My parents went out to do Xmass shopping. My mothers brother just out of the M corp was to be are sitter. They walk in as we where making rockets with three paper matches, with the heads wraped in foil from cigarette pack. Spent rockets all over the floor. Well he was never to be are sitter again.
Ok to make, take three paper matches. holding form the bottom with the heads together. Wrap the heads with foil from a pack of smokes. Paper side in. Now hold from the heads, and bend the paper matchs to make three leggs. Set it in the ashtray. Take a lit match and hold it under the heads. Weeeeeeeeee it flys. Also can be made with one wooden match, paper clip or saftypin, and foil.
It was a lot of fun. but as I was not yet in school. I don't think my mother was ok with the fact that her brother teached me how to make them. Few days later dad had me show him how it was done in the barn. Where MA never went. grampa, dads father found us. And that is how I learned how to make with a wooden match.

for one wood or paper match. Could not find a pic for three paper matches.

paper clip type about to fly weeeeeeeeeeeeee
Wish I could find a pic of the three paper matches type. Thay would go stright up, with the leggs burning all the way. And with three heads would go farther.