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Old 12-01-2010, 03:42 PM   #16
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Some providers ask guys to give proof of who they are as a standard reference check. There is a trust between the two that the name will not ever be disclosed.
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Old 12-01-2010, 04:02 PM   #17
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Yes we do. We do not share our information
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Old 12-01-2010, 07:27 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by rutcat View Post
Couldn't I pay a girl to shoot a sexy adult rated video with me? That seems to be legal. As long as I had her sign the appropriate contract stating she was of legal age and it conformed to the laws in my state for adult video production, couldn't that work?

However, the issue would be that Iowa is currently the ONLY state in the Midwest in which that activity is currently lawful (as noted in "Des Moines police surf web, make prostitution arrests"; written by Tom Alex; Des Moines Register; Sept. 9, 2010 - the article is available for download after purchase or subscription).

Either by statute or precedent or authority, it is prohibited or severely regulated everywhere else in the area.

This issue has been raised time and time over, and it has been litigated in both Kansas and Missouri. Even if the production was for private consumption only and not intended for resale or distribution, on either side of the state line, specifically, it is prosecutable (and it will be prosecuted - and you'll lose) if ANY of the parties involved in the production are paid . . . And, as other members here can attest from following previous cases (for instance, Dirty Dog, who is intimately aware of the legal aspects of adult entertainment locally), they'll stack charges on you until you're facing a serious felony, and then after they are done with you on a local and state level, they'll refer it to the US Attorney and they'll take a whack at you also on 2257 or the Mann Act or RICO, or whatever they can pull out of their hat and indict you for . . .


- Jackie
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Old 12-01-2010, 07:54 PM   #19
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There are numerous legal requirments to making an adult film which must be adhered too even for private video's. Federally you must avoid US 18 2256, underage, US 2257 record keeping requirments, this is more than just a signed model release. You also have to make sure that no one traveled over a state line to make the movie, or you could be in violation of us code 1952, interstate travel in the furtherance of prositution. Then lastly you have to watch the good old fashion promotion of obscenity charge US code 1460 which they will tag you with if you have it on your computer. If I sound like a know it all its only because I have spent years and more money then most of you have spent on your homes dealing with the feds and I am intimately familar with their behavior. Other than Master Dennis, I am confident no one else has had as many dealings with them.

Jackie help me out here, the Iowa statute if I remember right may only make it legal if the producer is not a participant, meaning you cannot take part of the sexual activity, you only film a solo or two other participants. I think participation which involves an exchange of monies consitutes prostituion via the statute, but I may be thinking of another state. I may be wrong and I dont have time to look it up right now.
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Old 12-01-2010, 08:08 PM   #20
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In Iowa, there is currently an acknowledged, commented upon, open investigation by the Polk County Prosecuting Attorney (Des Moines) in which a lady charged various men in the making of a private adult video production (even though it was not for distribution she happily kept 2257 records) in which she and the male that responded to her advertisement were the only participants and there was no other person present in the room (the camera was switched on and left unattended).

She did this for a LONG time, the case has been open a for a year or more - and they PUBLICLY ADMIT they cannot find a way to charge her . . . the only reason she stopped was because she burned through the willing gentlemen in the area, made a wad of cash and left town. Others have followed in her footsteps, and they remain in the clear also. Expect the Iowa legislature to close the loophole soon.


- Jackie
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Old 12-01-2010, 08:12 PM   #21
dirty dog
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Thanks for the clarification sweetie!!
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