I see that everyone isn't feeling her vibe, and that's cool. That's even somewhat expected. I'm not really feeling it either. I just wanna fuck her!
If you can just strip away the weird outfits and attitude and look at her from ONLY the body standpoint.
BBKID, MOST of her pics has her looking like a blow-up doll bro. I bet if she threw it at you for FREE you'd smash! LOL!!
EA I'd do Shakira also, but I think GaGa has a slightly bigger booty!
You can spin it how you want, but if you saw her on the street w/her get-ups and not on camera, you would have a vastly different view of her.......
No I would not. If she walked by me on the street I'd be looking at her ass just like every other woman walking by me. I'd probabably think 'this chick is wearing some weird shit but she's fine as hell'!