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Old 12-10-2010, 02:46 PM   #151
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Default OK i'll concede

Originally Posted by Naomi4u View Post
Obviously you did NOT read this thread. I worked with this agency last year. I am not with an agency now. I am independent. I have already said I cannot work as much as I used to know due to family obligations. That is why I have a 3 hour minimum now....Do you get it now burk? Can you please go back and read everything I posted before making silly comments?

So at least you did do the 20 sessions per week at 1000.00 per back then when you worked for the agency. Come on who is going to pay that 20 times a week?
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Old 12-10-2010, 02:49 PM   #152
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Originally Posted by ANONONE View Post
The better way to do it would be if an experienced independent lady would take a new girl under her wing with a financial arrangement. That might even include showing her how to do a session, and then being present for the next few to coach her through the session. she could also help her get her website up and show here how to do a few of the business tasks involved in being a provider--then take training wheels off after a couple of weeks.

Sort of a watch one, do one, teach one model...

Think that might catch on?
I see a few problems with that. Primarily, it puts the "mentor" in a position of extreme legal risk; it can be interpreted as pandering, which is (I think) a felony offense. There's also the risk of a known lady associating her good, established name with someone she doesn't know for certain will maintain similar standards of reliability/attitude. Lastly, teaching someone the ropes and getting her set up takes time, energy, and possibly financial investment -- and there's no legal recourse if she takes your instructions/website you set up for her/photographs you arranged and runs.

And for the lady being instructed, I think it does a disservice to her if she only hears one person's input on how to run her business. There are SO many different business models and attitudes out there (as this thread in particular shows...), and only learning what one other lady thinks is the "right" way to do things will put the new lady at a disadvantage.

As I'm far from shy about voicing my opinions, I've been asked a few times for advice from ladies starting out or who want to attract more multi-hour dates. As long as I can tell she's a legitimate provider, I'm happy to run my mouth about places to advertise, pricing structure, etc. But I try to remember to point her to the ladies' forums here (or other sites) for further input. My opinions are right, obvsly, but there's always a chance there might be other correct opinions too.
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Old 12-10-2010, 02:52 PM   #153
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Originally Posted by burkalini View Post
So at least you did do the 20 sessions per week at 1000.00 per back then when you worked for the agency. Come on who is going to pay that 20 times a week?
I never said such so why are you putting words in my mouth? 10k had nothing to do with my earning in a week. We were supposed to "drop" either everday every week OR twice a week. You could only drop twice a week if you were "trusted" so you do the math. They didn't care when you dropped as long as you dropped. I never said I was getting paid 1k per client. If anyone tells you they are getting paid such in Charlotte, NC they are lying. So again.. stop putting words in my mouth. The agency I am talking about is a very unique one for sure.
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Old 12-10-2010, 02:55 PM   #154
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So do you get what I am saying Burk? 10K was not MY money it was the agency's money and I did not make that a week I made drops twice a month. Don't even remind me of the 2k in cc payments I never received. Should I put you in contact with said agency? Maybe you could talk her into releasing my money.
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Old 12-10-2010, 03:01 PM   #155
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Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest View Post
I see a few problems with that. Primarily, it puts the "mentor" in a position of extreme legal risk; it can be interpreted as pandering, which is (I think) a felony offense. There's also the risk of a known lady associating her good, established name with someone she doesn't know for certain will maintain similar standards of reliability/attitude. Lastly, teaching someone the ropes and getting her set up takes time, energy, and possibly financial investment -- and there's no legal recourse if she takes your instructions/website you set up for her/photographs you arranged and runs.

And for the lady being instructed, I think it does a disservice to her if she only hears one person's input on how to run her business. There are SO many different business models and attitudes out there (as this thread in particular shows...), and only learning what one other lady thinks is the "right" way to do things will put the new lady at a disadvantage.

As I'm far from shy about voicing my opinions, I've been asked a few times for advice from ladies starting out or who want to attract more multi-hour dates. As long as I can tell she's a legitimate provider, I'm happy to run my mouth about places to advertise, pricing structure, etc. But I try to remember to point her to the ladies' forums here (or other sites) for further input. My opinions are right, obvsly, but there's always a chance there might be other correct opinions too.
Very well said Carrie.
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Old 12-10-2010, 03:03 PM   #156
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Old 12-10-2010, 03:27 PM   #157
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This has been a question of mine...actually more of a debate with myself. I honestly find that hh's are very easy but I have to make up for their lack of $$$$. I don't enjoy seeing many clients in a single day so, for me, it's better to do an hour session or more because I have to make a certain amount and I don't run as high of risk with one or two as I would with a few hh's for ncns or cancelations. There is nothing personally more frustrating then when I go out of my way to accomidate a hh session and they still flake. I prefer quality over quantity. Plus some hh try to take advantage and run over their time and I don't stand for that. I think it's based on the providers comfortability level and her preference. Thats what makes us all unique. Im just grateful that there is another girl out there to do what I won't and vice versa. To each his ( I mean her!) own in this industry! xoxoxo
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Old 12-10-2010, 03:28 PM   #158
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Originally Posted by burkalini View Post
Wheeew you must be a tired lady.
What is on her door:
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Old 12-10-2010, 03:32 PM   #159
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Default You should have no problem

Originally Posted by Gabriella Golden View Post
This has been a question of mine...actually more of a debate with myself. I honestly find that hh's are very easy but I have to make up for their lack of $$$$. I don't enjoy seeing many clients in a single day so, for me, it's better to do an hour session or more because I have to make a certain amount and I don't run as high of risk with one or two as I would with a few hh's for ncns or cancelations. There is nothing personally more frustrating then when I go out of my way to accomidate a hh session and they still flake. I prefer quality over quantity. Plus some hh try to take advantage and run over their time and I don't stand for that. I think it's based on the providers comfortability level and her preference. Thats what makes us all unique. Im just grateful that there is another girl out there to do what I won't and vice versa. To each his ( I mean her!) own in this industry! xoxoxo

Gabriella you should not have that problem as you are friggin hot. Did I say Hot!!!. The only reason I see a ncns is they had a car accident lol. No really if your giving good sessions there is no resaon for you to give HH.

Oh by the way did I say you were hot!!!
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Old 12-10-2010, 03:34 PM   #160
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Originally Posted by charlestudor2005 View Post
What is on her door:
Too funny.
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Old 12-10-2010, 03:35 PM   #161
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Originally Posted by Gabriella Golden View Post
This has been a question of mine...actually more of a debate with myself. I honestly find that hh's are very easy but I have to make up for their lack of $$$$. I don't enjoy seeing many clients in a single day so, for me, it's better to do an hour session or more because I have to make a certain amount and I don't run as high of risk with one or two as I would with a few hh's for ncns or cancelations. There is nothing personally more frustrating then when I go out of my way to accomidate a hh session and they still flake. I prefer quality over quantity. Plus some hh try to take advantage and run over their time and I don't stand for that. I think it's based on the providers comfortability level and her preference. Thats what makes us all unique. Im just grateful that there is another girl out there to do what I won't and vice versa. To each his ( I mean her!) own in this industry! xoxoxo
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Old 12-10-2010, 05:38 PM   #162
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I don't want to debate the benefits of agencies or lack there of. This thread was started about why some providers have a 2+ hour minimum. You and several others seemed to take offense over this question and made it clear that if this is how you chose to run your business then others should accept it or move on. However when the subject of the agency came up you commented about how it is sad that she is being taken advantage of. You also wanted to be clear that you made XYZ agency a ton of money and they did not do anything to earn it. My point is you don't like anybody questioning or criticizing your decision to have a 2 hour minimum yet you don't seem to have a problem questioning and criticizing the decision of others to work for or operate an agency. That is why I think you are being a hypocrite.
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Old 12-10-2010, 06:12 PM   #163
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Every lady runs her business a bit differently, whatever pays the bills.
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Old 12-10-2010, 09:43 PM   #164
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Originally Posted by Budman View Post

I don't want to debate the benefits of agencies or lack there of. This thread was started about why some providers have a 2+ hour minimum. You and several others seemed to take offense over this question and made it clear that if this is how you chose to run your business then others should accept it or move on. However when the subject of the agency came up you commented about how it is sad that she is being taken advantage of. You also wanted to be clear that you made XYZ agency a ton of money and they did not do anything to earn it. My point is you don't like anybody questioning or criticizing your decision to have a 2 hour minimum yet you don't seem to have a problem questioning and criticizing the decision of others to work for or operate an agency. That is why I think you are being a hypocrite.
Mehn I was NOT questioning or criticizing anything. Suggesting and questioning are too different things. I have already stated that I do not care how a lady chooses to work ...it just makes much more sense to keep most of your money. I don't know what you do for a living or how much you make but if you could make double your salary wouldn't you? I also didn't have a problem with the question the OP posted... I thought I made that clear earlier like 10 times on this thread lol I have no problem answering questions from the ladies and I do it all the time in the powder room now If you STILL don't get it .. then Ok, nevermind..I'm done .

btw I heart Irish I think she's a cool chick.
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Old 12-10-2010, 09:58 PM   #165
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lol naomi4u thats the truth but i can see from both perspectives. i do hhr sessions but i do have multi hr sessions too but i added on my post its limited services for limited time. that means u buy a hhr u get a hhr of service and if u stay a lil longer its due to the conversation b4 the session started. i have learned to not start time till my clothes come off and when they do then they get what they want. i love my job and hope this site can bring me more fun. hope everyone is doing the same.
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