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Old 11-22-2010, 05:30 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by valerievoxxx View Post
Ok. Great!! Thanks for all the advice. I have been told to bump the rate to 250 per hour. I'm a lil nervous to do that with the holidays. My reviews do say alot of different things because before I found eccie and 411 I only did massages at that rate and maybe a lil somthing extra. I am new to advertising gfe as I've always wanted to advertise massage because I felt it was more discreet. My pics were actually taken from a digital camera but I will add alot more color photos now and limit the black and whites to a few. I've thought about my email having that "_" and I think I will change that too now for sure. I don't think I'll be adding that sign though Monkeypaw. lol. I don't want to get beat up by any providers..LMAO. Thanks for all the good advice. I appreciate it alot.
Since your original rate was $150, I might bump it up just $50 to start. You can always raise your rates, but I think that it's not wise to raise them and then drop them again (unless you're running a special). Doesn't look consistent.

You could change your signature line right now. I would get rid of the ECCIE review links, they're there underneath your avatar. Clean that up.

Start posting some online here. Be flirty and fun. Men like that. (In other words, do NOT post the way that I do!) Develop an advertising and marketing plan. I am "not the usual one" and people remember it.

Just be you. Although some ladies quickly become the new "flavor of the month", it never happened with me. I got a slow start but I have staying power. My business in the last year has exploded but it's from just hanging in there and my ability to keep trudging along.

If you wish to make this your vocation, you can do it. But you have to keep playing around with everything to get a personae that works for you.

Good luck!
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Old 11-22-2010, 05:34 AM   #17
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Just took a quick look at your site. You offer the "honeymoon" experience. Might wish to rethink that wording on that one. When deciding your wording, consider your audience and the folks reading.

Again, good luck!
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Old 11-22-2010, 07:04 AM   #18
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Awwwww thanks Tiffany.... makes me wanna go bake you some more cupcakes. (and I don't cook.... much LOL)

Valerie, Elisabeth is right in her advice.

Also it is the holidays. Things will pic up. Being constant about pricing is important. If you go up and down too much it gets too complicated for people. I went the other day and got a tripod at Target for really cheap. See what the settings on your camera are as far as the timer and have fun with it.

Just looked at your added pics ..... they are right the colored ones are awesome.

Also have a friend read what you wrote to put up on the site as far as describing yourself. They may add things you have not thought of. Or word it differently etc.
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Old 11-22-2010, 10:37 AM   #19
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From the hobbiest point of view I agree with Elisabeth. Going to $200 is the going rate for most girls. When you get up to 250-300 your going against some well know providers with knock out reviews.
If a girl is 300 and I can't find a review and she does not stand out in some way than I pass. Also see some guys who are well know and respectd on the boards. Give him something to write about or maybe a discount for his time if her writes you a great review. I had one provider offer this once and I have been her love slave since. LOL
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Old 11-22-2010, 11:39 AM   #20
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After all the complaining about rates from us hobbyist the first thing we do is tell a provider that has reasonable rates to increase them. I'm not saying if she should or not but for hobbyist to say that is just dumb. We all work hard for our little pleasure moments so let's not reduce that by telling providers to increase their rates
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Old 11-22-2010, 12:34 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by burkalini View Post
After all the complaining about rates from us hobbyist.....
Speak for yourself on that. If a ladys rates are over my threshold I seek another option, why complain when you can call another whos rates suit your budget. But hobbying is luxury money anyway, is their even such a thing as budget?

Originally Posted by burkalini View Post
the first thing we do is tell a provider that has reasonable rates to increase them......for hobbyist to say that is just dumb.
Maybe but I think more dudes would wonder why her hour rate was 125 especially since she ask opinions and put upscale in her website. That might point to high volume to me but to each his own. Believe me if her services cant command the rate it will fluctuate. Even if she choose 200 instead of 250 it wouldnt matter if the reviews and rep isnt there.
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Old 11-22-2010, 01:21 PM   #22
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Default Valerie

I will be as honest with you as I can:

There are a lot of Providers out there. You are an average looking Lady, (a little chunky for a lot of men), and judging soley on the reviews, you BCD skills are average.

You have to remember that what you are doing is fullfilling fantacies. You have got to at least act like you are enjoying what is giong on, it is a skill that the very successful Ladies know quite well. The guy has to leave thinking he punched your button just right.

If he doesn't, then what you get is sessions such as what the review indicated, just average service, with an average Lady. That, simply put, commands no more than an average fee.

But, you seem like a really nice Lady, who simply has to hone her skills. Maybe loose a few pounds. And learn to act like you are enjoying what you are doing. There are some GREAT providers who charge no more than $$ an hour, and that is for a full GFE menu, including BBBJ. They stay very busy. When the guy leaves, he feels like he is 21 again.

Providers can fool themselves all they want, but the CBJ is the big deciding factor in whether a client decides to call. You might not like it, but that is the way it is. You have cut your potential client list by at least 50 percent with the CBJ thing.

Just my opinion.
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Old 11-22-2010, 02:03 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
I will be as honest with you as I can:

There are a lot of Providers out there. You are an average looking Lady, (a little chunky for a lot of men), and judging soley on the reviews, you BCD skills are average.
I really dont think her looks are whether or not she's a bit chunky has much to do with it...more so the BCD skills.

I am pretty much 'the girl next door' and I can call myself a MILF all I want, but reality is, I have a stretched out mommas belly.

As far as my 'business' is concerned? It is fantastic! I had already learned great BCD skills prior to starting, and all I needed was a few men who enjoys the Milf next door to give me a chance, then brag about it. A year later, bingo! I am averaging between 3-5/wk which is exactly where I want to be....as steady as they come!

As long as you are clean, and take good care of yourself, the pounds don't matter, the size of your breasts don't matter....color of your eyes...color of your hair...ect., ect.,....just be clean and neat, and give a great service!
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Old 11-22-2010, 03:20 PM   #24
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From a client's perspective, your rates don't match what your ad implies or your reviews indicate. When I read "honeymoon" experience (a new term to me ), I read that all sexual activity is available to include the potential for BBFS. You don't want to go there because there will be some guys who think the "honeymoon" includes EVERYTHING. Then I see your rates and think high volume which tends to reinforce the "everything" goes mentality. Here's my reasoning. High volume providers have a reputation for risky activity. I'm not saying the reputation is true, but the perception does exist. Then I get to your reviews (granted not many) and see activities that are run of the mill/boilerplate services. I don't read any wow factors in your reviews. You need a wow factor that comes through in your reviews. You also need to emphasize this wow factor on your site. Some providers have natural wow factors like the rock hard body of a super model. Other providers are gifted in their performance. For example, I once had an appointment with an average looking provider in her late 30s. She is not the type of provider I would normally see; however, she had a glowing reputation for BBBJs and Russian. She got me off 4 times orally and swallowed every last drop of my cum each time. Not only that, she constantly teased me during the session about loving the taste of my cum and that how she couldn't get enough. She lived up to her wow factor. That is one thing I recommend you do. Find a wow factor that has guys wanting more.
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Old 11-22-2010, 03:44 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Cpalmson View Post
Then I see your rates and think high volume which tends to reinforce the "everything" goes mentality. Here's my reasoning. High volume providers have a reputation for risky activity. I'm not saying the reputation is true, but the perception does exist.
This seems kinda like a no-win situation. If you have low rates, guys don't want to see you because they think you're high volume. If you have high rates, guys don't want to see you because you're out of their price range, they're afraid you won't live up to the HDH experience they built in their head, etc.
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Old 11-22-2010, 04:17 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums View Post
I really dont think her looks are whether or not she's a bit chunky has much to do with it...more so the BCD skills.

I am pretty much 'the girl next door' and I can call myself a MILF all I want, but reality is, I have a stretched out mommas belly.

As far as my 'business' is concerned? It is fantastic! I had already learned great BCD skills prior to starting, and all I needed was a few men who enjoys the Milf next door to give me a chance, then brag about it. A year later, bingo! I am averaging between 3-5/wk which is exactly where I want to be....as steady as they come!

As long as you are clean, and take good care of yourself, the pounds don't matter, the size of your breasts don't matter....color of your eyes...color of your hair...ect., ect.,....be clean and neat, and give a great service!
I agree 100%, don't go out and try to change your physical appearence because somebody told you your just "average". This is the opinion of 1 person. If want to lose weight or change something about yourself do it because it is what you want. There is somebody for everybody and one man's average is another mans beauty queen. There is a market for everybody's bodytype, trust me I know. I am not a skinny women but once I started losing weight I started losing curves. I also started losing the clients that really like the womenly body. I then started attracting a different kind of client, and I was always worried. What if Im not thin enough for him, I even started turning down appt request because I was worried I was not good enough, especially when all their okays were from 110 lb women with really tight bodies. Not good for the confidence I always had before. My advice is be true to who you really are and who you really want to be. Take a few nice pictures, and try and get a few more reviews. ALWAYS GIVE 100%, but don't start doing things your not comfortable doing. Your discomfort will show in your sessions and may reflect in your reviews. Just be happy.
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Old 11-22-2010, 04:34 PM   #27
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Heather, looks like a "catch22", huh.

The industry has settled in what is considered a "fair" rate for a typical session. Since perception rules a lot of this, the client has to feel like he got what he wanted for what he put out.

Many men involved in this hobby thing are older guys, they do have specific body types that stimulate them physically. Try as she may, if a provider is not physically stimulating to a man, he might not even be able to, as we say, "do the deed".

I never could understand the HDH thing. Just look at that girl that Elliote Spitzer was seeing. He was paying for something special because he thought she was special. But when the crap hit the fan, it was revealed that she was not a Rhodes Scholar, or studying to be a Nuclear Engineer, she was just a pretty girl that could get an old man's dick hard. Let her skip bathing for three days, and she would smell just like the bag lady living under the underpass.

Most hobbyist know that the best values are in the 175 to 250 an hour Ladys, who want to have a good enough number of clients to pay the bills and offer a decent lifestyle. That is probably about two-three a day. They also know the business, and understand what it takes to be a successful Provider. Many also have one or two regulars that they can depend on for no less than a visit every two weeks.

The old scene of the girl squwating over the wash pan and yelling "next' really will not cut in in the community that this Web Site is supposed to represent.

Tough questions. It is, after all, a business. Us out here in the civilian Business World have exactly the same problems. You take in too much work, and you get behind, and have to start shuffling things around to keep customers happy. You risk pissing off everybody, and loosing everybody. But, you are scared to turn down a job because you can remember the bad times when there was no work to be had.

It's a tough World, and at last report, it wasn't getting any easier.
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Old 11-22-2010, 05:08 PM   #28
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Again, thank you to those that have responded. I'm getting alot of great feedback. And I'm taking it all in. Afterall, I did want the TRUTH and if some don't feel like my services are up to standard, I want to know. Keep the discussion going please.
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Old 11-22-2010, 05:26 PM   #29
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Ok, here goes. I'm trying to be brave. It was mentioned about my looks being average. Any advice on the types of pics I could take? Ya know, what do you think would be flattering for my body type? poses...etc.
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Old 11-22-2010, 06:31 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by valerievoxxx View Post
Ok, here goes. I'm trying to be brave. It was mentioned about my looks being average. Any advice on the types of pics I could take? Ya know, what do you think would be flattering for my body type? poses...etc.
For the record, I'm not speaking as a moderator, besides, I'm not a moderator in this section anyway. I'm speaking as one woman to another.

Your looks are fine. You're very cute. Frankly, my looks couldn't hold a candle to yours. Don't listen to the naysayers. I would say "fuck them" but that would be impolite. You ARE being brave by just stepping out and asking for advice. You've taken the first steps.

You have to play with different photographers and their ideas to get good photos. I believe yours are just fine. Work with what you have and take baby steps forward. Don't take offers of men who are around that tell you they will take your photos for free. Generally, this is a very bad idea. Pay for a real photographer. Or three.

Always be willing to develop your personae in different ways. That generally involves a continuous stream of new photos when you can. Hopefully, you will have much better luck with photographers then I have the last year. But I'm a challenge to photograph.

Someone mentioned bedroom acumen. THAT is key. If you can perform better then the average housewife or fussy girlfriend, you have it made. If you REALLY like men, and many of us here do, then you are on your way.

Do you enjoy having sex? Well, let your enthusiasm thrive and develop. Go to the powder room and ask there. There are ladies in that arena that will always be helpful and not make you feel bad about yourself. Well, most of the time!

When I was new, I heard that there was an escort (now retired) who gave the best blowjob this side of the Mississippi. I called her. And I asked for a lesson. I got lessons from several ladies.

Also, a few years ago, there was an escort (she is still around) who supposedly gave GREAT oral sex to two of my clients who both had really large cocks. I asked them what she did that was different and they, being men, couldn't tell me.

I called her and asked. After her shock, she told me what she did. Then the next time I was in Houston, I met her. She was GREAT. And it has REALLY made a difference in my performance.

When I became interested in BDSM because for whatever reason, men who like that are drawn towards me (to my ever loving confusion!), I paid a wonderful woman to become my mentor and teach me a few things. She is still my mentor to this day although we rarely see each other. Learn from others.

In other words, if you have the enthusiasm, the acumen will follow.

Also, continue to read and learn about current events. Develop yourself or go back to school if you're not in school already. This will add interest. Most men who have the additional income to pay for our company like a little banter. Some don't. But you'll never go wrong being more informed. Personally, I read magazines like Esquire. I like magazines that are geared towards men. Since I find them complicated creatures and difficult to understand for the most part (don't believe it when they tell you that they're simple) ... that does help me.

That's all that I can think of right now.

Class dismissed!

Good luck!
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