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Old 11-08-2010, 07:35 PM   #1
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Exclamation Your ATF ...

Hey Ladies and Gents!!

I was reading The.Prince's thread about replacing an ATF and it got me thinking....

What is it about your ATF that makes them your ATF? I would love to hear from a provider AND hobbyists' point of view. What unique attributes do they hold that keeps your attention and looking forward to the next time you see them?

**No names ... just details
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Old 11-08-2010, 07:52 PM   #2
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I would have to say attitude is 50% of it. BJ skills are definately a factor. And just like with any other lover, there is just something about it that just fits right. And hygeine is a must.
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Old 11-08-2010, 08:01 PM   #3
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I don't think there is one particular trait/attribute that makes our ATF(s). More of a connection that you would get in the dating world, both in and out of between the sheets. And since everyone is different (see the recent provider outfit thread for an example http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=80450) each client/provider relationship is going to be different.

Important thing to remember is once you find your ATF to hold on tight.
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Old 11-08-2010, 08:11 PM   #4
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I've only had one ATF though I've had several ladies who I "clicked" with and had a good time when I saw them. I think it was more of a case of us being relatively close in age and having some similar interests that made it fun. We could actually have a conversation about things that weren't hobby related and had the same weird sense of humor. Of course, her BCD skills were great as well. The only reason I speak of her in the past tense is she is retired now, but we do email every now and then. Still taking ATF applications to replace her three years later.
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Old 11-08-2010, 08:53 PM   #5
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It’s difficult to describe but there is a strong mutual connection. We could talk about anything and have a great time. A genuine interest in each other’s well being. We could not wait to see each other. Days after the visit you still have an intense euphoric high from being in each other presence. We knew we each would become involved with someone but enjoyed our time together. You also hate sharing each other. I could not read her reviews and she disliked seeing other ladies I visited. I have gotten along with 95% of the ladies I have met. I met another lady whom we had strong attraction after the first visit. We saw each other over a year later and it was still there. She has retired also. I hate losing them but new they would make excellent women in the life of some lucky guy.
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Old 11-08-2010, 08:54 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by gdiddy View Post
I've only had one ATF though I've had several ladies who I "clicked" with and had a good time when I saw them. I think it was more of a case of us being relatively close in age and having some similar interests that made it fun. We could actually have a conversation about things that weren't hobby related and had the same weird sense of humor. Of course, her BCD skills were great as well. The only reason I speak of her in the past tense is she is retired now, but we do email every now and then. Still taking ATF applications to replace her three years later.
Wow ... that's a long time gdiddy! I'll send you my resume :-)
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Old 11-08-2010, 08:59 PM   #7
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" I hate losing them but new they would make excellent women in the life of some lucky guy."

If that's not the sweetest thing I have ever heard ...!!!
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Old 11-09-2010, 02:24 AM   #8
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For me an ATF includes all of what gdiddy said. But generally for me if the first session was nothing less than stellar performance wise, and I actually call her back she was an ATF or had the makings of one.

There are many ladies I have seen who I had a great time with and would recommend, but would never see again. Variety is not the spice of life for me in the hobby. Id rather see the same lady who has a reliably high skill set back to back, than to toftt, rescreen, and reinitiate another connection. Id rather just build a strong rapport with one or two so it could make each session easily accommodating.

The amount I usually pay for overnights usually warrants my trepidation for change. I usually only see enough ladies to build a safe number of references until I find a favorite. And when she retires from UTR, I start over pending other factors.

Strangely most of my ATFs have come from Texas, none local yet but Im always scoping.
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Old 11-09-2010, 06:22 AM   #9
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I have several ATFs in several states....I think what sets them apart is the "connection" we have developed...I feel 100% safe & secure with them....i have one ATF in Alabama who madkes me special gifts geared toward my personality...I have a special ATF in Nola who goes to great lengths to wear special boxers for me{Thanks JM S}!!!

{my SO says I would marry them all if it was legal...lol}
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Old 11-09-2010, 06:48 AM   #10
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Do you mean me dallas? but there is a lot of truth to this thread. Imo, it starts with a mind blowing session and afterwards being able to cuddle up and feel satisfied. When it feels way more like friends w/ benefits instead of a business transaction.
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Old 11-09-2010, 07:14 AM   #11
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mmmmmmmmmm YES Jm..lol!!
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Old 11-09-2010, 07:34 AM   #12
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Just like any other relationship, it's a mind/body/spirit connection. Attitude on both parts plays a huge role, but then, so does chemistry.

For me, this is a date, simply Match.com with money! We are providing for each other, and that needs to be appreciated on both ends. I need time to at least have a cocktail and enjoy the mutual seduction. Otherwise, it's just going through the motions. If someone won't take the time to engage my mind, discover a bit of who I am and allow me the same privilage, it's a big yawn.

I am just discovering the NoLa scene and loving it, but back home in Boston I have a handful of gents who consider me their girl on the side. We stay in touch when we can't see each other, and when we do, look out! All that pent up passion is a strong force! Familiarity creates a comfort zone. It's so nice to have friends who truly care about your well being and want to help you achieve your goals and dreams.
And will exit stage left is that's what the gent decides.
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Old 11-09-2010, 07:55 AM   #13
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My problem is that I have too many ATF's. The reason I got into the hobby was for the variety and adding a little spice to my life. Not only does this include BCD, but also a ladies sense of humor and mental connection. What I didn't realize is that all of the wonderful women I have seen bring something new and add a little spice here and there. I have only seen a few ladies where i didn't have a great time, but the rest are ATF's.
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Old 11-09-2010, 08:00 AM   #14
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stick babe..you are one of MY atf s!
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Old 11-09-2010, 08:44 AM   #15
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There seems to be many definitions of an ATF, to me ATF means the ONE special lady that I connect with, an ATF is not an SO, but a lady I will see over and over and feel that she also enjoys my company as much as I enjoy hers, not just acting. I have been in sessions with an ATF where we spend so much time talking and laughing that BCD has to occur after my time has expired, lol. That is a great date because she is having as much fun as I am just conversating, that to me is an ATF. Also, an ATF to me is an actual frined, she calls me to say hi every so often, I call her and discuss things outside of the hobby, I have eaten dinners and lunches with them off the clock. Neither of us stalks each other but we email or txt a few times each week and maybe once a month eat a lunch together.

I have noticed my ATFs have all been parents, cuz I am too, been within 5 years of age of me - at the same place in life, Huge Saints fans, as I am, business minded and oriented as I am. So we have had a lot in common.

For me the two sexiest and alluring parts of a woman are her mind and heart. Without intelligence and a good soul she will not be an ATF. Your beautiful looks gets me to answer an ad or email you and I will do the first session, but her mind and soul keep me coming back, that simple.

There is one thing that turns me off of an ATF and thats - lies. Once I find out I am being strung along for my money and she has been acting the whole time she is no longer an ATF. Do not call me one of your ATFs and I am not, those words do not flatter me unless I can feel she really means it. And that happens very rarely.

An ATF will understand that my schedule is crazy and I may have to push things around at the last minute, she has grown to know that I am not playing games but truely need to push things around.

I do not know if this ansers the question but these are my thoughts at present time.
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