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A Question of Legality Post your legal questions here (general, nothing of a personal nature)

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Old 12-07-2010, 04:59 PM   #16
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Wow Tim. Interesting thread and opinions.

@AngelOK I see no reason to suggest that being LE is not a respectable profession. I for one am thankful for most (not all) of LE activities and appreciate what they do for me as a citizen.

@RM It is sad that there are some that turn to "the dark side"; and frankly I feel they should be punished even more so having betrayed their oath and taking advantage of those they swore to protect

@MOCHA I completely understand you not wanting to see a cop because of your friends experience. That being said, there are more crazy criminals with guns out there on the streets than there are cops. We must all calculate our own risk management and live with the consequences.

@Naomi Your comments smack a bit at a generalization that all cops are bad. Unquestionably, there are bad cops. But to suggest that they all are thugs using the system for their own personal gain is ignorant. You being AA, I would think you would be more sensitive to this sort of behavior. There are good and bad people of all races, religions, sexual preferences, and even professions.

@Spirit13 That's just scary, I would hope no provider is secretly taping us with their saved screening information prepared to use this information against clients who act in any way they disapprove of. There does need to be a level of trust on both sides of the hobby. I (and an honest LE) would more than likely have way more to lose being outed in such a way by a provider, and as it stands right now, the burden of proof and risk heavily ways on the honest hobbyist IMHO.

@ Jackie S You're spot on. It would not matter what profession a client is, they should never "step out of line" as described above. There are degrees in criminality. We all break the law. I break the law almost everyday when I exceed the posted speed limit on my way to work. I choose to do so and accept the responsibilities and the consequences of my actions. Then again, I'm not above taking the law into my own hands if I am the victim of an injustice.

@Tia I can see how that may be considering the line of work and type of people LE have to deal with on a regular basis. I bet there are an equal number who enjoy being dominated though just to relieve themselves of the pressure of being the "responsible" leader/protector. Perhaps Lady Kathy has a few of those clients.

@Tim In a nutshell we're all human and share essentially the same needs and desires. There are varying degrees of good and bad in all of us. Who do you want to be today?
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Old 12-08-2010, 10:17 PM   #17
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i agree ladies. why take the chance. they have ALL the power, and thats not how i like to run things. as far as the ref to taping.....ehhhh that could give you even bigger problems, as that is also illegal (and you are daming yourself with evidence as well) and i personally wouldn't want to threaten a cop with evidence of him misbehaving.
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Old 12-08-2010, 11:28 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Sergeant View Post
@AngelOK I see no reason to suggest that being LE is not a respectable profession. I for one am thankful for most (not all) of LE activities and appreciate what they do for me as a citizen.
You have the right to live in a comfortable fantasy if you wish. I prefer to judge them on what I've seen, which is largely waste, fraud and abuse even when it isn't outright bullying and sadism.

When the so-called "good cops" stop making excuses for and covering up for the bad ones who abuse their powers, throw their weight around, lie, make false accusations and rape women, I will admit it's a respectable profession. But until then, I'm not "suggesting" it's a disreputable one; I'm stating it as a fact.
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Old 12-09-2010, 01:50 AM   #19
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@Naomi Your comments smack a bit at a generalization that all cops are bad. Unquestionably, there are bad cops. But to suggest that they all are thugs using the system for their own personal gain is ignorant. You being AA, I would think you would be more sensitive to this sort of behavior. There are good and bad people of all races, religions, sexual preferences, and even professions.
What does me being AA have to do with It? wtf? now that was ignorant and rude.
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Old 12-09-2010, 08:50 AM   #20
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@ Naomi yes it was wtf.
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Old 12-09-2010, 08:51 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Sergeant View Post
Wow Tim. Interesting thread and opinions.

@MOCHA I completely understand you not wanting to see a cop because of your friends experience. That being said, there are more crazy criminals with guns out there on the streets than there are cops. We must all calculate our own risk management and live with the consequences.

Nope they break even and can be one in the same.
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Old 12-09-2010, 11:15 AM   #22
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"How does a cop get a real session?"

Hop onto an airplane, fly to Nevada . . . rent a car and drive to or take a car service to a legal brothel.


Go home.


- Jackie
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Old 12-09-2010, 11:38 AM   #23
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^Um.. We all know they don't make enough to do all that. LOL!
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Old 01-05-2011, 09:23 PM   #24
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now lianna has the right idea....lol
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Old 01-06-2011, 07:54 PM   #25
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I have dated a cop before but I was living in Vegas and he was from New Jersey... But normally I wouldnt agree to it! The NJ cop didnt tell me he was a cop until we were done! crazy!
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Old 01-31-2011, 11:46 PM   #26
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It's just bad business to engage in this sort of behavior with fellows of "that" capacity. Perhaps they truly want to patronize you, but the risk is just too high. The movie Training Day sums it up in a reoccurring question, "You want to go to jail, or you want to go home?".

On another note,

that is one hot kitty cat
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Old 02-02-2011, 09:02 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by heidilynnla View Post
Ive had a cop as a client.
If you had a cop as a client, what would stop him from sitting outside your incall location and busting every client that walks out the door?
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Old 02-02-2011, 10:55 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Sergeant View Post
Wow Tim. Interesting thread and opinions.

@Spirit13 That's just scary, I would hope no provider is secretly taping us with their saved screening information prepared to use this information against clients who act in any way they disapprove of. There does need to be a level of trust on both sides of the hobby. I (and an honest LE) would more than likely have way more to lose being outed in such a way by a provider, and as it stands right now, the burden of proof and risk heavily ways on the honest hobbyist IMHO.

Way I see it is this: if he knowingly sought out an escort, paid her the fee she asks for, knowing he was paying for sex which is illegal, and was doing so on his own time or during his shift (can we say long lunch?) but was not working with his departments Vice Squad, and did not make an arrest?

He would be in a lot of trouble.

Best advice is not see a cop even if he is VERY cool... all he has to do is whisper in Vice's ear about you and they do his dirty work.

I am all for the fun and all but when it comes to "authority figures overstepping their boundaries" one simply must document their indiscretions just in case.

think of it like this, best case, you do not need the evidence and the two of you stop seeing each other, part company on good terms etc.. and you can destroy the evidence (shredder, delete the files etc) and all is well..
worst case is you use them and they suffer more than you.

I am not FOR a provider taping the session of anyone, but if a guy turned out to be a cop and wanted to see her again, it might in her best interest to tape the next one just in case.
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Old 02-03-2011, 12:16 PM   #29
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VERY Interesting thread and opinions, gives me a lot to think about!
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Old 02-03-2011, 12:47 PM   #30
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I have seen a cop as well as a guy who works for the FBI. They both had verifiable references and they informed me of their employment status at our appointment. I believe cops are just like everyone else. If they play by the rules I am fine. If they cross the lines, bet I will bring them down.

xoxo Andy
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