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11-04-2010, 09:13 PM
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Join Date: Jan 3, 2010
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Posts: 62
Scary true story -- really happened -- what would you do?
While my days of visiting upstate NY seem to be over, I'm posting this here because I have been a small part of your vibrant community for awhile ... and because I have found so many men and women whose opinions I respect.
This really happened to me, just about two weeks ago, and I wonder what you would have done, and how you think providers would have reacted. It's long, but it's fun (now that it will have a happy ending ... it was scary stuff going through it).
Since I stopped traveling to upstate, I have started taking visits near home, and I recently scheduled a morning visit in Boston with a woman I had seen before from California. My excuse to the family as to why I was headed in to the city for the morning involved a meeting with a friend who has wanted to do business with me for awhile, and who was supposed to meet me at his office, in a cool, landmark everybody-knows-it building in town. It was just a simple "I've got business" alibi, with the details thrown in when more information was requested. It was a safe thing, but I hadn't given it much thought (there's a moral in that ... we'll get to it later).
Well, I met the provider at a different part of town, and we started off having a great time. I had planned two hours, and we weren't even done with one. It had been energetic and fun, and it was going to be an MSOG kind of morning.
And then I started feeling funny. Not ha-ha funny, either.
I was trying everything to get myself comfortable, but couldn't. Thought I might vomit, the provider is getting concerned ... and so am I. Because I have a family history, each new symptom is making it clear to me ... that despite the fact that I have never had a single physical warning sign in my life ... I may be having a heart attack.
Now I am parked a block away and I am very close to one of the best hospitals in the world. The provider is thinking she should call an ambulance. She's got a suite with a nice living room area for business, but an ambulance pick-up at a boutique hotel away from the place I was going "on business" and and my excuse is busted ... and EVERYTHING that comes with being caught in the hobby. Don't call an ambulance and ... how bad ARE these chest pains really ... because they're not stopping and breathing is not getting any easier.
There came a point where it was obvious this was not going to stop if I laid down or something. So decisions had to be made.
What would you have done?
Would you:
1) Get dressed, drag yourself out to the car and drive yourself to the hopsital?
2) Ask the provider to get dressed and drive you to the hospital, hoping you could come up with an excuse for why someone your family does not know (as opposed to the person you were supposed to be meeting) wound up taking you in an emergency?
3) Get dressed and call for an ambulance, figuring you would have some time or ability to change the story midstream (and if you did this, what do you think you would have changed the story to)?
If you are the provider, would you have:
1) Run out of the room?
2) Called the ambulance to the hotel, and gotten me (and you dressed) while we waited.
3) Gotten dressed and told me you'd drive or demanded to drive me to the hospital?
And once you get to the hospital and the doctors are grilling you about what was happening when you started having pain, etc. ...
1) Are you telling them what you were doing?
2) Are you telling them the story you have cooked up to try to save yourself from being caught?
Now the rest of the story:
While I was struggling, the provider said the magic words a man wants to hear from any provider ... "Tell me what to do, I'll do whatever you want." I can make that tacky joke because I had her get dressed, told her where my car was -- she was pretty insistent about driving -- and I dressed and met her at the door. I was able to have her drive the short distance to the best emergency room in the city. I gave her a brief story, enough to be a cover, in the two minutes of the drive where I was comfortable talking.
I was turning gray, apparently, when she drove into the emergency room driveway. She was crying. She ran in and got me some help; I was on a table -- having a 100% block removed and a stent inserted -- less than 15 minutes later (around the time when my two-hour appointment should have been coming to an end). While she does not believe she saved my life, I will forever be in her debt on several levels. I am well on the way to making a full recovery (and I have lost 10% of my body weight as I start a long, life-changing process). I'm healthier than I was before this happened ... because the damage to my heart was minimal ... and I am finally aware of just how far I had let my physical condition deteriorate. My story of who she was and why she drove me was more than plausible; I stuck with it for everyone I talked to.
Moral of the story -- no matter how you answered the questions -- is to think carefully about what happens if, for any reason, your excuse blows up.
A few final notes here:
I have talked to the provider since everything happened. She had told a few of her friends in the hobby, and more than one of them said they would have run out of the room, just bolted to leave me to figure it out. One told her she would have packed her suitcase and taken everything ... and might have decided to just not return to the hotel (she was actually staying there for another day).
Oh, and one last question for the providers: This delightful young woman is planning to retire and she has one last trip my way planned for after the new year. She told me she would be very disappointed if I didn't meet her for lunch. Of course I will, but I suggested that I might be more disappointed if we don't get to have some fun. Sex is not out forever; heck, according to my doctor I can start up again reasonably soon if I am willing to let a partner carry the action. She said she would think about it ... because she's just not sure she would ever want to take that chance again having lived through one heart attack with me. So, ladies, if one of your friends had a heart attack while seeing you and put you through this much stuff ... would you see them again or would you keep it strictly platonic?
I look forward to your responses and what you might have done or will do if ever this happens to you. I'm glad my story didn't play out into a bad cliche, and I am sure your answers will be about as much fun or as much of a laugh as I can actually get out of this.
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11-04-2010, 10:15 PM
Join Date: Dec 17, 2009
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It was every "mature" hobbyist's nightmare coming true! I am so glad you were in the company of such a wonderful angel. Otherwise you might have become as infamous as Nelson Rockefeller for your inconvenient demise.
If it happened to me, I would definitely want to get dressed first. Beyond that, I really don't know what I would do.
I hope you are recovering nicely.
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11-05-2010, 02:38 AM
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good luck to you and your recovery
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11-05-2010, 03:00 AM
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Wow! Glad you are OK and have your health under control. I would have done the same thing as your lady friend. If you were not capable of making a decision or going to the car, I would call an ambulance. I can't even imagine running out the door. I remember when I was a kid in NYC, a woman went down in the street and people walked over her. No one stopped to help. Never will forget it and never would do the same to anyone.
When I brought a friend to the doctor who admitted him to the hospital, I stayed and went over the history as best I could. I said I was family. Too funny.......later on, he asked me if my "real" name was really my real name!
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11-05-2010, 04:47 AM
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Mr Inv you really got lucky with this fine provider.
Being a gent who has 2 stents I can appreciate your situation.
You should buy that "lady" a lobster for lunch & bring a little gift too. You really were with a fine woman & a great lady.
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11-05-2010, 07:17 AM
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Since it seems to me that most hobbyists are of a "better vintage"
(read older.....  )........
.....this story should make us all pay close and serious attention. Anyone remember the look on the face of Elliot Spitzer's wife at that press conference he had, admitting that he was a hobbyist?
I dont' think that anyone, hobbyist or provider, would want anyone significant to them to look like that. And, conversely guys....what if a provider had a major health emergency, same type of situation? Would any of you guys run, or try to help them out?
We all seem to take safety into consideration when seeking a provider, and providers seek the same safety by screening......
....but, like all of us supposedly educated Americans, we take our health for granted. Seems to me that your health, and ability to be sexually active, should be considered as one of the safety precautions of hobbying, for guys and gals.
Let's face it......all the guys hefting a brew with their "buds" would admit to wanting to "die in the saddle" with a sexy babe.....but really, I don't think THAT would be the way I want to go!!!!!!!
Guys and girls, think.
Hope you are doing well, Mr. Invisible.......
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11-05-2010, 08:21 AM
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Wow, very compelling story. Really glad it all ended so well. And I'm also glad to learn that your provider friend was such a good person. I have to believe that, contrary to some of the feedback that she got, that most providers would not only do the same thing, but have already considered the possibility.
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11-05-2010, 09:37 AM
Per LAP Having Fun!
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Mr I
First, I too am very glad you are ok and it turned out well for you! This lady you were with is definately as said by others above an Angel !!
It sure does make you think, and I don't really know what I would do if it were happening to me. If it was my lady friend that became sticken I would only think I would make sure help was summoned and she was taken care of! It truely does make one think and give us all something to keep in mind.
Thanks for sharing this story with us and you are still a part of us!!
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11-05-2010, 12:38 PM
Gaining Momentum
Join Date: Jan 3, 2010
Location: Boston
Posts: 62
I should point out -- and perhaps this is why it's important for all hobbyists to think about this story, regardless of age -- that I would not really consider myself "vintage." I'm still in my 40s. While family history certainly would have indicated this was possible, nothing in my life gave me a clue that I had any blockages or trouble.
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11-05-2010, 01:10 PM
Account Disabled
Omgosh mr invisible!! I hope your doing well now...I read this and thought about how many times that particular thing has gone through my mind and what I would do...I would have done exactly the same thing..and probly ask the exact same question.."what can I do for you..what do you need me todo" I would help dress him..whatever he needed!! Im very happy that the lady you were with was a very very good lady. Thank goodness!!!!
I often tell some of my friends (hobby friends) this story..I had a client come to see me and he was an older gent..he left his oxygen in the car!! He was embarrassed to bring it in because he
was worried about what I'd think..I scolded him for not bringing it in....Its about keeping you safe and sound no matter what the problem need air..bring it in..i always try to have asprin on hand as well just in case...and I am approximately 7 minutes from the if it ever happened..Id drive him there and take a taxi back to my he wouldn't have to worry about the whole wifey..thing and questions in regards to where is the car.....
I think if a provider runs out on a client in this situation..well thats about as bad as it can get..I would hope a gent would return the favor and get me to where I need to go if in the event I was the needing help.....many huggs to you!!!nita..
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11-05-2010, 03:28 PM
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So glad you are doing better!! And please make sure you are always on top of your nitro tablets and keep them up to date and current. I scold at my mother all the time because she will let them expire and when she needs them, they do not work.
Heart attacks run in my family as well. Although I would be panic for the client and very worried and concerned, I would most definitely ask what they needed me to do or wanted me to do. If that means I'm driving you up to the hospital, than so be it. To just run out of the room and leave is horrible. Especially when someone is in pain and very uncomfortable.
And as Anita stated, if the shoe was on the other foot, I would only hope the client would do the same for my self. Yes lots of questions could come up or people wondering all of a sudden who this person is, but like how you said, you think quickly and the problem can be solved and the person is getting the help they need.
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11-05-2010, 04:56 PM
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MrInvisible, Thank God and the provider that you are ok.
This reminded me of a recent meeting with a favorite provider (yes she is here!) as we were together, I heard her say to me "Do Not Have a heart attack on me "
I wonder what she would have done if I actually was having a heart attack ?
My guess; She would have called an ambulance and stayed with me to make sure that I am OK !
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11-06-2010, 01:48 AM
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On a lighter note, who was the provider? If she's hot enough to cause heart attacks, then I definitely wanna see her too!
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11-06-2010, 03:36 AM
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First off. It's good to hear that after this whole ordeal you are doing well.
When I first became an escort I had a client, late 70's, who started to have breathing troubles. I was terrified and didn't really know what was going on and he was having a hard time telling me. The first thing that came to my mind was to call 911. He insist that I not because of the same reasons you stated. I told him to let me know whatever I could do to help. Luckily he had his oxygen tank in his car and I was able to go retrieve it for him. He then was able to get his breathing under control. I was so relieved after it was all over. Leaving never entered my mind. How low it would be to leave someone in that condition. I would take whatever action necessary to ensure I did my part in helping them. After the fact I did think what murky waters may have been ahead of me if, god forbid, he died in the room but I would still do the same thing in a heartbeat (no pun intended) if it were to happen again.
After that he did ask to see me again and while I appreciated the thought I declined. Just didn't think it could be "normal" for me after that. I would always feel like I was walking on egg shells.
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11-06-2010, 03:16 PM
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Wow! What a story. If I didn't know better I'd almost say you made it up. I would have NEVER left you there. Glad you are okay.
P.s. I'm looking forward to seeing you again...after lunch!!!
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