I just wanted to annouce that I (Nina A. Ross) have been a proud provider for the city of Dallas and the United States of America for 10years this year.

(April to be exact....)
I know, I know, but the ads says I'm 23

Well if you have been around or about Dallas then you know I have been 23 for 6 years
and will probably be 23 in another 6 years

Yeah so I'm turning 29 this year and it's my 10 year ANNIVERSARY.

So I'll keep you up-dated on what 10 years in this business can get you.
So far I'm head to Amsterdam May 9 for a 9 day cruise. (I am going to Greece and so other place too.

So to all the ladies... You can do what ever you want to do with this opportunity. Please do something...
To all the guys.... This is a chance to help someone. Please do just that, help don't hinder, be honest...
PS Please save the topic about my age in my ads. I'm an Entertainer (A Real one.
