oooo damn,.,,,,,sorry thought it was a lead off into a "your momma " jokes...i have one..
here it go...they are bad..but kinda funny...stupid..but well you get the drift..
your momma is soo poor that when its dinner time she puts puts her foot up on the table and yells.."corn!!!"

not funny?? about a blonde joke..(blondes please no offense intended..)
this girl was sitting at the table trying hard as she could working on a puzzle..she was sitting there for hours..trying to fit the pieces together....well her phone rings and its her friend..Stan..."Hey Stan!!!!" she says..whats goin down??
he says.."just hanging...and says "what are you up too?
she says.."well I'm working on a puzzle and I cannot seem to get these pieces to come together can you come by and help me out??
"SURE" states Stan.."I love puzzles!!" " what type of puzzle is it any ways??"
"well its got a picture of a Tiger on the box"
"Ill be right there" says Stan...
well about a half hour goes by and Stan arrives and sits down to look at the puzzle pieces...he just sits there and stares in bewilderment.....
" whats wrong Stan..I thought you were gonna help me out".......
"Well" Stan states..." I don't know how to tell you this..but these pieces are never gonna ever gonna fit together"...
"but why?" asks the blonde puzzled....
Stan Yells..."Cuz these are frosted flakes"!!!!!
hahhahahahahahha get it!!! Tiger on the box...frosted flakes...hahahhahahahaha!!!!!! !!!
no? dont like that one either?? Come on folks your killing me here!!!!!!
Just a bit of beside manor...get better chaz!!!!!!