Lol at Father the 'newbies' here don't know about or probably never had a "Satin Moment" Fuck, I dont even use tablecloths anymore, just use my shirt...
DH, lol you're my protege bro, you've just gotten too big for your britches because you always be hammering these bitches ( oops, I forgot we can't say the B word)... Lol. You gotta thank my man Hambone for giving me the name SatinO bro. But feel free to just say Satin..
TG, it won't be a party without you bro. Any get togethers with me has to include provider pussy and stripper pussy. As Amber so eloquently described, it was a great mix and everyone kicked it and had fun...
Grab Father Way, DED, Clever, LP, Kerwil, the most loved guy on Icky- WU- & the whole group and let's just kick it big pimping style...
Amber, you are always the life of the party mami. You have a great memory and you will be in charge of bringing the I've had more fun with you and Creole Lady than anyone else. You freaking rock.

Yea, that night was a blast but a typical "bang 3 strippers in the club and bring one home night"... My man Easy wasn't even impressed...
Now where in the hell is Chris Rock? Where is my sweetness Jasmin? Ok en espanol... Donde esta es mi vida Jasmina?
Now I'm gonna get back to watching my Texans getting their assess smashed by the Titans... WTF happened to this thread? Lol