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Old 12-10-2010, 02:10 PM   #1
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Default What really freaks me out

First of all, I'm a new transplant from ASPD.net. If anyone remembers me, please feel free to shout out.

Anyway, I really don't have any anxiety about the hook-up, but it's the hotel that makes me anxious. For example, the last visit I made to NO was to a very nice quaint hotel off Bourbon. As I walked past the desk to take my ride to the fifth, the desk jockey gave me the serious once over. On occasions I've gotten a "may I help you." Upon arriving on my floor, I was greeted by five maids, who giggled vivaciously as I quietly knocked on the room door.

My paranoia is that just about time the fun starts, I'm going to be interrupted by LE that the hotel has called.

To the ladies, am I just paranoid? Do you ever have problems with the hotel?
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Old 12-10-2010, 03:36 PM   #2
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That's why I use larger hotels
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Old 12-10-2010, 03:46 PM   #3
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In my experience in does not matter how big the hotel nor how many stars it holds. The clerks, staff, maids, and employees with over 3 months experience all know what is happening. They see several different men coming and going, they see the room at clean up only has one person that stayed. these people are not dumb, they have a pretty good idea what is happening. In fact in my line of work when we suspect adultery or hobbying or selling of services (I have seen all three) the first place we go is to the cleaning crew to get their input, next to the clerks, and so on. In fact I am friends with a few concierge and hotel supervisors, they all know and they all understand it is bad business to have LE in their hotel. I certainly do not worry about the staff, just me. I worry when I see casually dressed men hanging around on the floor following me onto the elevator, those are indications of a sting. Men attempting to act casual but watching which door you are walking up to, those guys stay away from. When you enter a room and see an adjoining door to room next to you that is a red flag for me, just my .02
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Old 12-10-2010, 04:07 PM   #4
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I think boutique hotels (stars or no) tend to have more time on their hands and less space to rattle around in, so they see and remember what we do more often. The thing that makes me feel find about my incall visits is that when I arrive, I stay until I'm gone for the day/night. I don't see more than one gentleman on any given day, so no problem there. I don't use an ID to check in that has a home address in the same city, so no suspicion there. I think you really just have to pay attention though, as Outdoorsman pointed out. Plain clothes guy just hanging out on the floor? Uh uh. But I've ended up in rooms with adjoining doors. I had no idea before I actually go there that it would, and its never given anyone pause with me.

Its good that you're trying to be safe Ralphsteadman. Paranoid? I dunno. Diligent? Yes.
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Old 12-10-2010, 04:49 PM   #5
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I suppose if you are seeing guys back to back someone might notice. For me, the larger busy hotels I would bet I've never been the least bit suspect. I also haven't seen housekeeping lingering in the halls. How you present yourself in the public areas would play a factor also, I suppose.
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Old 12-10-2010, 08:18 PM   #6
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ditto with the answers!

New Orleans is a "very friendly" city .... people are always saying hello & offering help!

When at home...I usually do incalls more... I use a private apartment in a big old former boarding house so it is very discrete

When I travel,I like conference center hotels as there is always alot of commotion during the day & evening.....
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Old 12-10-2010, 08:33 PM   #7
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Outdoorsman right, the staff all know what's going. They usually ignore it unless you create a disturbance of some kind. Don't forget in this day and age almost all hotels/ motels have video cams every where. I would imagine LE uses them to their advantage.
I do feel a little strange when I walk into a small hotel knowing they are looking at me and wondering where I'm going.
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Old 12-11-2010, 05:22 AM   #8
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Default Outdoorsman is right...

but I'd like to add that if you are behaving yourself, who cares what the staff thinks?

Act like you belong there. Attitude is everything; you won't get hassled. I never have.
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Old 12-11-2010, 11:07 AM   #9
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Lmao thats why I host in a condo, the only ppl who can notice are the neighbors and they most likely just think im a slut lol
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Old 12-12-2010, 09:24 PM   #10
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When I go to a hotel to see a provider, I try to just smile and act like I own the place. I will sometimes ask the provider where the elevators are so I am not looking all around, like I'm lost. If someone would ask "may I help you?" I have a story ready like "No thanks, I am visiting my cousin" or something vague but have a story ready.
I am more worried about running into somebody I know from real life, then it's "I'm meeting a business contact or old friend that is here for a convention."
I have seen someone I know before, but I saw them from a distance and was able to cut into the men's room to avoid the person from seeing me before they saw me.
I know it's kinda silly to worry about these things, but the maid and the hotel staff are usually the last people I worry about seeing me. They know what's going on, but they usually are not going to say or do anything. Strange guys following you are different, I would do a backtrack and comment "opps I got off on the wrong floor" and hightail it out of there.
This reminds me of a problem a few years ago, I went to an area on the northshore where there are a few motels close together, I accidently went to the wrong motel, the girl told me room 201, but I had turned into the wrong motel I was just so excited to see her. Thank god the wrong motel didn't have a room 201. I called her and she and I had a good laugh once I got to the right motel. But this gave me another idea to have a cover story ready in case I ever knock on the wrong room.
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Old 12-12-2010, 09:51 PM   #11
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my neighbors & landlord know I am a "kinky wild child" so they don't pay attention!
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Old 12-13-2010, 06:57 AM   #12
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Believe me when I say as long as you don't cause a scene and don't look like you're sketchy, the staff doesn't care. I've worked in that industry and have plenty of friends in it, and while we know what you're doing it, as long as you're not messing with narcotics or any heavier crime it's fine.
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Old 12-13-2010, 10:15 AM   #13
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Nothing like the "warmth of the herd." What great advice.

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Old 12-13-2010, 05:25 PM   #14
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by weebbadd View Post
When I go to a hotel to see a provider, I try to just smile and act like I own the place. I will sometimes ask the provider where the elevators are so I am not looking all around, like I'm lost. If someone would ask "may I help you?" I have a story ready like "No thanks, I am visiting my cousin" or something vague but have a story ready.
I am more worried about running into somebody I know from real life, then it's "I'm meeting a business contact or old friend that is here for a convention."
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