Originally Posted by ~Ze~
Well, that's what I thought..
I guess I just need to research the laws and figure out why it is so hard to nail them for what they are doing instead of a license issue.
The investigaor on the show mentioned that to arrest the pimps for that actual crime in Harris County, you have actually witness the money change hands between the pimp and an undercover, or the pimp and the girl. Also, the girls are afraid the talk about the pimps at all, so they have not alternative to the above.
Because of this, they have started arresting for weapons, drugs, etc., and imposing fines on the cantinas for things such as building code violations, drugs, liquour licensing, etc. The philosophy is to make it so hard to do their business that it runs them out of business or at least becomes someone else's problem. Sadly enough, this does not solve the problem entirely, but hopefully will drive some of the traffickers out of business.