread was doomed from the start.
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