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Old 12-02-2010, 07:28 AM   #16
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Here is a link to a story describing the 1942 execution of German spies/sabateurs:


Assange can't be executed for treason....but he could be for espionage.
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Old 12-02-2010, 09:40 AM   #17
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Don't forget the Rosenbergs.
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Old 12-02-2010, 11:02 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by vitokc View Post
The bastard wouldn't get any sympathy on this end. But he would from the same bleeding hearts that protest the death penalty and scream for civil rights for the shit stinking up Guantanamo.

yea that's right, fuck those civil rights! Liberty and civil rights should only apply to good red-blooded Americans. I'm in favor of beheadings, cutting off hands for stealing,(but not cocks for soliciting prostitution)....come to think of it, that Islamic law shit sounds about right... and by the way who let all those women and non-whites vote? Damn those bleeding heart Liberals!!

I do agree that our young PFC if convicted should receive full punishment under the law. So I guess everyone can find some common ground.
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Old 12-02-2010, 11:20 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by sipapi View Post
yea that's right, fuck those civil rights! Liberty and civil rights should only apply to good red-blooded Americans. I'm in favor of beheadings, cutting off hands for stealing,(but not cocks for soliciting prostitution)....come to think of it, that Islamic law shit sounds about right... and by the way who let all those women and non-whites vote? Damn those bleeding heart Liberals!!

I do agree that our young PFC if convicted should receive full punishment under the law. So I guess everyone can find some common ground.
....and that's what this site is about, to express, agree or disagree. You attack this country, you are a war criminal and those laws should apply. Violate civil law and those laws apply. I never used the word liberal.
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Old 12-02-2010, 11:33 AM   #20
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Assange is a Swedish citizen, who lived in Australia, and when we last knew where he was, was living in Switzerland. No, he can not be tried for treason but he can be arrested, convicted, and executed for espionage. Check out the Espionage Act of 1917. Portions of it are still in affect and it becomes its strongest when the US is at "war".

I don't personally know what his (Sipsapi) problem is but a nice new rope will be sufficient for the either the Pfc or Assange.
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Old 12-02-2010, 08:07 PM   #21
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What does everyone think is the most damning revelation to come of the Wikileaks recent document release?

It seems to me that some of the stuff has already been in the press and is just being verified. A British royal is rude? Big surprise. A nuclear Iran scares other Arab countries? No shock there. Saudis wants the US to eliminate a fear/problem of theirs (Iran)? Does the Gulf War not come to mind. The Saudis did not want a powerful Iraq in the region. Putin is Batman while Mevedev is Robin? Does anyone not think Putin still runs Russia? Corruption in Afghanistan? That's old news. Gather intelligence on diplomats? Don't think this is not happening at all times and I am sure all of the diplomats know this. Worried about relations with Pakistan? I would be more worried with the probability that Pakistan harbors Osama bin Laden and al Queda members. What does that have to say about current relations? Now there are A LOT of documents released, and I have absolutely no intention of reading them all, but it seems to me as if most of what was reported so far is basic common sense stuff. That is not to say I do not think what the PFC did was wrong, but the saying we are putting Americans lives in danger stinks of the President Bush tag line, which is seems President Obama is not above using. Seems like the same wolf in sheep's cloting. If the PFC is tried, he should spend the rest of his life in prison. What really puts our troops in danger are when the Arabs hear about the "sport killings" by some troops. The tens of thousands of other troops that are doing the job of a grateful country are made to look bad in the Arab world, and are put in danger because of the very small number of bad apples that were "sport killing."

Also, DD, I do not believe that Valerie Plame was chained to a desk at Langley. I believe she was available for covert ops if called upon, until the leak, when her cover was blown and made her unsuitable for covert work. I would not be surprised if, and I fully suspect, that leak came directly from the Oval Office.

As far as assassinating Assange, I just don't see it happening. At least not by us. If would be a political bomb if it happened and was discovered. Mind you, this is not necessarily a bad idea as far as national security is concerned, but with the politics in DC being as venomous as it currently is, I just don't think President Obama would risk it. Even if the Republicans were for it, they would use it as a tool against him politically. The Democrats would do the same thing, so don't interpret this as me blaming the GOP. However, if they could get Assange extradited to the US, then I don't think execution is out of the question.

I am more concerned with the ability of the PFC to remove secured data from a secured facility. Why would there not be more checks and balances as to what people are allowed to copy or access? Then I heard today that only 60% of the military's computers are secure.
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Old 12-02-2010, 08:20 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by john_galt View Post
I don't personally know what his (Sipsapi) problem is but a nice new rope will be sufficient for the either the Pfc or Assange.
I believe that Sipsapi's problem is that by his post, he comes across as a Constitutionalist that does not subscribe to Sharia law. He comes across as one of those arrogant guys that believes in the writ of habeas corpus. Seems as if he believes in due process. I guess some would consider this a novel idea.
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Old 12-02-2010, 08:22 PM   #23
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Papa your right, nothing catastrophic has been released but its only a matter of time before something does if this crap is not put into check. If this PFC is allowed to slide on it, who knows what the next one will give to Wiki to be released. I only mentioned Plame to illustrate how serious this matter was taken before and I would hope its taken as serious again, but I worry because there are those out there that are so focused on finding something Bush may have done that they would release it and anything else to reach their goals of attacking Bush, whether it hurts the country or not.
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Old 12-02-2010, 08:26 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by kcbigpapa View Post
I believe that Sipsapi's problem is that by his post, he comes across as a Constitutionalist that does not subscribe to Sharia law. He comes across as one of those arrogant guys that believes in the writ of habeas corpus. Seems as if he believes in due process. I guess some would consider this a novel idea.
I dont think he has a problem Galt, he stated his opinion and he is entitled to do so, why do you feel the need to even include him in your comment it had nothing to do with the point you were making.
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Old 12-02-2010, 09:52 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by dirty dog View Post
Papa your right, nothing catastrophic has been released but its only a matter of time before something does if this crap is not put into check. If this PFC is allowed to slide on it, who knows what the next one will give to Wiki to be released.
I don't think any law abiding American (which does not include any of us hobbyists LOL) thinks the PFC in question should slide. Like I said, if he is found guilty of what is being assumed, I think he should spend the rest of his life in prison.

Originally Posted by dirty dog View Post
I dont think he has a problem Galt, he stated his opinion and he is entitled to do so, why do you feel the need to even include him in your comment it had nothing to do with the point you were making.
DD, I was being facetious. JG was wondering what Sipsapi's problem was and to me, he (Sipsapi) doesn't have one. He is just suggesting we follow the guidelines set out by the courts and Constitution of our land, albeit sarcastically, which being sarcastic in nature myself, I recognized it in Sipsapi's post. I was, in my own playful way, wondering why JG has a problem with the Constitution.
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Old 12-03-2010, 12:10 AM   #26
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Funny, I just finished a paper on the Espionage Act of 1917 which was referenced by Charles Krauthammer this weekend. I'm referring to Sipsapi's foaming at the mouth position. I can say the same thing and have at times but without the foam. Treason, which is what the private is guilty of (he admitted it), can be punished by execution in the military (see UCMJ). Usually firing squads are for soldiers and hanging is for spys. You make the call what this idiot is.
I understand sarcasm but that was too close to an emotional melt down.
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Old 12-03-2010, 06:35 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by kcbigpapa View Post
I am more concerned with the ability of the PFC to remove secured data from a secured facility. Why would there not be more checks and balances as to what people are allowed to copy or access? Then I heard today that only 60% of the military's computers are secure.
no shit! I can understand how he had access (after 9/11 and all the intelligence agencies had issues about sharing info, they went a bit overboard on access), but how the hell was he able to download the info?

If I were to download anything from my work computer, the bells and whistles ring and they release the hounds. I guess if I just marked the disc "lady gaga" I could get away with it.
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Old 12-03-2010, 06:56 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by kcbigpapa View Post
I believe that Sipsapi's problem is that by his post, he comes across as a Constitutionalist that does not subscribe to Sharia law. He comes across as one of those arrogant guys that believes in the writ of habeas corpus. Seems as if he believes in due process. I guess some would consider this a novel idea.
My post was dripping with sarcasm such much my laptop was wet. lol...but alas, some folks still did not recognize. But yes papa, you grasped my point. As I stated, if PFC is found guilty then shoot him if that is what the penalty is. What got me "foaming at the mouth"(per Galt) is the notion that we should suspend civil rights, due process or any other of those bleeding heart principles...despite the crimes or in the case of some of that "shit stinking up Gitmo" lack of evidence of any crimes, our principles should not be compromised.

I'll get off my soapbox and back to surfing porn now.
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Old 12-03-2010, 09:10 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by kcbigpapa View Post
I don't think any law abiding American (which does not include any of us hobbyists LOL) thinks the PFC in question should slide. Like I said, if he is found guilty of what is being assumed, I think he should spend the rest of his life in prison.

DD, I was being facetious. JG was wondering what Sipsapi's problem was and to me, he (Sipsapi) doesn't have one. He is just suggesting we follow the guidelines set out by the courts and Constitution of our land, albeit sarcastically, which being sarcastic in nature myself, I recognized it in Sipsapi's post. I was, in my own playful way, wondering why JG has a problem with the Constitution.
Sorry Papa my comment was directed at JG not you. I did not see the reason he even mentioned him other than he disagreed with JG and I guess that was his "problem".
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Old 12-03-2010, 09:14 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by john_galt View Post
I understand sarcasm but that was too close to an emotional melt down.

If we pushed you a little harder could we get you there?
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