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Old 07-13-2009, 08:28 PM   #31
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I played Football from Grade-School through High School. Was burnt out by the time I got to college and decided to start chasing other dreams. I also threw discus all-through High School and College.

I found my old discus in the attic last year and decided to take it out to the track and still see if I still had it. Man that shit hurts now. In my prime, I was throwing 180-190ft, I was lucky to hit 100ft this time around.
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Old 07-13-2009, 10:47 PM   #32
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I played JV golf in HS but the V team was top 10 in state and I thought I had little chance to break through so I quit. Wish I would have stayed with it, cause I got really good after college.

Been playing softball for the last 20 years, but it is taking its toll now on my almost 40 year old body

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Old 07-14-2009, 12:33 AM   #33
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Fawn, please pass the chocolate. Thanks. SAS
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Old 07-14-2009, 05:07 AM   #34
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I started skiing on a glacier in Canada at age 7. We didnt have a lift. We had to walk up. When you got tired of climbing, you skied down. I skiied annually till I was 40, when gout and arthritis appeared. I broke a leg skiing when I was 22 and spent a year in a cast. So I guess I missed two ski seasons in that time. When I broke my leg, I had the unfortunate occurance that I was the last person down that particular run as the Ski Patrol closed it right after I started down. The Ski Patrol did not sweep the run and I ended up on the mountain from about 930 am till about 6 pm when they found me. In that time I had gotten myself out of the snow and onto some mud. I had started worrying about frostbite in some areas of skin stuck in the snow. Took me about 2 hours to crawl about 30 yards. After that I set the break in my leg and had splinted it. I got tried of waiting for ski patro and when they actually did find me, I had made a sled and was in the process of getting myself down the mountain. All I really could think of, was breaking a window in the ski lodge, crawl in, and find me a bottle of brandy. If I was going to freeze to death, it would be with a warm stomach. Thank God my momma made be be a Boy Scout.

About ten years later, the President of the National Ski Patrol related my accident in an editoral of Ski Magazine. The gist of his editorial was about the Eagle Scout, with a broken leg, that got himself down the mountain. This was at a time when everyone was lawsuit happy against ski areas. I never saw the article when it was published. About three or four years later, I happened to be back at that same resort for a trip. One day, in a lodge at the top of the mountain, in front of the fire place, I was in a converstion with the head of the Ski Patrol of the area at that time. We started talking and I related my story. His eyes got really big and said, "I read about you!!" Till that moment, I had no idea that my simple broken leg had made national editorial fodder. Almost 40 years later, I still have vivid memories of that day on the mountain. It never occured to me to sue the ski area. I shouldnt have been skiing that day. I was exhausted from a drive the day before from UT-Austin. I should have taken a rest day, but when we are 22, we are bulletproof. I have thought about going again, but I just cant take the cold temps anymore.

I raced some, downhill and GS. When I was in my late 20s in Grad School I went to Chile on a whim to ski. It was a very hot Texas summer, much like it is right now. I got my skis out and took them to the local ski shop to get tuned up. The owner asked why and I told him.....he just laughed. It was a fun trip and welcomed escape from the 100+ days here. At that time the ultimae ski run was the HannenKhan at Kitzbuel in Austria. The best racers went done it around 2 minutes. when we lived overseas, I went there once to ski it. It took me two hours, LOL. I knew it would probably be my only time to go down it, so I did take my time and enjoyed it. Every year after that when Wild World of Sports would televise it, I would remember my day on that run and have a much greater appreication of what those guys were dealing with. But todays slopes seem to be dominated by the salom and mogle runs. They are not any fun for me. I liiked just pointing my tip toward the bottom and holding on.............it was such a rush, I would forget to breathe.
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Old 07-14-2009, 06:46 AM   #35
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Football, baseball, and cross-country.
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Old 07-14-2009, 11:41 AM   #36
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I was an underwater basket weaver in high school. Won every competition for four years straight. The trophies are still in the display case at the high school.
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Old 07-14-2009, 12:26 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by 1thatgotaway View Post

I guess I'm the only band geek..
While I was all district both ways in football, the only thing I made it to state in was band. I was also in the region band. We just did not march during football session, although my hometown has gotten smaller and the boys did march during games depending on the coach.
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Old 07-14-2009, 04:45 PM   #38
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Football, Track (Shotput, discus, High jump...mile run...not because I wanted to...LOL), baseball and wrestling.

I played indoor soccer for a few years during the winter to help stay in shape for softball. During our peak, the tournament softball team I played on played close to 200 games a year for about 6 years. Leagues 4 nights a week and tournaments almost everyone weekend. I have no idea how we did it!! I finally quit play softball at age 46.

My body is starting to repay me for all of the torture I put it through all those years....but I wouldn't trade any of it!!

Now I just need lots of TLC!!
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Old 07-14-2009, 08:01 PM   #39
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Softball and volleyball....
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Old 07-14-2009, 09:02 PM   #40
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thanks to everyone that has made a post, i have truly enjoyed learning
alittle about each and everyone of you...the simpler threads sometimes
are the most fun.....
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Old 07-14-2009, 09:05 PM   #41
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It is probably time to put this thread to rest for now. Yes, thanks to Fawn for initiating the string and for all who contributed. I think innocent topics like this can really add to the comraderie of the board over time. It is nice to know that I was not the "geekiest" high schooler out there! (just kidding, my friends)

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Old 07-14-2009, 09:14 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by SASpurfan View Post
It is probably time to put this thread to rest for now. Yes, thanks to Fawn for initiating the string and for all who contributed. I think innocent topics like this can really add to the comraderie of the board over time. It is nice to know that I was not the "geekiest" high schooler out there! (just kidding, my friends)

aw, dont be a party poo-per saspurfan, this thread is just getting
started....keep em coming guys and gals............
i loving getting to know the fun side of people
and what there interest are or in this case were.....
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Old 07-17-2009, 04:58 PM   #43
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In high school I ran the mile though you'd never know it to see me now. They didn't have longer distances and I wasn't particularly good, although I was second best in our high school. However, the best in our school was All-State and went on to run in college. He could run in the 4:20 range.

In my freshman year of college my school had a miserable place kicker. They had open tryouts after about the third or forth game of the season. I went out on a whim as I had done that in junior high. The head coach wanted me and another guy to join the team, but we had to practice the same schedule as the rest of the team and I just didn't want to do that as it would disrupt classes too much and I was taking 18 hours. I don't think the other guy did it either. We continued to suck at kicking. However, they school recruited a guy who turned out to be an All SWC, 2nd team All-American kicker to join the team the next year and the problem was solved. So I made the right decision. I would have worked my ass off and just been on the team one year.

Also played a good bit of adult league soccer up into my 40's. That was more fun that anything else I've done.
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Old 07-17-2009, 10:44 PM   #44
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Growing up near the ocean in California did a lot of surfing, sand & court volleyball, softball, water ski racing, scuba diving, pouring sun tan lotion on blondes, brunettes and petite oriental women, and racing to our favorite pizza place
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Old 07-18-2009, 01:29 AM   #45
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I ran track when I was active duty. I was much thinner back then and could move a lot faster!
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