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Old 11-03-2010, 11:56 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by charlestudor2005 View Post
Tell that to the city of El Paso, experiencing an increase in soldiers at Ft. Bliss. Economic growth is booming.

See http://www.elpasotexas.gov/RGMP/intro.html.
Yea but Charles , that is coming from the expense of some other sector of society.

Fuc, the banks are doing fine too but that is because we prop them up with government guarantee's.

What PJ is trying to say is that it is not the governments job to pick winners and losers but I know he loses a bit of credibility when he chamopions industry that is in fact proped up by government!
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Old 11-03-2010, 12:32 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by charlestudor2005 View Post
...And BTW, I believe the US Gov has more employees than any single private employer. And they hire every single day.]
I'm beginning to wonder if you are that naive or are do you really know the truth and you just like to inflame situations. Sure the govt is hiring. But what you haven't or can't understand is that the govt has to take the money from the private sector to pay those new employees. They produce nothing. They make no private income. Even the interest gained on the payed back tarp loans is going to have to pay the interest on the money they BORROWED to bail out the fargin' banks.

Govt spending BORROWED money has a negative affect on the economy. They will have to pay the money back with accrued interest and common sense tells us the only way to pay it back is to take more from the economy.

Putting tax revenue back into the economy does nothing because they are just redistributing the money. How in the world is that so hard to comprehend?
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Old 11-03-2010, 01:14 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler View Post
I'm beginning to wonder if you are that naive or are do you really know the truth and you just like to inflame situations. Sure the govt is hiring. But what you haven't or can't understand is that the govt has to take the money from the private sector to pay those new employees. They produce nothing. They make no private income. Even the interest gained on the payed back tarp loans is going to have to pay the interest on the money they BORROWED to bail out the fargin' banks.

Govt spending BORROWED money has a negative affect on the economy. They will have to pay the money back with accrued interest and common sense tells us the only way to pay it back is to take more from the economy.

Putting tax revenue back into the economy does nothing because they are just redistributing the money. How in the world is that so hard to comprehend?
Sounds like you'd vote for Bill Clinton if he could run again, seein' as how he was the last one to leave the govt in the black.
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Old 11-03-2010, 01:23 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
How many jobs did the bank bailout save?
Hmmmm, I don't really know (but neither does anyone else), but if one seriously thinks back to what happened when the market went to shit in 2007/08, one will remember how worried everyone was that uncontrolled bank failures would throw the world into another Great Depression. The DJIA was just above 6,000 and almost everyone's 401K/IRA was worth 50% of what it was a few weeks before. I'm not sure that we needed to go through that meltdown in order to come up with a count of lost jobs. Remember that the bank bailout was initially Dubya's deal - and probably one of the smarter moves he made.

This is why a lot of this discussion is tail-chasing (as in dogs, not hobbyists after the ladies...LOL). An awful lot of time is spent arguing points of historical fact and it's just disheartening to see the level of cynicism that is required to act like the current recession just sort of happened and is no big deal, just an excuse to spend a lot of taxpayer money and raise taxes. That wasn't what happened at the time because all of the talking head shows were wringing their hands and wondering if we were headed into a real depression.

Recovery is slow, but it's miles ahead of the hole we would still be in if the TARP program wasn't implemented. I just wish people could focus their anger where it needs to be, i.e. the obscene pay and bonus rates still being thrown at those who screwed the pooch to begin with. Those folks are NOT the only ones who could have unwound their mess, there are hundreds of others just behind them in the Wall Street food chain who are "competent" and more than willing to take their job at a lower rate.
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Old 11-03-2010, 01:33 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Randy4Candy View Post
Just remember that the bank bailout was initially Dubya's deal - and probably one of the smarter moves he made.
yes and he also had the sense to charge them through the nose for the short-term loans/investments and structure the deal so we would make some money. He didn't get into all the populist angst shit or extending it to every crony capitalist that he owed a favor to.
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Old 11-03-2010, 01:40 PM   #36
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pj, yep and as I had to point out to you in another thread they have paid a lot of it back and the government didn't "throw away" the TARP $$, but actually made us taxpayers a decent return.

Most of the angst is over there against the right field foul line.....let's just see how moving from the peanut gallery onto the field and having to make some plays works out. You heard it here first: The TP/Repub victory will assure Obama and the Dems romp in '12 because there is absolutely no way what was promised can be delivered. If the Dems are as cynical as the Repubs they should just do what the Repubs have done for the past two years. Two can play that game, but I suspect that there are more real patriots on the blue side than ever existed amongst the redstockings.
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Old 11-03-2010, 02:27 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by charlestudor2005 View Post
Sounds like you'd vote for Bill Clinton if he could run again, seein' as how he was the last one to leave the govt in the black.
And that has what to do with what I typed? I was in the Marine Corp during the Ronald Reagan era when BC came into office I left. Don't ask don't tell, the balanced budget act that killed retirement for military personnel living below the poverty line while his cabinet and democratic congress gave themselves pay raises.

Not to mention the medicare funding he killed to retirement communites. Look up Genesis Health or here's a link (just one of the companies that had to file bankruptcy after the compassionate, for-the-people, Clintons passed the BBA ''Deep cuts in Medicare reimbursements..."). Your idol caused the closer of Retirement Communities and the loss of a lot of health industry jobs. Oh and btw I was well aware of his educational policy as governer of Arkansas. Education in Ark was one of the worst in the country during his stint in Little Rock.

Vote for that a$$hole? are you fargin' kidding me?
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Old 11-03-2010, 03:40 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Randy4Candy View Post
Hmmmm, I don't really know (but neither does anyone else), but if one seriously thinks back to what happened when the market went to shit in 2007/08, one will remember how worried everyone was that uncontrolled bank failures would throw the world into another Great Depression.
Yea and those WMD's sared the fuc out of us too. You want to get the public behind you, tell them they are under attack or drop their net worth by half quickly!

Originally Posted by Randy4Candy View Post
Recovery is slow, but it's miles ahead of the hole we would still be in if the TARP program wasn't implemented. I just wish people could focus their anger where it needs to be, i.e. the obscene pay and bonus rates still being thrown at those who screwed the pooch to begin with. Those folks are NOT the only ones who could have unwound their mess, there are hundreds of others just behind them in the Wall Street food chain who are "competent" and more than willing to take their job at a lower rate.
That is exactly why the Dem's got whipped. They not only bailed out Wall Street, they gave them a bonus and said "Same course, slower speed, you greedy campaign contributors!'' winkidy wink

You are right about the poor Tea Party folks, they do not have a clue as to the lion's den they are about to walk in. No different than the bs contract with amercia GOP crap in '94 where the first thing they did was defeat their own term limit promise
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Old 11-03-2010, 03:59 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
. No different than the bs contract with amercia GOP crap in '94 where the first thing they did was defeat their own term limit promise

In 2006 it was Hastert that was booted out. In 2010 It was Pelosi. I predict that the American people will have Boehner on a very short leash in 2010. It is easy to blame the other guy (or lady) but now the shoe is on the other foot. The R's now have to put up or shut up! They can't blame their failures on Obama anymore!

Gee, I wonder if Boehner will once again cry on national television when he has to explain why his term as Speaker of the House proves to be a dismal failure in 2012!

Wah! Wah! Wah! What a frigging wuss!!!!!
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Old 11-03-2010, 05:31 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Randy4Candy View Post
pj, yep and as I had to point out to you in another thread they have paid a lot of it back and the government didn't "throw away" the TARP $$, but actually made us taxpayers a decent return.
You have me confused with WTF -- he is the one that thinks it was a great give away.

As I've noted elsewhere, TARP was designed to stop a bank run -- a liquidity issue. In total, the money was never at risk. Except that is until some dork (cough "Obama") decided to make it a cookie jar to rescue his buds.
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Old 11-03-2010, 05:43 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by pjorourke View Post
You have me confused with WTF -- he is the one that thinks it was a great give away.

As I've noted elsewhere, TARP was designed to stop a bank run -- a liquidity issue. In total, the money was never at risk. Except that is until some dork (cough "Obama") decided to make it a cookie jar to rescue his buds.

Speaking of dorks, what you described sounds a lot like Cheney and Haliburton. Dickie-boy was a little smarter in that he knew he'd have more than a couple of years to hide behind the I-racka, U-racka war. But, what's a few thousand dead kids among friends? Guess there IS a lot to be said about being trained by the Original DICK, Nixon (hmmmmm, speaking of "enemies lists'" hmmmmm)..
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Old 11-03-2010, 06:43 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by pjorourke View Post
You have me confused with WTF -- he is the one that thinks it was a great give away.

No, it is you that thinks it a great idea. Or you think part of it was.

What I think is that if you are dumb enough to give it to the crooked bankers you don't have much choice but open it up to the rest of the country....So your liquidity run on the banks became a run on this country treasury. Great jobs regulating yourselves bankers....Greenspan did not think anyone that dumb, remember PJ?

I am the person that thinks wasted money on Defense is the exact same as wasted money on welfare. I am the one that says you do not reward bad behavior. I am the one that says you do not give the key to your house to the man who just robbed you, even if he was your banker. You treat him like the thief he is.

So think what you want R4C

Originally Posted by pjorourke View Post
As I've noted elsewhere, TARP was designed to stop a bank run -- a liquidity issue. In total, the money was never at risk.
And anyone with an ounce of sense knows that you present a Polarid Picture of an event that needs to be viewed on a DVD.

The banks would have never been able to pay back shit without all the other bailouts they created (well they created the need!lol) with that toxic bs credit swaps. You fail to take into account the totatality of the bailout. And you never never ever never mention that a third of TARP was in the form of tax relief.
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Old 11-03-2010, 07:02 PM   #43
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Old 11-03-2010, 08:02 PM   #44
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"Sounds like you'd vote for Bill Clinton if he could run again, seein' as how he was the last one to leave the govt in the black."

You mean Newt Gingrich.The congress controls the purse strings.

"In 2006 it was Hastert that was booted out. In 2010 It was Pelosi. I predict that the American people will have Boehner on a very short leash in 2010. It is easy to blame the other guy (or lady) but now the shoe is on the other foot. The R's now have to put up or shut up! They can't blame their failures on Obama anymore!"

They sure can blame Obama! Obviously Obama is the president, democrats control the Senate , democrats control the courts.
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Old 11-03-2010, 08:58 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by macksback View Post
democrats control the courts.
Huh? Around 60% of Federal judges have been appointed by Republicans. 40% were appointed by GWB. 10 of 13 circuits have a majority appointed by a Republican president. The Supreme Court is more conservative now than it has been for generations (6 of 9 appointed by a Republican), probably have to go back to the beginning of FDR's administration for that.
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