Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
God help us all if any of the Bush family even tries a run for the White House! 
Originally Posted by esteve
You obviously don't know Jeb Bush. He was the Bush brother who was suppose to be President. In 1994, he lost an extremely close election for Governor in FL. Had he won in 1994 (instead of 1998), Jeb would have won re-election and then run for President in 2000. Instead, George upset Ann Richards in 1994 thus becoming Texas Governor, and the rest is history. Jeb Bush upon leaving office was wildly popular across the political spectrum. He's fiscally conservative but will work with both parties to get things done. Jeb is a proven leader as can be seen in how he led from the front in 2004 when Florida was hit with multiple hurricanes. I can think of no politician other than Jeb Bush who could step in and fix the problems this country is facing. He's not an idiot like Sarah Palin and not a socialist/communist like Barry Obama. Jeb is a policy wonk. Lord knows this nation can't take a 2nd Obama administration. BTW, given the choice of Putin or Obama; I'd take Putin