Pillow talk happens. There are a lot of lonely people here who also like to talk. It happens. What irks me is when posters forget discretion and start posting personal information about peoples lives and families here on the board.
I wish we would all
think a little more about what we post about people, especially the providers. Many of them have kids, ex-husbands, legal troubles, etc. We should be very careful not to give those with agendas ammunition to destroy lives. However, if a hobbyist or provider is out their fucking people over in all kinds of manners, I want to know.
Dannie, I don't pay them for the PR. I pay them to lie to me and tell me that Mr. So&So is the second best they have ever had; me being the first of course. 
I have heard some pillow talk and I want to know what you Asian guys know because I hear nothing but how good you guys are in bed. I want to take some lessons in Carnal Fu!