What was a simple Lunchtime Chat between myself and Ztonk with the lovely Miss Sophie Bella sure turned into something huh?
Whatcha think Z?
"If I ask the guys to bring a toy for a charity do you think it will be too much? One of us works with some kids that will not have much of a Christmas and I was thinking we could ask the guys to step up a little and help."
and so it began.......
Sophie immediately stepped up with an offer of an hour of her time....
Followed by Maddie....
then Natalie Reign, Brittney Bangs, Kelli Love, Sensual Sophia and Maci Lynn
What Sophie Bella made possible the Seven of you together delivered on in a phenomenal manner.
Ladies... What can I say....... It has been a hell of a year hasn't it?.....
This time last year most of you thought I was the Devil here to take you all to hell with me..... and there you all were yesterday primped and dolled up contributing your time and talents to help raise some donations for a needy cause.....
Not only did you step up without being asked.......
You stepped up for something
I was involved in.....
Miss Sophie Bella, known to me from now forward simply as
"The Bait"....

Every Lady in the place seems to want to surround you and please you...... The Ladies all wanted to be there with you.. for you..... Thank-you..... I understand the attraction Ztonk has to you.... You are a beautiful lady with an incredible command of those around you.....
Natalie Reign..... We've shared a mutual lady friend for years that tried so hard to steer me your way...... I always resisted for the lamest of reasons.... Never again sweet lady..... I am looking forward to that special treat you promised me and have cleared my calendar for the 22nd.....
Brittney Bangs..... WOW.... Who would have though you would be sitting in my lap talking relationship advice and the roles a woman plays in a mans life...... Another favorite of another buddy.... I'm understanding why.....
MaciLynn...... Girl.... That makes management and girls at two clubs all over me about you.... You REALLY need to quit stealing the spotlight from the ladies on stage...... and from now on.... wear your stripper thong and dancer shoes..... You simply do not know how to be a customer.....
KelliLove.... Gentlemen.... After yesterday... let's meet her request and from this moment forward refer to her a
"FuckingKelliLove".... darling..... you sure know how to have fun and make everyone around you get up out of their shells and have fun too..... I think I heard you say "
I'm Fucking Kelli Love" about 20 times from all corners of the club including the VIP room
. What a doll you are...

Sensual Sophia....... WOW!.... Who could of thought..... How many times have you said No to coming to one of my parties? How many eyebrows have you raised over my posts... emails sent to other ladies..... Not only deciding to come to the party but also stepping up and volunteering to join Maddie....... I've wondered for a long time what you would look like in person........ Girl... You could have been my First Wife's sister....... hair and body is identical and very familair facial features..... WOW!..... that was a bit scary for a minute when you walked up......... Maybe I should spend some time with you and recapture some of those old memories.....
but by no means least......
What can I say girl?.......
Although I've seen a few other ladies it was never let to be known because of my reputation.... I never wanted them to catch flack because of me....
Your the first lady I spent any time with from the Indy side of this community that I let it be known about.... You are actually the first lady I felt was strong enough and independent enough to handle any potential flack....
What a very special 19yo girl you have proven to be......
You've bridged my side of the fence and the way we hobby with the Indy side of the fence and I know you have had to at times try to convince a person or two that I was not really as evil as I like to be perceived.....
If this community does come together and become more accepting of us Strip Club Mongers playing in the Indy Playground..... you will have certainly played a part in it.... Many of us have enjoyed your company.....
you crossed the Line Girl.......
And imagine that..... You entered the Monger Community, found the Meanest Old Man that never had a minute for anything other than tiny little dumb spinners and not only caught my eye but have captivated me ever since.....
The intelligence and maturity you display wrapped up in the class and elegance you present yourself with is an amazing find in any lady under 25 in this business..... You are a gem....
Do you think anyone has noticed that I kind of like you?
Wow.... What day yesterday was......
After a couple of weeks of planning as well as a lot of time expended...... I'm a bit tired and need to relax a little for a couple of days..... Before I did though I wanted you ladies to know how much I appreciated you.
Thank-You all!